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Everything posted by suzilightning

  1. martha rose schulman's hors d'oeuvres book. potted shrimp? i have several cheese recipes that can be used as spreads for bread or crackers or as filling for celery or endive. will pm you if you like. i agree with maggie - i'd rather nosh than eat a regular meal(many is the time our new years eve celebration has been homemade pigs in a blanket, spanikopita, and sweet and sour meatballs). hmmmmmmm pigs in a blanket? sweet and sour meatballs... middle america? hold our for the fruit basket with the sour cream and brown sugar dip..... have a good time
  2. snowangel- congrats to your inlaws. relish plates are great. can you do the filling for deviled eggs beforehand? plate up the whites and cover them with plastic wrap. plastic bags with the corner cut off for filling. otherwise egg salad sandwiches. ham salad sandwiches. chicken salad sandwiches. can you sneak in some watercress or greens? for the kids pb&j. mini beef sandwiches made with filet, greens, mustard and small rolls or larger rolls that are hollowed out cut in quarters. fruit bowl?
  3. johnnybird made one set of bitter we named Broadwing Bitter. since the broadwing hawks migrate through about the same time every fall (12-25 september) we knew when we could crack the first one to test.
  4. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2005

    i was planning on making pasta with meatballs but there was fresh ground lamb at the market yesterday so change of plans... mini lamb burgers with greek yoghurt leftover rice transformed with garlic, minced onion, saffron, peas and a bit of stock. tomato, cucumber and parsley salad
  5. more streamlining so more books to let go of(though one isn't a cookbook). same rules apply - pm me with your snail mail address if you are interested. i answer in order received and will pop them off to you. so... here goes The Good Housekeeping Illustrated Microwave Cookbook Gourmet's In Short Order edited to remove claimed books
  6. Tomato Rice soup Serves 4 as Soup. 5 large tomatoes peeled, cut in half and seeded 2 T olive oil 1 onion, diced 1 carrot, diced 1/4 c Arborio rice 4 c hot vegetable stock 2 tsp sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp white pepper 2 sprigs flat leaf parsley 2 sprigs thyme Freshly chopped flat leaf parsley for garnish Peel the tomatoes with a vegetable peeler. Cut the tomatoes in half crosswise; scoop the seeds into a strainer set over a bowl. Chop the tomato pulp and set aside. When all the tomatoes are seeded and cored stir the seeds in the strainer to get as much liquid out as possible; discard the seeds. Heat the vegetable stock in a pot. Heat the olive oil in a heavy pot. Add onion and carrots, sweat until the onion is softened but not browned, about 5 minutes. Add the rice and stir until coated with the oil. Add the tomatoes and stir. Add the tomato water, hot stock, sugar, salt and pepper, parsley sprigs and thyme. Bring almost to a boil then lower the heat, cover and simmer for 45 minutes. Remove the herb sprigs. Recheck for seasonings. Serve with parsley garnish. Keywords: Soup, Vegetarian, Intermediate, Vegetables ( RG1273 )
  7. Tomato Rice soup Serves 4 as Soup. 5 large tomatoes peeled, cut in half and seeded 2 T olive oil 1 onion, diced 1 carrot, diced 1/4 c Arborio rice 4 c hot vegetable stock 2 tsp sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp white pepper 2 sprigs flat leaf parsley 2 sprigs thyme Freshly chopped flat leaf parsley for garnish Peel the tomatoes with a vegetable peeler. Cut the tomatoes in half crosswise; scoop the seeds into a strainer set over a bowl. Chop the tomato pulp and set aside. When all the tomatoes are seeded and cored stir the seeds in the strainer to get as much liquid out as possible; discard the seeds. Heat the vegetable stock in a pot. Heat the olive oil in a heavy pot. Add onion and carrots, sweat until the onion is softened but not browned, about 5 minutes. Add the rice and stir until coated with the oil. Add the tomatoes and stir. Add the tomato water, hot stock, sugar, salt and pepper, parsley sprigs and thyme. Bring almost to a boil then lower the heat, cover and simmer for 45 minutes. Remove the herb sprigs. Recheck for seasonings. Serve with parsley garnish. Keywords: Soup, Vegetarian, Intermediate, Vegetables ( RG1273 )
  8. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2005

    If I can eat dinner tonight (I might be drinking dinner instead), I'll have mashed potatoes and ice cream. Today I'm having periodontal surgery and I'll have stitches. Anybody else been through this ordeal and have suggestions for the possibility of a couple days of soft meals? This is a terrible thing to happen to a foodie. susan - i almost lost john one year from an infection before he could have surgery. your blender is your friend. if you are up to it - stewed fruits with cream - blended. stewed fruits with ice cream - blended. cooked spinach with garlic and potatoes with cream and broth - blended. sweet potatoes with maple syrup and cream - blended. ice cream stout floats topped with toast dope? the best pot roast i have EVER done went into the blender. anything so john could handle it. good luck and fast healing
  9. anything you bring( something that can be frozen, casseroles for the family at the time or sweets[ really appreciated any of those cakes i don't like to make that i could offer to other mourners paying their respects when my mom died] will be appreciated by those who are missing their family member. any sincere expression of mourning is always welcomed and celebrated.
  10. yes, the lake is back.. also looks like zoe(who will be 5 one day before I will be 51) will soon have a sibling to play with - congratulations to all We were celebrating our 23rd wedding anniversary and had planned to be down in cape may at martini beach but an octogenarian cat on her last legs and a desire to relax kept us in north jersey for our anniversary. We were thinking of various options then the monthly brunch at Zoe's by the Lake came to mind. How wonderful. Got there about 11 am. John had a whiskey sour and I had a glass of the Leroy- Duval. The bread basket was interesting - croissants, peasant bread, blueberry muffin and apple spice muffin served with butter, blueberry and strawberry(?) preserves. The bread was nice, the croissants weren't eaten and the apple spice muffin was drier than the sahara. Perhaps the butter should be a bit warmer since the bread isn't served warm? There were several special occasions being observed(at least 4 birthdays including the co-owner's mom from what I overheard and saw). Do not let them know it is a special occasion unless you enjoy several servers serenading you - possibly in several keys (what ever happened to low key celebrations - a drink or dessert for the celebrant?!!) We decided to go whole hog and eat more than we usually do (with suitable leftovers for breakfast today). He had jumbo lump crab salad with mango salsa and cukes and then a lobster, asparagus, and chatarelle omlet with roasted potatoes and greens. I do believe he was an eagle or osprey in a previous life!!! I had the mixed baby greens and endive with shaved parmesan (might want to double check the greens before they go out - most of the endive ends were brownish/ red in color) and the grilled filet with wild mushrooms, red pearl onion(don't know where they were - saw about 5 pearl onions but couldn't tell they were red pearls) and fingerling potato hash(you mean the cubed potatoes under the meat? Isn't hash supposed to be crispy?) with truffle sauce - oh yes, this was very tasty!!! For the first time tried the dessert - the chocolate platter and our server and the kitchen were very accomodating about replacing the white chocolate(sorry that ain't chocolate) with dark and extra truffles. The ice cream and mousse were suburb, the truffles were to die for !!!! luckily john liked the chocolate cake with nuts more than I did though the mousse cake(?) with caramel sauce was to die for . Total for 1 whiskey sour, 3 glasses of champagne, 2 appetizers, 2 entrees and 1 shared dessert 106 plus tip.
  11. friday a disappointing killians red and an ok pilsner urquell on tap for lunch(and still managed to beat the six guys at "who wants to be a millionaire"). yesterday and today - sorry - rose and regular champagne to celebrate johnnybird's and my 23rd wedding anniversary. more beer tomorrow
  12. i have a recipe for emeril's chicken and apple smoked sausages that has beer and bourbon in the sauce. flammanade of course. brats in beer.... i do have a recipe for a guinnes cake i haven't gotten around to trying yet. maybe if it stays cool up here i will.
  13. suzilightning

    Lawnmower Beer

    corona is good... as is middlebury ale by otter creek how come so many chicks are answering this?
  14. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2005

    john was back from the land of the Rangers(Ft. Benning) so we got dinner together - first time since last sunday. poblano peppers stuffed with chorizo and potato. plated with a sauce that was a mix of red and white onions, carrots that had been cooked in water, vinegar, bay leaves, cumin and allspice. mixed baby greens. susan, love the river horse- had it on tap at Hot Rod's BBQ
  15. i think it may also be a county/city thing. i grew up in on a small island in new york state and remember food being brought to the house when someone died. we also did the wake(after funeral party) at home - usually cold cut platters and all the extra food people had brought. on the thread mahew man mentioned uppost i talked about my mom's that was held in the Legion Hall and we cooked many of her favorites (yes, stuffed eggs - no mustard) and others brought foods as well. now when johnnybird's grandmother died last year the funeral meal was catered by Subway i second racheld's suggestion of Being Dead is No Excuse. our library bought it, it was laugh out loud funny and had some good recipes - including 5 different ones for pimento cheese
  16. hmmm..... it seems we are falling a bit behind. in order to forward the progress i made a pot of Albondiags soup for eating and to send up to the mil. rice, ground sirloin, ground pork, flat leaf parsley, egg whites and white bread, carrots, garlic, tomato, carrots and broth. i have to make more stock - vege and white chicken. will post the tomato rice soup that won the nj countryside first place in recipe gullet as soon as i can(though since i am dexclining the studio shoot they may disqualify me - c'est la vie)
  17. today was a trip to restock my other vices and to add to the growing bottles for trying so, in an attempt to be scientific, i picked up an Otter Creek Middlebury Ale and Stovepipe Porter. i tried the ale first after i had mowed the lawn and finished the raking. light and not too frothy. when i opened the bottle i had the sensation of berries. went down very smoothly and while nicely hopped it wasn't overly done. the stovepipe porter - though i do like porters- does seem more like a stout than a porter to me. dark, rich and sweet to my taste. not as bad as a guiness but i'm thinking johnnybird will be taking the other bottles down the shore with him....
  18. Homework: Everybody (in the appropriate time zones) - look up the Kentucky Derby and post what you think the most important Kentucky Derby foodstuffs are. This quiz will count toward your grade. ohhh.... hot browns, derby pie, juleps made with maker's mark. guess i'm going to have to stop by the store today and pick up some good bourbon and mint
  19. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2005

    OOOOHHHHHH<where is the swoon icon!!>, markk. food porn at it's best. can you fedex me some of the beet salad. johnnybird won't touch beets in any way, shape or form - including goldens and i love them. on second thought, any chance of the recipe. huh? huh? pretty please? last night at work - enchiladas made with a red chile sauce from rob walsh's tex-mex cookbook, black beans and buffalo. green salad. tonight i am still full from the most wonderful smoked brisket wrap with homemade sauce and wasabi mayo i made a chili verde. we may eat it tomorrow but it will be served with baked tortilla wedges, crema and jicima carrot slaw. the one thing i will do differently next time is roast and peel the poblanos before adding them to the stew with the pork, onion, tomatillos and spices.
  20. gym...grocery shopping...i'm hungry there is a new, streamlined menu here though i have eaten my way almost all of the way through this menu imho the best thing on the menu is the brisket wrap(sorry anthony. i know some people think it's the ribs or pulled pork but THIS is HEAVEN). thinly sliced, wonderfully smoked brisket with iceberg lettuce(yes there is a reason for this crunchy green stuff) and wasabi mayo that adds, in a funny way, some sweetness. side of coleslaw, extra sauce and a dos equis. total 11.42 plus tip then i had to come home and make dinner though i had no desire to... oh, well the chili verde will just be better tomorrow
  21. Congratulations! Do we get to see the recipe? ← thanks. i have to email a contact at the magazine and ask if i can put it up on recipegullet - and of course give it to maggie for her soup experiment
  22. So, suzilightning, which are you entering in the NJ Cooking Contest: Tomato, Corn, or Blueberry?? well, i got a registered letter from New Jersey Countryside saying my recipe was selected as the winner in the tomato category. they also say i need to set up an appointment to be photographed, interviewed and bring all my recipe ingredients and the completed dish. hell, if i had known this i wouldn't have even entered. i don't want to be photographed and don't particularly want to go somewhere in in central jersey(i am assuming) schlepping my ingredients and a finished product. i wouldn't even make this dish at this time of the year.... anyone want to pretend they are me?
  23. back again but this time it is taking the form of mini reeses peanut butter cups(the proper ratio of chocolate to pb). unfortunately that means when the time comes and i won't feel like eating i will be down the shore. and there are so many neat places to eat - martini beach, marie nicole's, blue pig... and i will be at my least hungry... it isn't fair
  24. check out the New York Times Style Magazine this week(1 may). page 42-43 is a story on yeungling
  25. the InterLibrary Loan fairy brought me this book so..... what to make? the Montparnasse Gruyere Enchiladas looked really good so, since i'm alone for dinner... made the red chile sauce and (hopefully) haven't ruined the two sets of clothes the pepper mix splashed on while straining it. quickly rinsed in cold water and sprayed. used up some green tomato wraps that had gotten hard in the fridge so warmed in the micro and rolled with the ancho and cheese. drank an ipa while working then made a mango margarita while waiting for the enchiladas to cook. it was a bit too strong for me so i cut it by half with orange seltzer. i really like the smoothness and heat of the dish. am having it with some black beans and rice and a cold negro modela.
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