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Everything posted by suzilightning

  1. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2005

    the triple h day so it will be a cold dinner tonight. everything is prepped and in the fridge ready to go whenever johnnybird gets home mixed greens roasted peppers curried chicken waldorf salad crab salad (to be made into small sandwiches with some multigrain bread) radish and cucumbers in vinaigrette tomatoes radish soup bi color corn(this will be zapped in the microwave) for dessert there is a leftover mixed berry steamed pudding with hard sauce in the fridge: corona and limes, the makings for a hendricks martini, bottle of frexinet carta nevada(if i can find some decent peaches and ranier cherries this will become white sangria), bottle of key limen wine, lemonade and (unsweetened) iced tea.
  2. beef brisket and godiva key lime dark chocolates when will it end!!!!
  3. [i'm not sure about giving quantities here.... but I'll list what's in it - and I'm sure if you did it to taste it would be great... or you could buy the book just put a request in for us to buy it for the collection.
  4. steve- so nice to know the hrt(hormone replacement therapy) is working for you. has it really helped the leg hair?
  5. pam - that orange gazpacho sounds like something to try... recipe? or will it be in your cookbook? tonight the remnants of t.s. cindy are almost by us and the wind has shifted to a nnw so humid but cool in nw nj. pulled a container of chicken veg stock from the freezer and a lentil soup with chicken sausage is finishing on the stove. red and green lentils, onion, garlic, red and green peppers, bay, thyme and the stock. emeril's chicken sausages. i'm planning on serving bowls of this with some toasted olive bread and cheese. will send the leftovers up to the mil and bil who has a friend(cia trained chef) visiting. steve should like it - he is more of a pastry man.
  6. and it looks like this included in his newest book "Hamburgers & Fries: An American Story"
  7. if you aren't going to eat those walleye can you send them to me? please??(where is the begging icon) beautiful spot susan. and marsh marigolds are edible especially the young leaves that you can cook in 2 changes of boiling water but do remember to pick them before the plant has finished blooming.
  8. i live about 1.5 miles from here. the guy's wife owns the florist on the other side. you should see his ads in the local paper "I've got fish. I've got booze" i'm not too sure about this name
  9. in the August Food & Wine there is a good article by Matt and Ted Lee on Jeremy Jackson and his entries in the Iowa State Fair. one of the recipes that engendered instant cravings was Curyly Corn Dogs... http://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/invoke....curly-corn-dogs
  10. not just the booksellers but libraries, too. we'll receive our copies of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince probably this friday. we will be able to process them and get them ready for the shelf, put them in our catalog so those who didn't pre-request can add their names to the waiting list but we can't give them to our patrons until saturday the 16th. publishers have been known not to sell to stores, libraries, etc. who violate the argeements we make.
  11. ok snowangel how did it go? anyone get drunk? fights? were the police called? (you know i'm just kidding about this - right? after all it isn't poughkeepsie or anything) your food was wonderful as well, i'll bet.
  12. suzilightning

    Triple H Day

    thanks,guys- would love to try the cedar creek but have never seen it here in nw nj - usa. though i can get several types of ice wine from the niagra region with no problem. ok- point of information. if someone were up in eastern canada- st. catherine's east, say. might they find this cedar creek? have a former coworker from that area. sorry, no tonic. that quinine sends my heart racing like crazy. miguelito - i do love vino verdes though most of the ones we see in the states are not the "freshest". tongo - we should get together. i always have at least two kinds of prosecco in my cellar. in spring, when the apricots aren't ripe enough, i poach stoned halves in it then stuff the cooled apricot halves with mascarpone mixed with a lovely flavored honey. serve for dessert with the rest of the prosecco... well, johnnybird is going to order two cases of the key limon wine. i think i may cut it with some lime seltzer for a spritzer when it gets nasty again around here. happy drinking to all. and to all a big thank you(though you can keep those ideas flowing)
  13. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2005

    farmer's market in the morning then a mish mosh for both lunch and dinner of leftovers and salads 1/2 sandwich of leftover blue ribbon meatloaf 1/2 sandwich of tofu "egg salad" - wow really very good 3 bean salad made with small white, black and purple green beans. dressing of garlic(the last two items from the farmer's market today), tarragon vinegar, canola oil, dijon mustard and a touch of sugar. potato salad made with green and red peppers, celery salt, garlic oil, vidalia onion and miracle whip. dessert is cooling as we speak - the first figs stuffed with blue cheese, draped in prosciutto and baked briefly in the oven. port. edited to say that johnnybird liked the idea of blue cheese with prosciutto but didn't like it with the softness of the baked fig. i on the other hand have just licked my plate clean reveling in the saltiness of the cheese the crispy saltyness of the prosciutto and the sweet meltingness of the fig - and all the juices the three gave off. so ...... more for me BWWAAAHHHHHHAAAA
  14. lafayette was smaller but a bit better today as the first veg are starting to come in. Bear Creek Berry Patch had the first of their raspberries. Ren(who i have know for 20+ years from here in Jefferson when he owned a pizza joint) said they were only able to pick about 20 pints between the ladybugs and the weather. also picked up a bottle of raspberry honey from their farm. picked up a blueberry crumb pie from Windy Brow Farms. they had cherries and raspberries as well as their crullers. got a chance to talk to the owners of danaray farm about their pasture raised pork and chickens as well as the new winter csa they are starting. they had eggs, herbs and the first broccoli, garlic and cauliflower. popped across the way to the usual supplier of most of my veg(sorry have forgotten the name) a pint of strawberries and a pint of purple green beans here. they also had the first lettuce, vibrant yellow squash as well as zucchini and 8 ball (round) squash. beets and turnips but since john won't eat beets - any beets including golden - i skipped them. unfortunately the cheese guy and the goat cheese lady gave today a skip - guess it was busier on the farms themselves.
  15. johnnybird likes his like this but also mixed in with his german potato salad.
  16. Having spent a few years 'up north,' I often saw tomato sandwiches. But of the yankees with whom I chatted, none could recall eating them over the kitchen sink. But all the southerners seem to. ←
  17. glenn, sounds really wonderful. have you thought about Toufayan's Snuggles rolls? i hate the cheap white fluffy rolls, will use the Pepperidge Farms top split(new england style) buns and toast them but if i can find the Snuggles that's what i want my dogs to go into. their website: http://www.toufayan.com/snug.htm
  18. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2005

    johnnybird requested vegetarian for dinner last night so... shells stuffed with sauteed mushrooms,garlic and spinach bound with some lactose free cottage cheese and a bit of asiago and parmesan. local romaine and redleaf lettuce salad cheese bread i had a glass of Carlo Rossi Paisano and john had a Flying Fish Farmhouse Summer Ale leftovers for dinner tonight
  19. I'm not thinking an ice cube, but a chunk of butter in the middle, but it would make poking that hole that I do so well sort of difficult... ← ina garten does the chunk of butter in the middle. we tried the hole but i guess i made them too large since they didn't totally close. but john really, really liked the pb burgers. thanks marlene!!
  20. suzilightning

    Triple H Day

    thaks brad - i'm not a big beer drinker though i am expanding my horizons over on the beer thread. unfortunately the quinine in tonic does a number on my heart rate. really - think i'll have to stock up more reislings
  21. or ask your local Librarian Goddess (or Librarian God in rjwong's case) if you can look at their copy or i'll fax you a copy if you say pretty please
  22. nice article in the 27 June Publisher's Weekly by Lynn Andriani. but steve - the picture with the lobster claws.... might want to rethink that one.
  23. coffe milk - 12 oz 2% milk with 3 Tbsp coffee syrup and 3 ice cubes. shake well or blend. perfect way to start a hot day - protein, caffeine and it is cold
  24. I'm very lucky in that my kids do not care for American Cheese Spread Food Like Product. They like aged cheddar and other tasty cheeses. not like velveeta how can they hold their heads up at school?(just kiddin') Sigh. A man who can make pie crust. How unfortunate you're already taken. the hell with the pie crust - a man who knows how to make (as well as eat) succotash is a keeper. sorry johnnybird love the blog - can't wait to see more. merci
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