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Everything posted by suzilightning

  1. another mcewan's ipa while working on making the red chile sauce for tonight's dinner - cheese enchiladas. now, with the enchiladas, a negro modela - or two. though in between i did try a mango margarita from robb walsh's tex-mex cookbook. a bit to strong for me so i cut it with some orange seltzer...
  2. last night while catching up on our day johnnybird and i shared a dogfish head chicory stout. oh dear! oh my! oh gollygosh!!! nice dark brown color little bit of a head but not overly fizzy. smooth - john said it was a light stout- and creamy with out the burnt flavor i taste in guinness. maybe a little on the sweet side but i really, really liked it. good thing there are 5 more in the cellar
  3. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2005

    trying to use up leftovers before we leave for vacation: shallots, scallions, rice stick noodles, chicken stock, parsley, eggs, shrimp, rice wine vinegar, padd thai sauce - soup!! salad la foret
  4. ok susan and all.... john loves stouts. he feels guiness is the "nectar of the gods". he has found stouts from microbreweries in the hudson valley he says he will bring down for me to try. the problem is ...I AM A HOP HEAD. i admit it ...give me a hoppy brew and i am happy. i find stouts too dark, cloying, and heavy for my taste. as the bil would say "that doesn't make me a bad person" (in the tone of voice that of course it does). is it the taste, the timber, the weight of the brew that appeals to you? inquiring minds want to know...
  5. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2005

    kathy so sorry all of you are sick - though it seems to go round and round doesn't it?! tonight was vegetable/white bean/barley soup served with rye and cheddar toasts and salad. the next few days will be leftovers for lunch and dinner of soup, chicken stuffed with provolone and prosciutto and spaghetti with meatballs. next weekend it will be down the shore from sunday - tuesday though why i am grinning i'll never know - no oven, two burners and a mini microwave in the room!! it is ocean front though
  6. johnnybird's ususal drink when in poughkeepsie is molson canadian light - least amount of alcohol and, when you weigh in at a whopping 120 lbs. you just have to watch how much you drink or you can get in a lot of trouble. but, since he was home this weekend and working on my car, it was corona with lime and later, after dinner, with some lovely popped corn a tetley's right now i'm working on a mcewan's ipa. lovely color, not tooo much of a head and almost hoppy enough to make me happy
  7. made chicken stock on friday so now what to make with it.... it's cool and overcast here though luckily we don't have the snow some of you are getting - and it is likely to remain so through the week so something hearty and stew like - i have some barley and some baby dried limas so i do believe it will be a vegetable barley soup
  8. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2005

    friday night i had made a pot of tomato sauce with meatballs, spaghetti, green salad with yellow grape tomatoes and radishes(so i'm on a radish kick, i can quit anytime- yeah) and garlic bread. unfortunatley johnnybird wanted cheese, crackers and wine. by the time he got home, we had our detox time and he had his snacks he wasn't hungry and it was too late for me to eat anything. last night though chicken breasts stuffed with provolone and prosciutto de san danielle lemon rice asparagus with hollandaise bottle of 2003 eroica (or as john says - erotica) bag of paul newman's popcorn while watching mr. 3000
  9. at home chicken stuffed with prosciutto and cheese and asparagus risotto haven't figured out what to make for dessert...maybe key lime mousse
  10. i see fat guy will be signing at bookamerica expo on saturday 4 june in booth 3339 from 1130-noon. unfortunately i have to work
  11. just found out my father-in-law and mother-in-law #3 are down there johnnybird said "they went down to some music thing for the week". since the fil will eat only meat, potatoes and maybe clams this should be interesting. so lucky if you see a fairly distinguised guy with a pretty blond wandering around asking for where the best steak is.... say hi
  12. miz- wish i could send you some(especially since the johnnybird won't eat it and he's around for a bit now ). i'm lucky to have a local butcher (open weds-sat to the public) who will freshly grind whatever lamb i need - happily and with a big smile.... guess that makes up for the freakin traffic around here - and trying to get in or out of their parking lot.
  13. moussaka for dinner tonight - and john enjoyed it. a mix of the Recipezaar and rosemary barron recipes heavily modified since johnnybird will not eat lamb and i don't care for aubergines. 2 small zucchini sliced on the bias 2 russet potatoes boiled with the skins on meat layer olive oil 1 chopped onion 4 cloves garlic sliced 1 lb ground buffalo 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp allspice 1 1/2 Tbsp oregano 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley 1/4 cup tomato paste 1 tomato peeled and chopped 1 1/2 cups beef broth salt and pepper topping 2 1/3 Tbsp butter 2 1/3 Tbsp flour 1 cup milk 1 tsp grated nutmeg 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese 2 eggs, lightly beaten white pepper scrub the potatoes and then boil for 30 minutes in the jackets. drain, run under cold water then set aside. saute the onions in the olive oil. add garlic then meat. cook till no longer red add the spices and cook about 1 minute. add tomato paste, beef broth, tomato and salt and pepper. bring to a boil then turn down and simmer for 30-45 minutes. turn oven to 350F. grease a casserole dish. peel potatoes and thinly slice. place in casserole dish. sprinkle lightly with salt. top with meat layer. top with the zucchini. make bechemel by melting butter, add flour and cook, stirring for one minute. stir milkin and cook on medium until thick. add nutmeg. remove from heat and stir in eggs then cheese. add white pepper to taste. bake for one hour, rotating halfway through. we served with a radish and cucumber salad
  14. suzilightning

    Beer and Cheese

    so which blues did russ bring back? and what are you going to pair them with?
  15. so you would offer the protein and a veg with the starch for a bit more? do i have that concept right? ok- i'd go for that. i know several restaurants where you can order a la carte or 5 course and the price is reflected on the menu as: roast duck breast with duck leg confit, sweet potato spaetzle and grilled vegetables 29/45 the 45 would include soup, appetizer, salad, entree, dessert and regular coffee.
  16. just had the book over the week. i like the concept. i think the program will be excellent to watch. the recipes are interesting. freakin hated the book. i felt the layout was schizophrenic and detracted from the flow of the book. i found myself reading the sidebars more than the recipes since my eyes were drawn to those boxes that were in different colors. while it may, to some, display the energy of the participants in the finished television show - i found myself saying "why am i looking at this' and took it back to the library. oh, well. at least there was one circulation on it.
  17. lou- have been thinking about this quite seriously. your portions are more than generous and usually when we eat lunch we take something with us or - if johnnybird does his usual and orders clam chowder and crabcakes - he will eat the crabcakes and leave the salad/veg/starch. option a is the one i would prefer. yes you offer some wiggle room but remember the sides are where you have the least loss. i was raised by parents/grandparents who did not believe in leaving any food on the plate but i have found that if the portions are appropriatly sized for people who are more conscious of how much they eat nothing is wasted. now you see why we never order desset - there is no room. course i would love to know how rosie and lowell manage 3 desserts between them and stay so thin. genetics i guess <sigh> then you get people like my friend - your coffee server- michelle whose husband doesn't eat all day and then wants to know if the portions are "generous". remember someone like this will eat a 20 oz steak and baked potato - don't bother with anything green, thank you.
  18. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2005

    last night of being single this weekend (dinner tomorrow night will be take away from barnstormer bbq in newburg, ny since i work till 5 pm) so a night of "stuff i like that johnnybird hates" mashed potatoes(ok- he likes those as any good german/irish/dane would) sauteed onion and garlic lamb burgers baby lima beans with dill and butter glass of 2003 ruffino chianti last night was western sandwich on english muffin while i exchanged mash notes with fresser
  19. ok- i'm in - or should i say johnnybird and i are in. we have the baron book at work and she does suggest some alternatives to lamb(which john won't eat) and eggplant (sorry, guilty as charged here). zucchini and ground beef mixed with pork also potatoes. the bechemal won't be a problem. will serve with a spinach salad and some dry red wine. oops - used the zucchini for dinner tonight so guess it is a trip to the green grocer and, since my butcher isn't open until wednesday to the public, it looks like this will be next friday's meal
  20. WHERE THE FLIP IS THE ICON FOR CHOKING ON YOUR WINE!!!!!!!!!! steve, sweetie, use the ladies next time - no open facilities and the bidet usually is in a stall as well so all we see is your generous form washing up. course you may hear some less than ladylike words and bitchy things but...as long as you don't tell, i;m sure your sisters won't as well. back to the topic at hand... so to speak... why does the salt/sugar/fat craving go away(as well as the desire for any food) once your "friend" visits....and what about us approaching a "certain" age when the cravings come but not your period? (and NO there is NO freakin' way i am with child - i'm leaving that to my 37 year old sister-in-law)
  21. Photos! And what in the world is "green tomato mincemeat"? I gotta know...... ←
  22. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2005

    black bread thinly spread with butter and wafer thin slices of radish, s & white pepper carrot basil soup mixed greens with vinaigrette boy were those radish sandwiches good.....
  23. i've been the recipient of the following items still in use in my kitchen: from my grandmother a copy of the handwritten cookbook her mother-in-law gave her one christmas. this had been adapted for modern ovens and added to by my late mother. i use the oatmeal bread recipe every thanksgiving and aunt bye's hermit recipe for christmas. it also has my favorite green tomato mincemeat for the fall. i passed the original of my great grandmother's cookbook on to one of her other great granddaughters who was also named for her. from johnnybird's grandmother - a small cabinet that was on the landing between the kitchen and basement in her house for 55 years. it originally was used for her potatoes and onions but has been repainted and used for catfood. can't think what i will do with it when my allie is gone. also two ceramic bowls that are beige-ish with pastel bands on them. from my mom - the quart revere ware pan with cover she received as part of a wedding present...now 53 years old and one item i use almost everyday. i still "polish it's face" (clean the copper bottom) just like i did as a child at least once a week.
  24. last night... wheatables, low-fat peanut butter and cheddar and jalapeno pub cheese delicious
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