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Kim Shook

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Everything posted by Kim Shook

  1. Oh, those eggs! That is exactly what I'm going for when I make them. Gorgeous!!!
  2. I like every one of those things. Except Circus Peanuts. More along the same lines.
  3. I meant that the tamale I ate in Memphis was at Payne's. We loved Payne's BBQ. Also, they sell one of the best cookies I've ever tasted: "Eric's Momma Homemade Butter Cookies". Amazing.
  4. What's wrong with grilling? I am lazy, so I usually just fry them in a pan, but my preferred method is grilling. I like a real char on a dog and the best way to achieve that is by grilling. How do people in their right minds cook hot dogs?
  5. The one that I ate in Memphis was at Payne's. On another note, I just realized that I never added my Memphis food report - it was back in June 2016. A little late now.
  6. I confess to growing up on Hormel's. My family ended up in the Washington DC area, but came from the Delta. We were the only folks I knew who ate these. My first taste of Mexican tamales was when we lived in LA when the year I was 10. Those tamales were completely different from Hormel - not just the quality or flavor. I never got the connection between tamales and Mississippi until I got into food as an adult. I finally tasted my first Delta tamale when we visited Memphis last year. They were a LOT spicier than Hormel! But I got the connection between them and what I'd grown up on. Since I am not a fan of spice, I'll stick with my Hormel!
  7. Thank you so much. I should be able to count on a couple of hours at home before my guests arrive, but you never know. I'm taking my mom for a dentist appt. about an hour away. With traffic and never knowing how long we have to wait and how long the appt will be, I'm leery of leaving it until I get home. I think I will refrigerate and take it out when I get home so it has time to come to room temp.
  8. I am making this tart for a dinner party: Fig Apple-Mascarpone Tart. I will be making it the day before due to having to be out of town the afternoon of the dinner (crazy scheduling). It has a layer of mascarpone spread over a shortbread crust. On top of the mascarpone is a layer of sliced apples. It is baked until the apples are tender. My question is: do I need to refrigerate this after cooling due to the mascarpone layer? Thank you!!
  9. @HungryChris – lovely clam chowder. I love NE chowder, too, but yours reminds me of Outer Banks (NC) chowder. Very bracing and full of clam flavor! One of Mr. Kim’s online diet buddies challenged him to eat something new. She said that she would try kale and asparagus if he would try eggplant and zucchini. He’s had both in the past and didn’t care for them. I offered to make ratatouille. I figured that since he likes everything else in it, there might be hope. This was a sacrifice on my part because I detest almost everything in it, except for onions. My mize: Red bell peppers, zucchini, garlic, chopped tomatoes, onions, eggplant, oregano, coriander, thyme and fennel. I’m sorry, but I find this horrifying looking: (shudder) Mr. Kim’s plate: Roasted shrimp, ratatouille, and orzo. My plate with some leftover beans from a BBQ place: I DID taste the ratatouille. And hated it. I find bell pepper of any sort invasive. Anything they are in tastes wholly of pepper. That is why I am perplexed when I see recipes for crabmeat calling for bell peppers. Why in the world would anyone spend the money on beautiful, sweet, delicate crab meat and then demolish it with bell pepper?
  10. I should send you my broccoli stems, @Anna N! I trim mine so close that my florets are the size of marbles!
  11. Welcome, Hobo! Looking forward to your contributions! Don't be shy!
  12. I am hardly cooking at all lately. We seem to be doing nothing but grabbing quick bites. And I have 3 FULL freezers (one is just the fridge one) that I need to get empty for loading up with Christmas stuff and church bake sale things. So I really need to be cooking. A couple of recent throw together meals: pickley stuff: Salad: And Dianne’s Garlic Shrimp: Another night – chopped salad: Which is obviously completely different from yesterday’s salad. LOL. And Stouffer’s lasagna: Sigh.
  13. My daughter and MIL just got back from a NOLA visit last night. They ate at Borgne and were actually told about it by the manager and assured that nothing like that would happen under Chef Landry and that Besh was no longer associated with the restaurant. We are so disappointed about this. Marine Corps vet, his work after Katrina, father, husband. And now this crap.
  14. I like almost everything that everyone else hates, except for Circus Peanuts. And anything banana flavored. Yuck.
  15. I remember being at a Fridays once for a lunch with co-workers. We were refused lemon in our water because "we could have used the sugar on the table to make free lemonade".
  16. Yep, I'm a Duke's girl. May be habit as much as anything - it was what my grandmother always used. I actually grew up on Miracle Whip and there are still some recipes that I use it in. But I don't care for the sweetness of it with most stuff. I love homemade mayo, but use so little of it and hate to throw it away. I'll make my own when I know I'll be using a lot.
  17. @robirdstx – thank you for the directions. I’ll be trying those soon! @Captain – those crusty spuds look fantastic! Exactly like I like them. Would you share the method? Mr. Kim got a recommendation from a co-worker for this soup: It is Creamy Garlic Mushroom Soup. He and Jessica loved it. I am not a mushroom eater. Very inexpensive and easy to make. He only needed a little help. Steak night. Mr. Kim’s plate: Steak, roasted beets w/ sherry vinegar, roasted Brussel sprouts and sweet potato. Mine with baked potato and NO beets:
  18. @Captain – I LOVE sardines. Not sure I could face them for breakfast, but certainly by brunch time. My family shares your household’s distain for them, though. Because I am kind, I do my sardine and smoked oyster eating when they are absent. We managed to get by my very favorite Richmond bakery yesterday morning. Sub Rosa does wood fired baking and stone milling and makes the most amazing pastries and breads in our area. I snagged a Pain au Chocolat and a croissant: Delicious, as always, and I love how dark their wood fired oven gets the pastries.
  19. @robirdstx – the chicken breast in your salad looks so perfect! Would you mind explaining your technique? Mine never turn out that well.
  20. My MIL is cleaning out her cookbook collection and, of course, gave me 1st refusal of her discards. I chose these: I already have some that she gave me, but you can never have too many of this series. They were published in the early 1960's and are one of the main sources of James Lileks' funny blog and books. The more creative recipe are really hilarious. I grew up in the 1960's and my parents entertained a LOT and my mom never cooked like this. No one I knew cooked like this.
  21. Wonderful, @shain! I've bookmarked it. Thank you for sharing it with us.
  22. Like Andie, I come in on the side of raisins. In fact, I like most dried fruits and have to watch myself with them as I can, without thinking, end up eating what amounts to a bushel of fruit and suffer the results!
  23. I find all the flavored chips to be wonderful diet aids. I don't really care for most of them that I've tried, but even with the ones that I liked, I never found myself eating half a bag without thinking about it like I can with a bag of plain old salt Utz!
  24. LOL! This could be Mr. Kim talking. He dutifully packs leftovers every single day for his lunch. As I scan the fridge for lunch, my eyes go right over any leftovers without registering them.
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