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Everything posted by fud

  1. My Gawd I need to find a pot big enough for these suckers. The last time I bought one we had to chop it into four to fit each quarter in the pot one at a time!
  2. Hmm. Do the math. Fly Harmony first class and eat RF inspired (yet still reheated) food. Or Fly Harmony coach and eat at Lumier 5-10 times
  3. ^ I'm hungry and want to go to Richmond now. I love the Roti Canai at the Richmond Public Market as well. Very cheap too!
  4. Meh, if i read the health report on all the places I eat at I'd be starving Banana Leaf has been shut down twice I think but I still love it there
  5. I will second the Toshi suggestion as well as recommend Sushiyama Broadway - about 3 blocks east of main (Orange sign) - Yes it sounds cheesey - Yes it is kinda Ghetto looking - But the people are friendly, the chef is masterful and the food is cheap - If you order the Dragon Roll or any of their specialty rolls, the chef makes a show of the presentation. Octopus Garden is fairly cheap as well and also really good with wonderful presentation (Cornwall by Burrard)
  6. Very Cool Canucklehead! I'm all about ambience/environment too. We discovered a crazy breakfast place in the middle of industrial richmond with the same kind of feel. Pretty decent food too. Might need to hunt this one down.
  7. ^ We had a much bigger problem with heat stroke than bugs. My lord it was hot over the weekend. We picked about 5lbs of strawberries and 3 each of rasberries and blueberries. Blueberries are just starting and rasberries are in full effect now!
  8. In case anyone is interested, the NWCAV has a new set of classes: 8 day Serious Foodie Pastry, Friday night/Saturday, beginning September 22/23, for 4 weeks 8 day Serious Foodie Chocolate, Friday night/Saturday, beginning October 27/28, for 4 weeks Serious Foodie Culinary Basics, beginning September 18, for 8 Mondays. Serious Foodie Advanced Culinary, beginning September 27, for 6 Wednesdays. Kids and Teen Camps throughout August Considering the duck I had last night from two of the students who did the advanced course was so damn good I might have to re-negotiate to take the next session in September
  9. Our friendly Granville Island Russian Red Garlic purveyer is back with some fresh Russian Red Garlic. This stuff still has the stems attached to them. I bought two to try. I don't think this stuff keeps like our normal garlic but I find it much more mild than any garlic I've had before. You can eat this stuff raw. It's a little sweet too.
  10. True! But we just bought a new townhouse and 1% on a townhouse is a LOT of money But in all seriousness. The logistics and converting all systems to 6% GST could be a nightmare. Unless of course the software used in stores and restaurants let you change the tax like you can change the time. I'm assuming it was that easy?
  11. fud


    Man. What is up with Cheddar these days? It seems like someone decided it has become anti-haute cuisine. I love Cheddar! They could have told her that for sure they will give her some cheddar and then give her some really good cheddar. It's not like she asked for Processed Cheese (which really is in its own food category). Maybe cheddar will experience a rekindling like lobster one day. At least we don't fertilize our lawns with it.
  12. I came into the possession of some wonderful short-ribs. I also seem to have some good old fashioned rootbeer and some licorice. Anyone have any ideas? I know a local restaurant in Vancouver makes a rootbeer braised shortrib. Has anyone tried this? It just seems like such a marvellous idea! What goes into it? Like some beef stock and rootbeer? Star Anise? An aside: I also have some cloves, cinnamon and some stewing beef. I was going to try for a simple mediterranian braise with some mini onions. I figure adding a bay leaf and some pomogranate might work. Any suggestions on the 'body' besides some red wine?
  13. We just noticed the extreme slab ice cream station at Vera's tonight. mmmmm...I'll be back for some of THAT. The 'unicorn' challenge looks intruiging. That challenge alone I think was like $29? Leaving $15 for like 50 skewers of satay from Hawker's Delight.
  14. Breakfast - Sunshine Diner - $10 - Takes care of being in Kits Lunch - Toss up between Go Fish or Au Petite - $10 - Takes care of being in Granville Island or Middle of Main Snack - Savoury Island Pie Company - $7 - West Vancouver/North Vancouver Dinner - Shanghai River (That taro duck dish rocks) - $17 - Richmond goodness Ideally I'd like to finish with a drink at Nu. But depends how many Subs I buy from Au Petite
  15. This line spells it out. If Ling is involved it's going to be some sort of covert dinner. It sure seems that Chef Bourdain really needs his cig breaks!
  16. I ate the tart for lunch at work today and almost orgasmed on the floor. Holy crap. Even reheated it was wonderful.
  17. I take pride in what I do Even though I did not take this course here are some pics from Erin she wanted to share. Way to go guys what amazing dishes! Deb your plating was pretty! Thanks everyone for some of the leftovers! (P.S. Hi Debborah! Vivian mistook your name hee hee).
  18. That is one PINK store. Holy crap. You walk down broadway with the brick walled buildings and BAM you get hit with pink madness of Cupcakes then POW green like I've never seen from Banana Leaf. Sensory overload
  19. Great comments mzungu! I saw a lot of eGulleters last night but aside from bugging Arne that I could hear his voice across the pub (it's all love you know it ) I kept pretty low key. I did see VancityGirl walk past me like 5 times . I enjoyed seeing the man in person. I read Kitchen Confidential and really enjoyed the book. It was simply so raw and blunt and out there. I guess I respected that he wasn't trying to be anything and in fact he admitted on several occasions that he was really just enjoying himself and he found a niche which enabled him to do so and make wads of cash. His response I believe was "uhh thanks, I didn't mean to". I laughed. I think I was just glad that his in-person personality was very much in line with his writing. Made the writing a little more 'real' in the sense that he actually did crap like THAT. Definately got the indication he was VERY busy enjoying himself so I also didn't bother lining up for the book signing. Honestly what do I really gain by having his name in my book? My friend and I decided to duck out and have some chocolate soufflee. I actually liked the show too. I did notice a rapidly approaching darkenss to all the characters who started out criminally lovable at first. I'm betting that the show got stuck on trying to tell it like it was which I'm guessing doesn't make for lovable characters. I would have been happy watching the continual madness if they kept the series going! I thought it was a good comparison. Online communities have always been a double edged sword. They are wonderful tools for promoting new things but they run the risk of causing things to become the 'flavour of the week' instead of helping a restaurant/product/widget build a long term customer base. Blogs are always in the 'now' so people read them and sometimes look for the new greatest thing since sliced bread when in fact the old 'best thing' is still damn good, just old news.
  20. I was flipping through my Bourdain book tonight at the Yale and wondered if the A.A. Gill Review of the book on the back cover was the same person.
  21. I musta had an off day with LA chicken because I found it really dry and the skin wasn't crispy. Maybe I'll give it another shake! Hey any chinese (maybe even any asian) can tell you that fried chicken and watermellon are the perfect yin and yang. One is "hot" and the other is "cool". The net being a happy person. If you eat fried chicken without a 'cooling' element you end up feeling hot and flushed all day (and that wierd scratchy throat feeling). Gotta balance the heat with the cool. That's why you get them cool plum drinks after hot pot. Mmm...balance is key. Watermellon is like THE cool food item. It trumps most hot things ;p p.s. I saw the chicken on the menu at Diner tonight but I had to have the cheeseburger in the grilled cheese. Sorry Pao Pao I had to steal your 'thing'. Man what a wonderful combination. The waiter told me he simply had to try it now.
  22. I noticed Popeye's was closed as well (Reno I think) when I was by Coquitlam Centre on Wednesday night. It's still on my list of places to try. I DID go down to the old "Lee's Chicken' off Steveston Highway but was replaced with LA chicken and I don't think it was as good as people say (so I assume it was due to the ownership change). Incredible fried chicken in Belize though. But that's not really considered Vancouver
  23. Hey Ajisai is a wonderful restaurant by Kerrisdale
  24. The show is being taped for broadcast on North by Northwest on CBC Radio, and will be broadcast on Saturday July 8 and Saturday July 15, between 8 and 9 am (690 on the AM dial in Vancouver). After the broadcast, it will be archived on the Book Club site at www.cbc.ca/bc/bookclub .
  25. Me too. I havn't read A cooks tour yet either. I wonder what happened to the Kitchen Confidential TV series. I guess I'll see some familiar faces this weekend.
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