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Everything posted by fud

  1. ^ Thanks guys! I forgot about true confections - they do make big cakes Tree's coffee sounds in-tree-ging I might check it out regardless!
  2. I'm looking for a place that makes cheesecakes and is willing to make a pretty big one for a party. My friend called up Cheesecake Etc but they wont do large cakes or offer to write anything on them. Any ideas? Sorry if this has been covered but my search didn't find anything on this topic Thanks!
  3. ^ I've only seen one report of an issue with the tenticles sticking to the throat on the way down. Someone didn't chew enough. However I couldn't work up the nerve to try it in Seoul when I was there. Perhaps this will help motivate me when I'm there next
  4. Was that not too salty? Oyster with Proscuitto. I would have been worried about over salt. I guess that's why I'm not a chef The combo sounds divine if they can control the salt mmmmm. <still wonders why EG does not have a drool emoticon>
  5. Canadian's Cuban might be likened Chinese food in Cuba. This is a quote a heard in a documentary on Chinese Food in foreign places (Last years film festival): In Cuba (I think it was Havanna): Host: "What do you guys think of chinese food?" Local: "Chinese food! We love it! Great pizza!!"
  6. Interesting read! So do you guys/gals think that the culinary programs should be relegated as "simple skills courses" instead of "how to be a sous chef" training as advertised? I think it's important for the industry to have schools catering to the basics like knife skills, terminology (granted it can be learned in the kitchen - and in many cases is), food theory and interaction, etc... I totally agree that spending 2 weeks or more in the 'pits' is a valuable and useful lesson in being humble and also in teaching respect but surely there needs to be training to get to the higher eschelons of cooking. For example if a lowly dish washer gets kicked onto the line, they learn lots of valuable skills and they learned from the ground up. However, say that person becomes really good at what they do, is it fair to have them directed by someone who came fresh out of a big named school or would it be appropriate to offer them training at that time and give them the opportunity to move up? Sounds similar to many industries today. In business you can have people who have come from the ground up get bypassed by some Harvard Business grad when they get to the higher positions in a company. Surely the education is useful, but at the same time, experience and an already nurtured bond with fellow colleagues has power also. I'm not in the industry so I'm just putting this stuff out and I'm enjoying the discussion.
  7. http://www.metronews.ca/uploadedFiles/PDFs...1_Vancouver.pdf page 8 Read, Chew, Discuss
  8. Wait. That might be a little quick to judge there. Dick's quality improves in direct proportion to how much beer you've had. I know this. I had Dick's several times and mostly while quite drunk and the poor dd had to take me there. Wonderful and open ridiculously late. I also went there once sobre and was completely mortified. It was like that day you get told by someone that Santa does not, in fact, exist. Beer + really bad greasy food = equilibrium.
  9. I visited Lola's on my friend's recommendation and was pretty impressed. The spreads were fabulous and the pita was warm and fluffy. The thing that really got me, however, was what happened when I ordered the lamb burger: Waitress: "how would you like that done?" me: Oh I'm SO happy you asked me that!!" Burger was quite good, I liked how the bun wasn't too large but boy, is this burger high! It was higher than it was wide! I also liked how the fixins were kind of decorative items around the plate allowing you to pick and choose exactly what you needed in the burger. The vinegar veggies were a welcome surprise as well. Perfect acid/sour content to offset the lamb. mm mm. Anyplace that asks me how I want my patty done usually gains some points in my books (unless I get violently ill as a result).
  10. ^ Nice review! It really echos my feelings for the same restaurants
  11. Been three times so far. - The dragon beard candy has gone quite downhill this year. The 'beards' taste stale for some reason even though I'm watching them make it. - The red bean fishies are always quite satisfying but the newer cinnamon/brown sugar pancakes (I beleive these are actually Korean) are marvellous - The curried fish balls can't go wrong - I am a Takoyaki Whore. I will go stall to stall to eat them - Periwinkles are ok. I not a huge fan - Why is it i still have to have a mini donut even in the RNM. Don't udnerstand, I'm sure it's got some drug in it. - The Squid is good. I agree - The Hot dog weiners have to be the biggest rip off I've ever seen - The "stinky tofu" makes me wretch - The bubble tea is pretty good - I love the crowds and the madness and the array of stuff/junk you can buy....12 socks for $10? Why the hell not . "PowerCell" batteries? Man how do they not get sued? - I do like the plants for sale...I've been tempted many times - not a big fan of selling goldfish in bags
  12. This is one of my regular haunts but I will agree that the prices are a little steep but the sandwiches are very tasty. Now that there is the new Capers in the 'hood I would also try their Deli!
  13. fud

    PNE Food

    I digress. I will try anything and if it's good I won't descriminate. Bring it on.
  14. fud

    PNE Food

    Only if we swap out the veggie oil for duck fat
  15. fud


    I'm alarmed. I totally agree that some cured meats would really hit the spot for lunch. At least on the weekends
  16. Poor Arne, you will never escape being regarded as the forum admin even after you decided to step out of the limelight Thanks for the gracious invite McTee. My SO has been talking about trying this place for a while now. Perhaps we'll drop in and say hi.
  17. fud

    City Dine

    Thanks so much for this guys. I got the invitation from OpenTable but for some reason they did not have a link to the official web site leading me to being to wonder whether ALL restaurants in Citydine were on the OpenTable system. Even Google seems to favour the opentable link over this one
  18. ^ I've always been pretty happy with Seven Seas as a source for fish. Is there anything particularily bad about them?
  19. My Boss raved bout his experience at the Wickaninnish in Tofino. He and his wife took their 15 month old there and when she was getting a little antsy, the waitress offered to take her and babysit for the duration of the dinner. Amazing service.
  20. Maybe it's the engineer in me but that description makes me want to find out what the deal is with this dish! Upside down wine goblet? Pipette? Smoke? Damn. And certainly I will be more likely to see this thing that say that crazy contraption at el buli which involves a boiling item next to a cool one with no apprent divider between the two.
  21. Heheh. That's like me going "I don't watch Hell's kitchen....but who got ousted?? who who?" So are those the true winners or just the most likely guess? Lumiere, C, West
  22. Phnom Pehn - That really thinly sliced raw beef dish which is smothered with garlic, cilantro, fish sauce and other goodies. You wrap the raw meat around it to make like a raw meat taco. I really need to memorize the name of that dish!
  23. Downtown being the center of the known universe. I prefer to think of my place being the center. Downtown being north and SOMA being central.
  24. Main & Broadway is south Main?? ← I'm lukewarm on Nirvana as well. I've been there three times. The first time the lights were flickering at a frequency which made my eyes water. The next two visits I just didn't find the food that memorable. yes. Main and Broadway is now known as "SOMA" or "south main". Just like south Granville is Granville and broadway. Don't ask. Now if you were to head to SOUTH south main (like 49th and main) there be some delightful indian restaurants there. All India Sweets is a pretty decent bet but there are tonnes in that area.
  25. I heard the raves about this place too. I still havn't been patient enough to get in. The Mac n Cheese at Diner is pretty good, but I wouldn't say it's the best in the city.
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