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Everything posted by fud

  1. Good Call Arne. Shoestring fries rock and they are SO good in a burger.
  2. I exist only to serve....gingerbread pudding...for master...yes... - Pakoras at DV8 - another fave! - Milkshakes at Sunshine Diner
  3. I concur. Their pie dough is pure sex on a plate. - Green Tea "slush" bubble tea at Dragon Ball (Oak and King Ed) - Sliced Fish Congee at Congee Noodle House (not sure why but it's really good now) - Vietnamese Buns - Au Petit - Fries with the curry/mayo dip at Fritz on Davie - Yam Fries at Hamilton Street Grill (with that dip!!) - Lemon Soju - Jang Mo Jib on Robson
  4. fud


    If you want a really special 30th birthday dinner, how about THIS Black Box dinner? A surprise for both you AND the chef! A. ← I don't think I can post in the calender thread but is the $62.50 per person on top of the ingredients brought to the restaurant? Just double checking!
  5. I think this speaks truthfully of how 'things are' in reality. A single bad experience tends to put people off especially with so many other choices out there. I'd like to think everyone/everthing gets a second shake but it just isn't reality. Second chances come with trust and trust comes with the assurance that a place has given a good experience before. So a place that you have been to that was great and ended up horrible on a subsequent visit may warrant another chance (since you know it was good once). Digressing. My friend told me today that Foundation has expanded into the adjacent store and is now an 'L' shape. Not sure if this is news to you guys but i was pretty surprised! I also finally found Wink but it was closed when I noticed it. I'll be going there soon.
  6. Harrison sounds marvellous, too bad it's not for my grandparents but really I'm just being helpful for a friend. La Terazza is another good one I will mention it to him!
  7. ^ Thanks guys! I'll pass this as well as some PM's I got on! It's actually for my coworker's grandparents as he's not too familiar with the good eats in the city. HSG was my first feeling too because of that nice back private room and the promise of hanger steak and the rugged good looks of the chef.
  8. I found a post on a big birthday bash for 70 people but my friend only has 20. Requirements are: - 20+ people - Grandparent's are not 'that' adventerous which means no thai or fusion food involving too much spice but they do like Greek. - Has to be quiet enough to have a conversation without too much raising of voices - Prefer it to be in the yaletown area Suggestions? Thanks for any help! I'm having trouble finding a place that fits 20, will be well suited for older folks. Any help would be appreciated!
  9. On your own?? I'm almost certian it would be bust
  10. Pork Cheeks can be found in Chinatown. I'll ask Alex for the name of the butcher. I bet he's got beef cheeks too.
  11. I obviously didn't search this forum hard enough but when did Maverick's on false creek close and become a new restaurant? I just ran past it yesterday. This also points ot the fact that I'm not running often enough.
  12. Amen. The true issue here and why it really is pretty hard to "avoid" places based on reviews. Only word or mouth works this way since people are more inclined to speak their minds over coffee than to actually write it in stone. Every place deserves a second chance yet there are too many places to try to warrant going somewhere you didn't particularily like the first time. Ok I really am curious about that mexican place on main and broadway on the second floor: El Taco I think that's what it's called. It looks a little scarey but I want to know if anyone has tried it. [edit] Oops sorry it's actually called El Rancho
  13. ^ It really is sick how addictive this stuff is. I made it, and couldn't stop eating it so I had to call in reinforcements to eat it before I could finish the entire thing myself. They were happy to oblige but then it came down to fighting with them for the last scraps. It's really quite embarassing to invite people to your house to have this wonderful dessert only to fight with them to eat it. Neil I think you could bring down governments with enough of this stuff. Salting the carmel sauce is a marvellous idea!! Will try next time.
  14. fud


    Are you saying...gasp...that Murphy (and his damn laws) live in the kitchen too? Your recount of the story sounds incredibal and hair frazzing at the same time! Way to go Lorna. Let us know next time you are called back "into the fire" I'll be sure to schedule my first dinner at Rare to coordinate! Having never even heard of Michel Cluizel I do believe I'm going to have to do some 'research' (ie eating a bunch of chocolate) before coming.
  15. - Cream of mushroom soup from Parkside truffle oil and all. - Grilled mussels and chorizo from Cannery - Porterhouse at Gothams OR Guiness Stew from Burgoo - Chinese Donuts from Double Double to dip into the above - Crepe Suzette from Le Gavroche - Deep fried bananas from Banana Leaf Ok I think I will be dead by this point
  16. Cod fish n salad at the fisn n chips place in granville island. We ad 30 minutes to eat something before a play at the waterfront. The cod was flakey and the batter a little on the heavy side. I opted for greens over chips. Sandy ordered a salmon burger with cajon spices. This was mediocre at best. I think Go Fish is still the place to go. Her dish came with chips - they were pretty good but not as cunchy as I like. Congee Noodle House Sliced fish congee (again!) and wow this time it was very very good. I could eat this and chinese donuts all day.
  17. There's not a tourist out there that would see the name "gingerbreadpuddingland" as a stop on the RAV line and NOT stop there to check it out. Not one.
  18. I would love to see the 2010 olympics showcase Vancouvers rich diversity in food. We're not just beavertails and I hope that isn't what people go home with. One of the things that makes Vancouver so interesting food-wise is that we have such a HUGE variation in food (not just 'that' chinese restaurant or 'the one' greek place). Fusion will probably be a big word. Somehow we need to showcase our diversity in food without looking like a mall food court
  19. ^ Oops...I meant Vancouver Island -> Victoria
  20. Alright you burger experts. Im on the island this weekend. Where the heck can I find a kick ass burger?
  21. Oh man those Souffle's look really good...they rose a lot more than mine did
  22. My Gawd. Two of my favorite things: rootbeer and ribs together at last. Deep fried mirepoix in rib/rootbeer juice sounds divine too!
  23. ^ Dai Maru in Richmond. I've had many gut busting nights there with Sandy back in the "old days". Otherwise more recently it's been at the Cannery over some Reisling and their mussel platter with chorizo and pine nuts.
  24. fud


    Great pictures! The food looks amazing and I'm liking how the room is unfolding! It's like watching "opening soon" but from the eyes of the chef and owner. I'm digging the cool "flavour injectors" that seem to be poppiing up (noticed first at Nu and now here at Rare). Mmmmm flavour injector.
  25. Sandy and I are also heading over this weekend. Perhaps we'll wildy flash the decoder ring and see who's eyes glimmer We're going to Blue Crab for sure on Saturday night for some Dinearound goodness. And i may just have to brave the lines of Blue Fox just for old times sake.
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