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Everything posted by Ann_T

  1. Ann_T

    Dinner 2019

    Now that is a great looking pizza. With my favourite topping too. I bet the rim was nice with lots of airy bubbles.
  2. Ann_T

    Dinner 2019

    @ElsieD do they still wax rutabagas in Ontario? @shain, love your dinner. So colourful. And those pita........ Not sure if this was a late lunch yesterday or an early dinner. Simple grilled sirloin burgers. Dinner Tuesday night Polenta with prime rib bones braised in the Breville PC. With rapini on the side. Love rapini, but it is only available in one or two stores here.
  3. Ann_T

    Dinner 2019

    Baked Bagels today. For dinner.
  4. First batch of bagels just out of the oven. Smoked Salmon and cream cheese on the menu tonight.
  5. I will reuse oil that has been used for fries only. And just once or twice before disposing of it. I can dispose of cooking in in a milk carton in with out weekly "organics/compost" pick up.
  6. Ann_T

    Dinner 2019

    @TdeV, I don't do anything special. I shape the dough loosely into a ball and flatten. I have a board well floured and I oil my hands with olive oil and stretch initially from underneath the dough using my knuckles. I stretch until it resists, and then I let it rest for 10 minutes for the dough to relax. I oil my hands again and then just start to push out on the dough to stretch it further, letting it rest as needed. Once the centre is thin enough, I start to pull gently and stretch from the edge out. I hope that makes sense. The secret is letting the dough rest between stretches. When it is relaxed it stretches much easier.
  7. Ann_T

    Dinner 2019

    Lebanese Dinner - Shish Taouk with Toum (Garlic Sauce) Marinated the chicken before leaving for work yesterday morning. Grilled. And served with rice and Greek Salad.
  8. Ann_T

    Dinner 2019

    @eugenep Thanks for your kind words. I use a Canadian bread flour. It is from Rogers Flours and it is one of their commercial products. Protein is 13.4%. Even their regular bread flour available in grocery stores has 13.4 %. protein. I have tried a number of "pizza dough" recipes and also the 00 Caputo flour. And I haven't found a recipe or a flour that I like better than what I use. If I know that I am going to use a batch of dough for pizzas than I will usually increase the hydration. The batch above was 76% hydration and started with a yeast biga The higher hydration makes it easier to stretch with a couple of rests .
  9. Ann_T

    Dinner 2019

    @Okanagancook. That is how I feel too. I would be happy to just eat the rim.
  10. Ann_T

    Dinner 2019

    Pizza Night. Mushroom and Italian Sausage for Moe and I. and Greek Potato for Matt
  11. Ann_T

    Dinner 2019

    Roasted a very small turkey today, an eight pounder, just so we could have Hot Turkey Sandwiches for dinner. and homemade double fried Shoestring fries for dinner.
  12. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2019

    I promised Moe yesterday that I would make him something sweet for breakfast. I had a few apples so decided to wing Apple turnovers. Made a version of Julia Child's fast Puff Pastry. Served with a second Cappuccino
  13. Ann_T

    Dinner 2019

    Mexican on the menu tonight. Filete Al Chipotle (Filet of Beef with Chipotle Chile Sauce) I haven't made it in a few years. I forgot how good it is. And a pitcher of Sangria
  14. @JoNorvelleWalkerYou always get such a beautiful golden crust. Tonight's bake. Fed my starter Saturday morning and made a Biga. Saturday night it went into a batch of dough and into the fridge until this morning. Baked 8 small sourdough baguettes. In order to get the benefit of the steam and not take forever to bake I started each baguette in the steam oven on the steam bake and after 10 minutes I transferred the baguette to a stone in the Oster Oven. Was able to bake the eight loaves in 80 minutes. ETA: Crumb Shot
  15. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2019

    Moe's Breakfast. Made him his favourite pancakes with blueberries this morning.
  16. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2019

    Made Moe Cornbread this morning. He likes his with honey.
  17. Ann_T

    Dinner 2019

    Tonight's dinner. Spicy Chicken and Eggplant with a black bean sauce.
  18. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2019

    My idea of breakfast. Baked Moe's favourite Oatmeal Cookies early this morning. Half plain and half with Callebaut White chocolate and cranberries. In time to have with his first cappuccino.
  19. Ann_T

    Dinner 2019

    I agree @scubadoo97, but sometimes having the option of "quick" works. Especially one that tastes just as good. @eugenep, I didn't put a lot of broth in. Just up to the minimum. And the Breville PC is a 6 litre. I had less than two cups of liquid left so I froze it with the solids (garlic, onion). Too good to throw way.
  20. @ptw1953, I baked this morning. I only made eight. Thinking that they would make great burger buns. Thanks again.
  21. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2019

    I made extra mashed potatoes last night so I could make these potato pancakes for breakfast. Very light as the eggs are separated and the whites beaten and then folded into the potato mixture. Served with Back Bacon and scrambled eggs.
  22. Ann_T

    Dinner 2019

    @scubadoo97, I was a little leery the first time I tried it, but was more than pleasantly surprised that they turned out no different that when I did them in the oven. Browning first in cast iron and adding everything including the broth to the PC while hot shortens the time even further. Comes up to pressure quickly and then cooks for 50 minutes. If the shanks are on the large side I increase the time to 52 minutes on the Breville PC. Same with Oxtails. I love the way they turn out in the PC as well.
  23. Thanks @ptw1953 for sharing your recipe. I made a batch of your rolls this morning and they are rising as I type. I think I might go with the 122.5 g. size.
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