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Everything posted by cricklewood

  1. Thanks for the bacon appreciation, it was helpful to have this thread there to encourage me as well as the book. Jenny I cured my belly after I sealed it in a foodsaver bag and I did not have any trouble at all. You can make the bacon without pink salt but the taste won't quite be the same as well as it might not keep as long but it freezes well. I might be wrong but I am sure someone with more knowledge will chime in.
  2. Jus wanted to post my pics of the Bacon and the smoked pig jowls I made following and adapting the recipes from charcuterie, it was so eay and the results so tasty, I am never buying bacon again.
  3. There's Frédéric Bau's book Chocolat Fusion that's about 95% savoury recipes using chocolate, lots of crazy recipes but a lot of them are intriguing, I haven't made a whole dish as is from the book but lots of components or ideas have stemmed from it. It's quite pricy tough, I can suggest some of the following ideas that might help you. Short ribs or shanks(be they, veal,bison or whatever) are good with some dark chocolate incorporated into the sauce, braise them as usual, strain and reduce the sauce an before service whisk chocolate into sauce till incorporated then warm short ribs in this till hot and glazed with sauce(some vanilla or ancho chili, chipotle or any of this is good with that also). Rabbit or Hare, braise in red wine, chix stock, tomato's and herbs and then shred meat and incorporate back into sauce , make some parpadelle or tagliatelli and add some cocoa powder to your dough recipe, cook and serve with braised rabbit. Foie Gras is nice with chocolate as well, you could dust your foie with cocoa powder before searing it in hot pan. One of the recipes in the Bau book is a lobster or Langoustine stock with chocolate emulsified into it. There's also a white chocolate and cream sauce with cocoa nibs for scallops. Squash risotto with sage and chocolate oil or chocolate consommé. You could make little wontons or raviolis with confit duck meat, sweat onions add duck, deglaze with a bit of stock and simmer till amost dry add melted chocolate to taste and then use the cooled mixture to stuff raviolis or wontons. hope this helps.
  4. cricklewood


    It depends, it's definitly not as assertive as vinegar or lemon juice, and the taste,fragrance and quality of verjus is so different from one maker to the next. I have used it to macerate fresh fruits, you know you get strawberries out of season or that just don't have that much taste, cut them and splash a little verjus, a pinch of sugar and boom the flavour and fruitiness is bumped up. I also use it where I want a little acidity and sourness without that vinegar taste. Some use it to liven up sauces, just a small spoonfull into your veal jus or whatnot. Also any type of fruit coulis or reduction can use a bit of this. Hope this helps a bit.
  5. Holy shit that's a large and bizarre menu, general tao and submarines and filet mignon, jeezus, I'm sure this place isn't stealing any customers looking to eat in a good Montreal resto. That's the problem with the Shore(i'm not dissing it I live there) but there are too many chain resto's, bad italian joints, buffets and belle province. the general populace has forgotten what a good resto can be like and I don't mean big and fancy but there are no small bistro on the shore that offer anything close to what is on the island and I'm sure if one did open they would have a hard time surviving.
  6. cricklewood

    Veal breast

    makes good confit too.
  7. Les petits cochons tout ronds are indeed back the kiosk is where it was before across from porcmeilleur, I was there on tuesday afternoon to pick some stuff for work and it seems they are open everyday
  8. cricklewood


    Ok I am wondering if anyone can help me with the best way to hydrate Methocel, I have a small quantity of A40M I am mostly interesting in this product to achieve the following ideas, hot flans or pannacottas(from vegetable purée or juice or dairy) to help bind terrine to make hot or warm terrines. What I would like to know is how to go about hydrating the stuff to then incorporate it to my prep. Do I add it to water(hot or cold) and then add that to my puree or aspic or do I add it directly, how to avoid air bubbles and such. I am sorry to bombard you all with questions but there is so little info on this stuff out there. Thanks in advance
  9. Jerusalem artichokes and chestnuts make a great soup together, you can just use the chestnuts that come cryovaced(don't bother with all that boiling and peeling), sweat some shallots,onions,garlic, lardons(or bacon taking into account the smokyness) and then add your peeled and diced sunchokes, the chestnuts and add chicken or veg stock to cover, cook till doneness, puree in blender(it's smoother) adjust seasoning and add a bit of cream, lemon juice to adjust tang and your good to go. seared cube of foie gras or some truffle products don't hurt at all.
  10. cricklewood

    Turkey confit

    Just use the same method as for duck confit and allwo more time. Last year to simplify christmas(since I was hosting and there is no way I was going to spend 5hrs roasting a turkey) I confit the legs and roasted the breast solo, not only did this ensure the breast was perfectly cooked and still juicy but normally there aren't many takers for the brown meat, the confit converted many people that year as well. go for it .
  11. Ok I am wondering if anyone can help me find the right formula. I want to bake a pumpkin pie but not in the traditional sense, I am looking to make something that is a cross between a pumpkin pie and a sugar pie. Basically a pate sucree dough with a pumpkin filling that has that wonderful texture and sweetness that you can from quebec "Tarte au sucre" (think pecan pie without the pecan's) is there already a recipe out there like this, if not I was thinking of taking a sugar pie recipe and subbing a percentage of pumpkin or squash puree in it? Can anyone help? thanks
  12. I heard that cube as we know it is closing in January, As for a new restaurant I haven't heard anything yet
  13. Hi , questions for those who have the book, are there a lot of photo's?
  14. Stilton soufflée.
  15. I have never confit beef, but Rabbit makes a good confit, you can then use it for rillettes, pork or suckling pig makes superb confit. Lamb neck is another candidate. Remember that confit meats are pretty rich so you might want to watch out for how much of each you put on the plate.
  16. Serge is the man to go to, last year we got fresh black truffle from him and believe he will have white as well, if not I know there is another supplier selling them(he was also supplying frozen cepes to restaurants like Globe and co.), the guy came in to where I was working last year with a box full, 150$-200$/100g I believe at the time.
  17. Where I used to work, we used it like risotto, sweat onions, toast couscous in pan and then add stock, gradually while stirring, cook to desired texture and add garnishes of your choice. I have also used in in salads, basically leftover plain couscous , tossed with vinaigrette and chopped veg, roasted red peppers, shallots etc..
  18. Yeah I watch less and less of foodtv, I just can't stand the combined onslaught of rob rainford,bobby flay, giada,rachel ray and barefoot contessa. Some shows are half decent, Iron Chef america isn't so bad, some guest cooks are really good and it's pretty funny but I can't stand the commentary from alton/kevin though. Food Jammers is dumb. The new show with MarK Mcewan looks like it might be half decent but i bet it's going to be too contrived and made up, like Made to Order that has the potential to be a really good show if it didn't feel so rehearsed. Restaurant Makeover i find has it's place it's interesting to see what goes into a reestaurant, it's kinda like opening soon.
  19. here's where you can start looking http://www.entreprises.gouv.qc.ca/portail/...ge/planaffaires
  20. Hi rubyred, I can give you a few places to look I am in a similar situation as yours. The gouvernement du quebec site has a subsite for people looking to open a business, what is interesting is that they have a sort of questionnaire that you fill out with the type of business and all that jazz and it gives you a rundown of some of the things you will need like permits and license. It's not a complete lists but helps point you in the right direction. The other is MAPAQ, they are the goverment body for sanitation, At school, we passed some MAPAQ exams to get certain certifications to show we know about food sanitation and manipulation, They will be able to give you a rundown of certain certificates you can get. Presently I don't believe they are mandatory, but the info is good to know. You can also contact cooking schools they might let you pay an amount to sit in on the sanitation parts of the classes. As far as finding a commercial space, the websites are lousy, no real-estate sites has any listings worth a damn, your best bet is driving/walking/biking around town and looking for available spaces or even asking certain businesses if they are interested in selling(start looking by areas wich you like or can afford). You could also hire a realestate agent but that will likely cost you much money. You might try contacting the city since they dispacth the health inspectors they probably will be able to clue you in on converting an existing space or even setting up in a current one. Hope this helps.
  21. while we are talking chestnuts does anyone know where to get chestnut flour in Montreal?
  22. was actually thinking of carmelizing them in a pan with a little butter and brown sugar and then after carmelizing the figs, deglasing the pan with a little cognac or something. ←
  23. Sean can you give any more examples on how you use this, you would just add a flavouring like carrot juice and methocell and whip while you heat? Can you give more details
  24. I just got a euro-pro ice cream machine and have been busy all wekend, I brought some figs from work and made a fig-honey ice cream. I roasted the figs with honey for about 15 minutes and then buzzed it up with a hand blender i added a bit more honey and a touch of water, it basically looked like fig preserve of sorts, I then made a fairly standard creme anglaise base with 1/2 a vanilla bean and a mix of honey/sugar as the sweetener, turned out nice no bitterness. I believe the problem people have with figs is using them raw.
  25. If I remember correctly, the reason why panko is so light is because it was never bread in the first place. I read somewhere(probably EG) that the wet panko dough is blasted onto a rotating heated drum and that it instantly cooks it, so no need to make bread and then dry the crap out of it to make crumbs. sorry for my lame explanation but that's the best I can do after a 14hr shift. Hope this helps
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