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Everything posted by srhcb

  1. Sacrilege! Blasphemy! Outrageous! Ingenious! Gotta try it. SB (just don't let Grandma know )
  2. srhcb

    Farm Fresh Honky Tonk

    Here are the lyrics. SB (seems to me, about all you need to know is in this song ) PS: Except it's Hamms bear/beer. SB (is "from the Land of Sky Blue Waters")
  3. My Sister sent me Jim Harrison's The Raw & the Cooked, which I can't beleive I hadn't read yet! She and I have a tradition of leaving "markers" in books we send each other. I use little Post-It flags and she folds the corner down on pages to mark passages of interest. We don't specify exactly which part of the page we mean to note, leaving that up to each other's detective powers. SB (Sent his Sister, in exchange, Jung Chang's The Wild Swans, which she's considering using as her fall Book Club selection.)
  4. I thought I'd posted on this topic previously, but I must have forgotten? Betty Crockers Cooky Book has great recipes for all the time tested favorites. My copy is a 1963 First Edition which contains, as a bonus, several dozen cookie recipes cut out of magazines by my Mother. SB (has to remember to tape the cover back together one of these years )
  5. I use some scissor-like metal tongs with ends that look like old fashioned bottle cap removers. I also use these to serve hot corn on the cob. I don't know what they're really meant for. SB (maybe lifting eggs )
  6. Just because it fell readily to hand, I spread a coat of miso paste on the burger after I flipped it. An interesting taste resulted.
  7. My GF is only too happy to let me do all the cooking. Other than toast, (which is technically "cooking") she'll make microwave popcorn, and Rice Krispie Bars once or twice a year. A couple weeks ago she made Fruit Salad. Well .... she drained a can of Fruit Cocktail and mixed it with Cool Whip! I didn't dare say anything, but she forgot to add the mini-marshmallows! SB (happy to be alone in the kitchen )
  8. srhcb

    Hard Boiled Egg 101

    I think this works the same as far as cooking goes, but the rapid cooling method aids in peeling? SB (of course, some people can just plain peel eggs, and some can't )
  9. I fell asleep with it on! SB (Of course I'd driven 450 miles yesterday, witrh temps in the low 90's )
  10. srhcb

    Hard Boiled Egg 101

    I believe that's called "Dutch Method"? I'll have to ask my cousin, who is recently repatriated after living in The Netherlands for 30 years. SB (maybe the Dutch are notorious for poking things? )
  11. For good reason, as far as I'm concerned anyway. Perhaps? But I have several wooden spoons that are so old I can't even tell you how long they've lasted so far. I never put any of my cooking equipment in the dishwasher. Good quality wooden utensils don't have these problems. (at least they don't if you keep them put of the dishwasher ) Poor quality anything, including plastic spoons, are a bad deal.
  12. srhcb

    Hard Boiled Egg 101

    First, these are hard cooked eggs, not hard boiled. Shirley Corriher Method Place enough eggs (older do work better) to cover the bottom of a heavy pan and fill the pan with water to 1" above eggs. Bring water to a running boil, reduce heat, and boil 45 seconds. Remove pan from heat and let sit covered 16 minutes. Rinse under cold running water for at least 5 minutes. SB (nice whites, no green around yolks, peels come right off )
  13. I love wooden spoons! Stirring a good sugo or marinara with anything other than wood is sacreligious! I recently peeled grapes FOR a scantily clad female! (okay, she was 11 months old )
  14. I've been tempted to try Mac & Cheese made with Haloumi, since it melts and browns so nicely. Maybe using some tomato or spinach noodles to provide color? SB (not that there's anything wrong with good old Velveeta & Shells )
  15. I add just the white of hard cooked eggs to my Tuna Salad. (2 eggs/5 oz med shells macaroni/1 can Tuna in oil) SB (dogs and I share the yolks)
  16. I'm with your Dad on this one! Tuna Salad should have peas. GF does not agree, so I make it sans peas, and mix mine in after serving. SB (just made some tonite! )
  17. Use the oldest trick in the cooksbook. Pretend it was supposed to be that way! Call it "Blackberry Pandowdy" or something, and top it with a generous scoop of good vanilla ice cream. People will rave about it! SB (and DON'T share the recipe )
  18. Generally, you can substitute tapioca starch (aka tapioca flour/powder) for cornstarch one for one. If you use tapioca (pearl) it should be dissolved for at least 15 minutes, along with the fruit and sugar. SB (likes pie )(but hates rolling crusts )
  19. srhcb


    Flavor is inherent, while Taste is subjective? SB
  20. Meatballs: Yummy Porcupine Cooking With Soup - 11th printing, 1972 - p. 9 1 can Condensed Tomato Soup 1 lb Ground Beef 1 Cup Precooked Rice 1 Egg Slightly Beaten 1/4 Cup Finely Chopped Onion 1 tsp Salt 1 Small Clove Garlec, Minced 2 Tbl Shortening 1/2 Soup Can Water 1 tsp Prepared Mustard Mix 1/4 Cup Soup with Beef, Rice, Egg, Onion, and Salt. Shape firmly into 16 Meatballs Brown Meatballs and Garlic in Shortening, pour off fat Blend in remaining Soup, Water and Mustard Simmer, covered for 20 min, stirring occasionally If you follow the recipe otherwise, but use the Meat Mixture to stuff 6-8 hollowed out green peppers, and bake them for 45-60 min, you have a quick, easy, pretty respectable dish.
  21. Kraft refers to Velveeta as "cheese product". Processed cheese "spread" is Cheese Whiz, which, as a Philadephian(?), you are quite acquainted with the use of. (okay; it's late. That's just the way the sentence came out and I'm too lazy to reword it now! ) The slices are great for one thing. I use my animal cookie cutters to cut them into cheese critters for the grandkids! SB (faux cheese aficionado )
  22. I think the demise of the Ala King's royal reputation began when Campbells published recipes featuring their condensed soup as the key ingredient. My copy of Cooking With Soup, (11th printing, 1972, "3,500,000 copies in print"), has two Chicken Ala King recipes. One normal sized, (1.5 cups chicken, 1 can soup), and another in the "Cooking for a Crowd" chapter which calls for 1.5 quarts of chicken, 6 cans of soup, and a quarter cup of pimento! SB (damn! I'm fresh outa pimento! )
  23. I like quick breads for these circumstances because there are so many varieties, they're good for random snacking, (since regular mealtimes are often neglected during crisis), and to offer to company, (which they may have a lot of), and they freeze well, (because they may get a lot of food gifts during these times).
  24. Better yet, I've made them! Twice! Once using regular supermarket cherry pie filling, which was pretty good, and another time using some prepared cherries in a jar my Sister brought from Austria, which could easily have passed for the dessert in any fancy restaurant. With either, a bit of almond extract is a nice addition.
  25. I actually have that recipe: combine 1 box (21-23oz) brownie mix, 2 eggs, 1/4 cup veg oil, with 1 cup cherry pie filling pour into greased 9x13 pan mix remaining pie filling with 2 Tbl hot water and spread over batter bake 350 for 45 min SB (tuh dah )
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