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Everything posted by kellytree

  1. 2 apples and and an orange and some lemons
  2. Lets pretend t hat I invited 6 people over for dinner and I have 15 bucks to spend. What would you cook?? there has to be an antipasto- main and dessert. There are a few things in the fridge: an egg, 2 leeks, carrots, onions,potatos,flour,milk, a very small piece of parmigiano, spelt, lentils, couscous, a tiny piece of ginger, a tablespoon or so of of peanut butter ... along with a few other odds and ends (like 12 different types of pasta - one serving each!)
  3. kellytree

    Dinner! 2005

    For St Patrick's Day... started off with a whiskey a few beers another whiskey Focaccia with rosmary a pint of Guinness Thats what I get for accepting to go out to dinner with an Irishman on St. Paddys Day in Italy.
  4. If you spill wine you have to dab some of it behind your ears or you will have bad luck forever. And don't forget to look at your mates in the eye when you toast - don't do it and you'll have bad sex for a lot of years (dont remember how many)
  5. I wouldnt do anything --. I would look at it as an experience - makes a great story. BFD- stuff happens. Look at the bright side - if this is your worst dining experience of your life you are doing darn good. My mother would probably sue the restaurant - Like you said - you have your own problems, whats the sense of giving yourself more over a dinner gone interesting
  6. kellytree

    Pasta Ideas

    throw a couple tomatos in the blender (if the blender is not available just chop them up fine --- I peel the tomatos but you dont have to) with a clove of garlic, salt and olive oil- if you want to get complicated you can add a little fresh basil in the end.
  7. I tried the turning and stretching thing once - I think I did it with the wrong attitude ... the whole time I was thinking well this is dumb- whats the point? (yes I know the point of it has been explained various times on the message board) It didnt make any difference in the bread - but like I said maybe it was an attitude problem. A friend of mine is convinced that the only way to get a good bread is to be positive when you knead the bread so that the positive vibes go from your hands to your dough (this is the same person that stuck rocks on her belly for 3 weeks to get rid of a toothache).
  8. the skin on tomatos - ick. pecorino cheese (vomit---- the worst thing was I had to make the junk) - especially the smell--ick ick ick.
  9. Thanks for the advice - I have a problem with the whole stretch and turn thing - I just dont get it. The techniques , the whys and the hows-- I have read all about it but I know it is something that I have to see in 3d with my own eyeballs to understand. Its like making homemade pasta - for me the only way to really learn was to go to my neighbors house and watch her do it. Having said that if anyone is in the area (central Italy) and wants to come over and do some stretching and turning of dough let me know. ... yes that is the oven that I use for bread and pizza ect.
  10. todays sourdough bread
  11. The term "lecker" for tasty doesn't exist in Swiss German are you sure about that? - I seem to remember hearing the folks say ahhh dieser Roste is ganz lecker, weiss? oder mache wir eine ganz lecker nachtrichte---- or something along those lines ( I have no idea how to schriebe auf schwiezadeutschli! or regualr german for that matter) I would get a raclette machine and cheese -- but is probably a little to large to carry home.
  12. I agree with these two things: -don't be a martyr. If I need to use a pre-made marinade, I don't torture myself over it. I just try to find stuff that is as good quality as possible. - along the same veins, lower your expectations!!! My grandmother use to tell me that 5pm is the children hour- when all kids become evil and the only cure is to sit down with a glass of whiskey and wait for it to be 6.
  13. kellytree

    I need new salads

    how about a boring fennel, orange, and black olive salad? I also like arugula, fresh mushrooms, and shavings of whatever kind of hard cheese you like. cooked beets, sliced onions, apples, a boatload of vinegar, a drizzle of oil, and s+p is also good (let it sit for a few hours before serving)
  14. kellytree

    Sausage Party

    To start a hand cranked meat grinder works fine- quite often you can find them at garage sales for cheapo. You will probably have to buy a plastic stuffing tube (maybe 8 bucks). Its important that when you fill the casings no air gets in or else the sausages could be ruined. For the casings we use to soak them in wine overnight. If I remember right we used 2% salt sor sausages. The rest is eyeballed. One kind of sausage we use to make was with little squares of mozzerella in them - they have to be eaten within a couple days -- on the grill those babies are wonderful!
  15. I go with the " Hi my name is Susie and Ill be your waitress tonight"
  16. kellytree


    I have 7 of them in my house right now- everyone here gets them in the company xmas package (complete with a bottle of bad spumante, torroni, a bag of Lindt chocolates, 2 packs of coffee, and a torrone) so from now until Easter people bring them over .. usually I give them all to my xhusband as he likes them. Once in awhile a slice is nice but when there are too many it is just too much! My xneighbor freezes hers and then gives them to us in June - its a nice thought (in exchange I use to bring her over bowls of fresh pig blood - no joke) Having said that your home made panettone looks great! Bread pudding made with Panettone is wonderful (every so often)
  17. Heyyyy- what about the pics of those fab cocktails you supplied us with???
  18. It will work. I think it would of been better if they started the law in the springtime. Quite a few places in this area have already started enforcing the law. Of course if we are smoking outside we will be talking or laughing and making a little "casino" --- I bet the neighbors living next to the local restaurant / pub are not going to be too happy about that. On the positive side we will smoke less this way -
  19. I think it depends on the parents. I did everything wrong for example (but my kids are ok) The first two spit out all the mushy cereal junk - I didnt eve try it with number 3. Basically my kids went from "the boob" as my husband would say to pasta and ribs. Seriously though ( the pasta and ribs are serious btw) I use to just boil up some veggies and mash them up or grate apples. There was never any problem, but some parents are more comfortable with buying jars of whatever it is they put into them at the local supermarket.
  20. If you cant beat 'em , join 'em. Make a big tray of fresh veggies and some sort of dip. Healthy and stress free. A nice bottle of champagne on your way over will probably help as well.
  21. oh yeah Angelo - another thing I learned is NEVER touch your plate before Cinghiale gets a pic in........ .......... unless of course you invite him for a belated Thanksgiving fest which turns out to be a birthday party for an 11 year old and his 7 best friends! -at least I got to dig right into the potato chips without having to wait for the photoshoot!
  22. My personal favorite cocktail at one of the local "hip" lil joints is the HAIRY NAVEL!! Hairy/ Fuzzy all the same thing I suppose
  23. "For our specials today, we're serving beef carpaccio with caperberries, asiago, lemon, extra virgin olive oil, and three sides: a vidalia onion and currant chutney, a parsnip and cardoon slaw, and ...." Huh?!? What?!? Anxiously trying to recall the damned ingredient list is not the way I like to transition into a meal.... ←
  24. Every day - no problem and I dont think it requires a lot of money - It doesnt require a lot of time either - that is if you manage your time well. ... as in while your cooking put another pot on the fire and instead of dumping your carrot peels chuck them in the pot and make a stock. 4 star food doesnt have to be fancy with lots of strange ingredients. 4 star meals dont have to be 5 billion courses (for me). Having a garden helps. A lot. Creativity is a must..... especially if you lack the funds. Once again my own personal opinion is that its all about bringing out the best quality and flavor out in a food. Slice up a homegrown tomato - drizzle with a good quality olive oil - a sprinkle of salt and if you want to get crazy a leaf or two of fresh picked basil - if you are feeling really crazy (or rich) slice up some quality mozzerella. Its a 5 star plate right there. If you use your resources than it's really no problem. Lots of recipes I wouldnt even attempt to do at home - whats the point? - by the end of the cooking session I would probably be sick to my stomach over all the stress and then not even enjoy it.
  25. N.B. NEVER ever go out with Cinghiale if you have to go work the next day.
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