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Everything posted by kellytree

  1. The best chocolates I found there were simply the fresh chocolate shops on the street. I never ever had any bad ones at these places (which are all over)
  2. Ok- so why didn't you say something to the kids? I know sitting back and getting pissed about it and thinking what rotten children and what rotten parents ect. is easier than going up and saying hey kids - what are you doing to the "poor" fish and giving them the lowdown on how we don't torture animals ect ect. ..... which Im about 100% sure they already know - they just need someone to tell them to cut the crap. Killing pigs- sometimes even experienced pigkillers screw it up. I don't think anyone has fun having to shoot a pig 4 times. It's a quick death - the idea is that you shoot it so it stays still so that you can cut its throat quicker. I think if you get shot in the head or your throat cut you probably go immediately into shock and don't feel any pain.
  3. Rome and efficency in the same sentence??? For markets and things to see or do info you should check out http://www.slowtalk.com/ -- Other sites that may have helpful info - communities.msn.com/expatsinItaly http://www.straughan.com/italy/index.html (subscribe to the newsletter - its always informative with a great sense of humor) http://www.expatsinitaly.com/
  4. One thing is that european kids (generally) are use to sitting through longer meals or at least to eating most meals at the table together. In Italy it is just accepted that kids are part of life so they will be seen and heard while eating. My parents are always amazed at how the kids get better service than they do in restaurants here --
  5. Sibling Rivalry?
  6. Get someone that works there to take the kids on a little tour -- out back to the dumpster - tell them that if they don't behave they will have to go and sit in the dumpster for the rest of the meal. To be kind you may want to add a little story about how one time your son came to eat with you and he was badddddd and the chef stuck him in the dumpster for 2 hours and it was really stinky and from that day on Junior is always well behaved (just so they know that they will live through the experience) Going to the parents and tell them that the angels are little shits probably won't work so you could also have the kids come to your table and bribe them - 5 bucks if you sit down and behave and be quite and use your manners .... Otherwise I think you just have to deal with it-- get to the restaurant - see kids - change your mental state. Somehow try to work with it. Personally when I go with my kids to nice restaurants (and mannnnnn, do we get dirty looks until people find out that grampa owns the place!) - the whole drive to the restaurant is me telling the kids that they must behave, no bad words, one trip to the toilet only so wait til ya really gotta go, please- thank you. ect ect...... and if they do not behave what will mommmy do?? pluck out your toesnails, starve you for a week, throw away all electronic games ect. ect. Threats work.
  7. One dinner at Figaro - an italian joint (my boss only eats italian). The service was typical (ok to be clear- typical is my own experience so I am sure it isn't always like that -Ive just been unlucky ) eastern european slapitinyourfacewithascowl. The food was fine --- I don't even remember what I ate - no big wow's and no big icks therefore. Lunch at the Ibis hotel- service as above- food as above. Esplanada for dinner- service slightly better than above. The restaurant is very pretty. The first bottle of wine was corked - the waiter said " ok, I think youz right- itza smelling like the top, now what you wanna do??" ... well lets try another one of the same type. He was happy and the wine (Chilean) was fine. The only memorable thing was a bowl of smashed up pig fat with some herbs and salt mixed in - spread on bread- that was good ( the boss loved it as long as he thought it was butter - when he found out it was lard he didn't like it anymore). Besides that the food was uneventful.
  8. I will be in Liverpool next Tuesday - just for one night. It's for a business trip so I can afford to actually go out to eat!! What else do we have there besides the London Carriage Works?
  9. Chopping its head off or breaking its neck and sticking it immediately in the pot is not a good idea. You kill it and then let it sit overnight or for a couple days to "soften" it up.
  10. Yeah it's Raul.. along with his 4 cute daughters. You should see 8or taste) the goods he picks up in autumn - Mr. Mushroom Man - big time. as for Kellytree: if only you had stopped for a few moments! I get to stop sometimes and go and pick the wild greens ( basically all different kinds of dandelions) - yesterday I paid my kids to go and pick asparagus for dinner --- what a bargain a handful of wild asparagus in exchange for a gelato!
  11. I second that emotion of the Taverna Del Lupo in Gubbio
  12. Go to Divinas course. Personally I don't know her but I have a gut feeling that she is the bomb and your best bet.
  13. Sitting in my office in Serra San Quirico totally envious that you go and get to pick wild greens this sunny Monday morning (arggh- bad weather all weekend and along comes Monday full of sunshine- I hate that!) and of course some wild asparagus (although it would probably be better to wait a day or too to give the buggers time to grow)
  14. Why did you decide to do this course?
  15. anyone with a personal reccomendation? It will be only one dinner and one lunch
  16. one dinner in Lodz, Poland next week - where to go? ideas?
  17. We do the once a week you can eat whatever you like and however you like and whereever you like - burp, fart, scratch your privates with your fork if you like.... the rest of the week you have to eat what is on the table - or not eat it - having said that there is usually something they like on the table and if not maybe they will be lucky with the next meal.
  18. thin yogurt can also mean that the temperature was a wee bit too low. You get those curd like things if it is too hot - but have no fear - In Lebanon or someplace around there they have a yogurt that is suppose to be like that. If yogurt comes out crappy you can still use it for a cake - or to make ice cream If you get those curd like lump things in it you can whip it up in the blender - strain it in a cheesecloth and make a garlic dipping sauce for potatos or something like that. My yogurt making method is this : Heat up the milk until it almost boils (90°C) - which is something like stick your finger in and if it makes you go "ow" its hot enough. Cool it down as quick as possible (stick the pot in a boil of ice water and stir) When the milk is 42° add a tbs. of yogurt -- that would be if you stick your finger in the milk and it is nice and comfortably warm. mix- put in jars and lace in a warm water bath - wrap up in blankets, sweaters or whatever you have around and leave it ALONE until the morning. ...... if it comes out perfect you can hang it in a cloth and let it drip for a few hours and then it is really thick - add crushed strawberries, lemon juice, sugar - mix it all up and you have a mighty fine dessert
  19. When I had animals a lot of people didnt want the lambs head so we would put them in the freezer and every so often this man would come around and pick them up. He was always so happy to get 5 or 6 free lambs heads. Another big person pleaser was sometimes I would collect the blood and bring a fresh bowl of blood over to my neighbor. Kinda gross to me but my neighbor was always so excited and happy about it. I still can't figure out why I will eat a piece of meat but brains, and innards, eyeballs, snouts and blood make me go ick (I will eat all those parts too - if I have to.)
  20. kellytree

    Fresh Parsley

    I have a great recipe for parsley chocolate cake.
  21. I get bombarded with swiss chard from my garden. separate the leaves and the stems - boil the leaves and then put them aside for a omlette or a quiche or whatever (if you are an egg eating vegetarian) cut the stems into 5 inch pieces - boil until the are a little soft - but still with a slight crunch (Im sure there is a perfect french name for this ... ) dip in eggs and then breadcrumbs fry and dry (soak up the excess grease) plop those babies in a baking dish and cover with tomato sauce- sprinkle some grated cheese on top shove it in the oven for a bit -- about 30 min.
  22. ma che schifo !! I use to make cheese in my last life and occasionally it would get worms in it (damn flies) Nasty. I also use to make "coppa" which is really disgusting- Take a pigs head or two and boil the crap out of it with herbs. Chop up the meat (and dont you dare forget the snout and ears) add spices and some other things if you want ( like orange peel, pistachios,olives,salt) and then you put it all in a big casing, hang and let it drip dry for the night. I felt so evil serving it to my friends and neighbors. They thought I was so kind to be giving it away when the fact was I just wanted it OUT of my house. The other night I ate fried intestines.
  23. Holy apenuts- my grandmother use to make this "special" dish for us every time we went down to visit her (in Florida). .. with chicken breast and store bought jam. Scary. she also fed us canned asparagus.
  24. Thanks all. I ended up making a potato crusted leek+cheese quiche type situation for an anitpasto I was going to make a pasta with a cream and sausage sauce but then my friend sent me an sms "got shrimpand scampis" so I made a pasta sauce with those. green salad and for dessert apple crisp .
  25. Check out and see if any of the neighbors are curing any kind of meat. If they arent than chances are that is probably won't work too well.
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