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Everything posted by tsquare

  1. Don't think of it as a late fee - just as a rental, supporting your library. It got me over due dates.
  2. I was pleasantly surprised by the place when it opened in Seattle. The portions were ridiculously large, but the fish prep was solid. The chef went on to do them, and himself proud over the following years - great local supporter of events and lobbying for sustainability. That would be Kevin Davis, who opened Steelhead Diner at the Pike Place Market earlier this year.
  3. you buying junk at Safeway? They were 2# for $7.00 at the farmer's market.
  4. Hey Russ- That wouldn't happen to be the one with the nice view of girls in bikinis would it?
  5. I have my bowl of ice cold Chelan (organic? Didn't check.) cherries at my side right now. I bought them from the farmer's market yesterday, walking distance from home. Deep purple, firm, fully ripe. They are sweet in the back of the mouth, with a tart bite at the front. Each stem perfectly attached. Fingers and tongue are stained.
  6. Does anyone have any recommendations for a suitable replacement? I am quite bummed that they are gone. Creo ← Isn't that a suggestion? Fuji is very attractive, not too expensive, and I've always had a nice meal there. I don't think I ever went to Takohachi - was it more like Maneki? Food isn't too bad, it is very inexpensive, and since they quit allowing smoking, it isn't as uncomfortable. But lots of history.
  7. Yeah, she nominated her competition - or so she thought. GR liked the dish the short-order cook made (except for too much pepper.) He only liked 3 dishes? She can cook and cook right and fast. She may be the competition - but she did cry. I would too if I was shut out. Mean girls. They, on the whole, are pretties - willling to flirt and ... The guys, a real mixed bag. The guy snickering at GR, he'll go down in flames quick.
  8. Fuji? (Hey, Iris is looking and sounding pretty darn cute. Thanks FNTV)
  9. How about Twisted Cork? At least it is new. cocktails
  10. New yard with a big cherry tree and an old Italian plum - can't wait! But gave up a lot of herbs and berries (and the fig) and are waiting to see what we have before digging up an area for a garden. So far, abundant plant matter, not all identifiable, and little edible. We got some tomato plants from the Orca Children's Garden Sale and some orphans from the Bradner Garden (if you haven't been - it is a great place to visit!) Also a few kitchen herbs - in a big pot. Thank goodness for the farmer's market!
  11. Plate sharing charges - so what do you do if you have a party of 4 who orders cocktails, 2 app's, wine, 2 entrees and 2 dessert? Do you charge 6 plate sharing charges? I appreciate that some places will plate the shared dishes, when not even asked. It is beyond the call of duty. I eat out with people who like multi course dinners, but aren't interested in leftovers - even half orders are likely to be too much food. (Me, I'll take leftovers anytime, and I don't get charged extra for the extra service - should I?) On the other hand, I stopped going to a restaurant where it seemed like the chef sent extras to every "special occasion" table (most of them) but not to the table with the longtime regular (me.) Maybe they were trying to let me know I wasn't welcome, but I think it was just bad practice. In this case, since the amuse were serviced prior to the ordering, and no desserts were ordered, I would hold the truffles. Not to be mean, but if they didn't order much, they didn't need those either. I have a favorite place that may or may not do just that - you have to be careful, you are providing a 3-course meal for the price of an entree - sometimes there is just too much food to order more. Maybe they had drinks and app's at home before coming and had a special event dessert at home. So many possibilities.
  12. There are a few in Columbia City as well. One on Edmunds, next to the restaurant (not remembering the name) just east of Rainier. Also, further South on Rainier, and even further South as you head towards Rainier Beach. I wouldn't know what to buy, so I don't know if they are good.
  13. We went last Monday - still a fun spot for two to hang out at the bar for awhile. But downstairs actually looked like a nicer spot to dine. The scallops were my favorite.
  14. There are chocolate cakes made with tomatoes (they color the frosting beautifully) and also ones made with beets. (As well as ones that use black beans.) All are very good. Capitola CA is/was known for Avocado Pie - basically key lime pie with avocado. They sold it at street fairs, probably still do. Carrot cake!!! Yes, lots of sweet potato/winter squash treats - pies, cookies and bars. And zucchini (and banana) breads/cakes. Does cornmeal count? Lots of lovely cakes.
  15. Shortcakes (ala Alton Brown - first up on Google) with strawberry rhubarb compote (Olives Dessert Table Cookbook) with fresh whipped cream. Easy and quick. And leftovers are great for breakfast.
  16. Most famous: Ray's Boathouse - recent chef change (he went to NYC, to tepid reviews) but Copper River Salmon is in town and you should try some while you can - get King, not sockeye. Most famous restaurateur: Tom Douglas - fish - try Etta's at the Pike Place Market. Big view seafood - Waterfront at Pier 70, viewing distance of the new SAM Sculpture Park. Chinese and seafood - Sea Garden - Chinatown, or I suppose, Bellevue. Monsoon on 19th, Capitol Hill, will get you great seafood dishes, high style vietnamese flavors. Matt's in the Market will be open soon. Or not so soon - as of yesterday, it sounds like weeks to go. Oh man, looks like they are going into month 6. In the meantime, you can go over to Steelhead Diner, but the fish isn't strictly NW. Haven't been to O2 or Twisted, recently opened in Bellevue, but they have good pedigree.
  17. glad you liked lee's, tsquare, i'm so glad to have it in my 'hood. i think the owner or chef is a WG alum. we love the honey walnut prawns and lee's special fried rice which features tons of egg, and in the Spring, you're likely to find asparagus hiding in there. the HWP portion is absurd - i think there are 13 prawns/order - and the price is under $10. Lee's HWP are delightfully evil, right down to their bed of sweet, mayo-laden lettuce. someone at the stranger or weekly did a review a few years ago and recommended the nine flavor beef (or was it the seven flavor beef? i think they have both - but i have no idea what's "missing" from 7 that's present in 9. rocky? school me.) very fast service and a very efficent take-out operation (nice when you'd just as soon skip the aisle-meandering youth). i'll have to try the noodles. ← Look for the review in the PI archives. smile Well, 9 flavors is deep fried and 7 is sauteed (wok?) so, that might add one.
  18. Had dinner at Lee's Asian in West Seattle. You know, neighborhood place - but the food is really fresh and tasty. It's a bit pan-asian. Really nice duck with those cute folded over steamed buns, two sauces, and a third on the broccoli. Lots of wok-pan flavor in the noodles, serious heat in the spicier dishes, kids racing around the room. Homier style Wild Ginger foods at half the price.
  19. Imprecise. Add a little of this or that, a little short on this, so what?, halve a recipe that calls for an odd number of eggs - add a half egg, or a whole, maybe just the white? I also don't like to use multiple bowls when I can just add more ingredients to one. And I bake things I've never made before when I have company coming. Few flops.
  20. Chinese? Bamboo Garden Sezchuan has had good reviews - 106th at 2nd.
  21. Steelhead Diner has a private dining room - not quite the same decor as the rest of the place - leftover from before, but nice enough.
  22. Starlight (was that the name?) has cleared out - that's the old Avenue One location.
  23. Gluten Free Girl has one coming out this fall - you can pre-order on Amazon. "How I Found the Food That Loves Me Back" see 24 April 2007 Orangette has a contract and is writing one. can't find the story, but it's here somewhere
  24. Maybe something jammy - raspberry? grape?
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