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Everything posted by peppyre

  1. From what I understand, most of the stuff that they are bringing in is coming directly off the ships and I'm not sure what kind of temperature control they have.
  2. I had some very good advice from my mom the other evening, "If you want to buy any wine, buy it now!" Her company has had several containers of wine from South Africa, France, etc., that have been sitting on the docks since the container drivers strike began. It seems that all the wine hitting the market once this dispute is over will be "cooked" from the heat we've having and it's best to avoid that. I'm sure companies will be ordering more stock from the wineries, but that can take months for a shipment to actually arrive and get through customs, plus the cost of it all etc. Stock up now!
  3. Could we be any geekier
  4. Thanks for the info Rona. It was the place in Osbourne Village and personally I didn't like it but I was thankful for it, since it was the most interesing meal I had on the entire trip. His family, of course, bitched and complained about the food being too spicey, too garlicky....you can see why we're no longer together
  5. Well, another foray into Burger Club and I was thankful I didn't miss this one. When my burger arrived I was actually surprised to see that mine was well-done, I was a little dissappointed since I was looking forward to a burger that was pink. I had half of my well-done burger, and it was good, moist not greasy, flavourful, and then Lee (Canuckle) graciously offered to switch halves. His burger was med-rare and it was a little too pink for him. The difference between well done and med rare was like night and day. There was so much more flavour to the med-rare burger that it was almost like I had received something completely different from everyone else. It tasted like beef. It tasted like the burgers my dad used to bring home from the butcher shop. The only topping I noticed was the bacon, and personally, I thought it would be better without it. The fries were great, but I just couldn't eat them. I was just too full. As for the restaurant itself, I felt that the service was very very rushed and that's a big stike against a place for me. If I still have half a burger on my plate, don't pick up and then ask me if I'm finished, which I wasn't. I know we were a big party, but I just felt like they needed to get us out quickly. On the whole it was a good meal, but honestly I could have spent the entire evening noshing in Karole's back yard. Thank you for the little gathering beforehand.
  6. Where exactly is that Thai restaurant? If it's within walking distance of Goodies, I think that was the one I dragged my former in-laws to. The food looks fantastic.
  7. Come on Lee, take one for the team. On the last road trip to the lake, we stopped at Whistler for something to warm us up and something to eat. The cabin is 4 hours from Pemberton, so the last stop is either Whistler or the gas station in Pemberton, which I only remember as the first pit stop after a very very long and bumpy ride. I wasn't looking at food at that point. I'll try and pay more attention next weekend when we head back up.
  8. I don't think that I am allergic to MSG - but I do think that it has caused my severe lower body acne, over active nose hair growth, sweaty palms, pangs of loneliness and panic, overactive thyroid, mommy separation anxiety, lack of real social contact with others, swelling of eyelids, toenail inflamation, chakra displacement, inappropriate intimacy with Skytrain Drivers, and severe delusions of grandeur. Thank goodness for egullet for helping me work through my issues. ← (Under my desk I'm laughing so hard)
  9. My dad and I made cherry grappa last summer with a hundred pounds of cherries. and this year, there is still about 15 gallons lefts. Over time though, the cherries have plumped and are now so full of grappa that if you have one, you are basically just doing a shot of grappa. I've seen people stumbling after one or two of these things. Truly lethal, but very tasty. And this is how things look after you have pitted a hundred pounds of cherries. My hands were red for about a week after, but it was fun and they are quite tasty. Fortunately, we don't have to do this again for another 5 years.
  10. The last Christmas I spent in Winnipeg with my ex, he insisted on getting a Slurpee after dinner. It was -25! Me, being the born and bred West coaster, thought he was absolutely insane. In fact, it's perfectly normal there. A very strange group.
  11. Interesting that the Okanagan cherries purchased there are good. The ones we've been getting in the city have been good but small and I have heard that we aren't going to get as many this year due to the weather. It makes me sad. Very sad. Summer is over for me when the cherries are gone. **edited because migraine brain has taken over. can't spell....
  12. It's sometimes obscured by the ridiculously long line from the cheap sushi joint next door.
  13. WOW!!!! That looks gorgeous! Welcome home.
  14. You can read the whole thing here . Something tells me it's not over yet... ← No it's not. I heard on the news this morning that there is another hearing on July 27 and the American producers want to close the border to Canadian beef permanently. While this is good news for my family today, I think the damage has already been done and I don't know if the ranch will recover.
  15. Red wine, olive oil, garlic and maybe a little fresh rosemary if I have some. As Neil said, DO NOT COOK OVER MED-RARE!!!! This is very important. I cooked a piece to Med one night and was nowhere as good.
  16. No, unfortunately Windsor can't get hanger, although they do have flat iron now, which I picked up the last time I was in. I think Neil has secured all of the hanger steak on the West Coast.
  17. 3 letters: TMI (Too Much Information!) ← Get over it I have to agree that White Spot Burgers are certainly not what they once were. Especially on the ferries. The former ferry burger was quite good in that greasy-must-sop-up-alcohol-to-kill-this-hangover kind of way.
  18. Whole Foods in Portland. They had a gorgeous heavy Paella pan for $25. It's a long drive, but soooo worth it.
  19. 3 letters: PMS The joys of the hospital cafeteria. That should hold me for another 6 months, thank god.
  20. It had to be better than the Sodexho Chicken burger (I know, not technically Burger Club...) I had for lunch today. The indigestion is still killing me. I'm hoping the wine will calm it. The only good thing, pesto mayo and real cheddar cheese.
  21. The only time I ever have them is when i make them at home. Sorry, can't help.
  22. I much preferred Picnic when it was Meinhardt's florist.
  23. Didn't anyone else notice that the 7 minute long intro was reduced to about 30 seconds? To that I say THank You!!
  24. The problem with most butchers is that they are now geared towards selling items to the vast majority of the public. Those that want their meat vaccum packed with no fat. I've had many a discussion with my butcher on the subject and his son still insists on trimming the meat that I buy. I usually have to shriek or gasp to get him to stop. Dry aged meat just isn't profitable for these guys anymore and most of them don't have the space. I remember walking through large sides hanging in the aging room of my dad's old shop. It was a huge room and then there was the walk-in and a freezer room. You just don't see this anymore. Everything comes in cryo-vac bags, to save space and money. There is a very small percentage of guys out there that would actually know what to do with a whole side of any animal and it's very sad. I think the Auld Scottish Larder was the last place in the city where you could find dry aged meat. Oh how I miss them.
  25. My first very quick rec., stay at the Four Seasons!! I stayed at the Westin the last time I was in Whistler and was nice, very nice, but the Four Seasons is 3X the hotel for pretty much the same price. The Four Seasons is stunning.
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