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little ms foodie

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Everything posted by little ms foodie

  1. fellow eG'ers Della, Adiabatic & TallDrinkOfWater and I made a nice dinner the other night out of the Rover's cookbook I started things off with Soft Scrambled Eggs with Lime Creme Fraiche and white sturgeon Caviar- it's always my favorite thing at the restaurant! Della made her first ever brioche- this one had thyme in it and was used as the base of this wonderful Crab Salad with basil oil next up they made butter poached scallops with lemon confit As a group effort we assembled oxtail with potato puree with seared foie gras and quail egg- the clear winner of the evening for dessert TallDrinkOfWater made orange panna cotta with pomegranate sorbet and a tuile cookie yes- we were full! Della feel free to talk more about the fab dishes you guys made!
  2. great blog!! I'm just starting it but had a question about those yummy pancakes! I see that you are using bread flour, why that instead of AP? Also I love your meal planning, that is almost exactly what I do- i love having all the cookbooks out and open! I have never heard of dogs eating veggies! very funny!
  3. I know your friend's dinner has past but just wanted to say that Della made the crab salad, the butter poached scallops and the oxtail with foie gras and quail egg- all were great but that oxtail rocks! We made the soft scrambled egg with lime creme fraiche and caviar as well as the orange panna cotta with pomegranate sorbet. both were fantastic!
  4. Dianne, welcome!!! that looks very much like a wonderful dish we had while in Italy, I think some people told me that Wolfert had a recipe- what kind of beans did you use?
  5. Nishla that looks awesome. I LOVE your dishes!! those bowls are great!!!
  6. Daniel that is horrible that your service was so bad, I would let them know! The wine thing is a big deal I think. I think we had the same server for the cheese and bon bons. I'm very surprised that they left the door open to the other room but even if they had closed it you still wouldn't have liked it so I guess they can't change that, everyone likes and dislikes certain things. but the other points to your service are definately things that they should at least apologize for. How disappointing for you and you girl!
  7. 4 of us had really fantastic lunch at GR while visiting NYCl last month. A few months earlier we had eaten at Petrus in London and saw many similarities- I would say that the high level of service and the fabulous food at both these places have definately turned me into a fan of GR. When we entered the London we were quite confused by the casual London Bar since we couldn't see the main dining room. We sat and had some very nice drinks while we watched many people come in very casually dressed and have lunch. Then we were shown into the dining room which is much smaller than I expected and very beautiful. It reminded me very much of the room at Le Bristol in Paris. (this picture was taken on our way out as you can see there are only a few people left and there is an iron on one of the tables! they asked all of us if we minded them getting ready for dinner service) amuses were brought out- fab foie gras and cream cheese with truffles and then another amuse after checking with us all regarding likes, dislikes, allergies, etc. a gorgeous mushroom cappucino with black truffles inside, on top and these other beautiful tiny little mushrooms when we inquired about how they find such teeny tiny shrooms our table manager brought out a whole little dish of them and told us about how they are grown. very nice. wines were picked with the help of the sommelier (sp) and I have to say the prices and selection were excellent! we all had the $45 3 course lunch first courses included the ballotine of foie gras butternut squash veloute with scallops and tortellini pan fried mackeral mains were the stuffed rabbit completely wrapped in proscuitto (it looked like a parma ham! ) and the roasted leg of lamb which was amazing! the waiter was very nice to let my girlfriend and I substitute the cheese course for our dessert and we each picked 5 gorgeous cheeses- allow we both thought their goat cheeses were VERY mild in flavor. the boys had desserts (can't remember what they were) I loved the halved berries stuffed in the this one and the Gin jelly on this one! Bon Bon trolley and digestifs finished off a very enjoyable lunch! will definately return for a dinner service there in the future
  8. Happy Birthday Jack!! That dinner looks fantastic! the champage jelly is just gorgeous, also the roast beef! wow that is a large peice of meet. and your pig trotter shot has me very curious to try that!
  9. last night we had some skirt steak marinated in Herbs de Provence, lemon and EVOO quickly seared on the grill pan along side carrots with butter and parsley
  10. thanks for the compliment Nishla! Lumas that soup looks awesome!! mmm..... spring rolls .... and the feast of Shaya, wow! Last night I flew in late from business and TallDrinkOfWater had a nice bowl of potato leek soup for me (no pictures) tonight I made a household standby of penne with garlic and brocolli- I smashed up some left over garlic crostini for the top
  11. We just visited 'Inoteca and really liked it, they had a very good selection of cheeses and wines (mainly italian) and the service was helpful and enthusiastic. the space was comfortable also!
  12. mmmm...everyone has been cooking up a storm!!! we have been on vacation- in NYC for NYE and now getting back and starting to cook again (stove top only as the oven is still TU) tonight we had Moules Marinere with a green salad and baguette. here they are in the staub mussel pot! I'm compiling a list of stove top meals so that I don't dwell too much!
  13. No particular order...... Alinea- Chicago, IL TRU, the kitchen table- Chicago, IL Schwa (oh those ravioli!!)- Chicago, IL Citronelle- WA DC Gordon Ramsay; Petrus- London, UK Gordon Ramsay @ the London- NYC Babbo- NYC
  14. Foodman that cotechino looks soooo amazing!! it reminds me of a french dish of garlic sausage served with lentils or wrapped in brioche. beautiful!
  15. The Confectional- a cheesecake and hot chocolate stand- is now open in Pike Place. It is where the cured meat place was by the truffle place. They have cheesecake, cheesecake truffles and awesome thick drinking chocolate with unusual s. american spices......
  16. bravo Abra!! everything looks and sounds awesome!! and great job on that tortellini pie- OMG!!! since I know most of the folks at your dinners I already know how much fun, laughter and good times was had by all! Happy New Year
  17. this will be a great blog! thanks for taking the time Suzy. Part of my family is from the Big Island in a very small town up north called Hawi- have you ever been to the Big Island?? I'm excited to see your luau! We use to have them when I was little. We have a family xmas planned here in Seattle but then will take off for our annual new years eve trip with friends who live in europe- last year was Russia, this year is New York!! Merry Christmas!
  18. We have a case of that Yalumba in demi's!!! It is good stuff- very big red fruit! we are having the same thing for dinner and I'm doing an Oregon 'Bordeaux Blend' style which I think is nice to cut through the fattyness of the rib roast and the yorkshire pudding that will accompany..... but now I'm thinking syrah which I have some nice ones! comments??
  19. that looks good Abra, and we all know that Em likes to drink!!!
  20. TallDrinkOfWater mixed up a few Falling Leaves tonight
  21. I like the ice cream version that you keep in the freezer....that is the one I use....
  22. Toad in the Hole with a bit of parm and tarragon. Bacon on the side and a latte
  23. I love Taillevent so am thrilled that they continue to impress. Quick question...you said in the beginning that the discovery menu was E190 but then at the end say the total was E117???
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