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  1. Guys, great call on this place. I went a few weekends ago with my wife who never had eaten empanadas and it was fantastic. Great food, nice prices, friendly staff. I almost felt bad informing my wife that she wouldn't encounter an empanada this good in most places. If anyone needs a reason to make the drive to Morristown, I was dragged there to walk through the Century 21 clothing store a few blocks away. Lunch was worth the trip.
  2. As long as you're getting enough steam buildup in your unvented section, it sounds like the same basic principle.
  3. Thanks for this. I'm still back at Page 8. I made my first attempt at this bread last night. I went with a ziploc bag for around 12 hours, dumped it on the counter for the Lahey double fold, then a rest for 20-30 minutes. I used a 4qt Pyrex bowl with Pyrex lid at 500F for 30min covered, 15 min uncovered. Pyrex worked fine, and worst case was that I would be out $10 for another bowl. The bread had a better crust that I've experienced in my previous novice forays into breadmaking. I also got more holes that usual. The dough sang out of the oven. I'd post pictures, but it really does look a lot like most of the breads in the thread so far. The main downside was a moist interior, which seems to be a trend for me with any bread. I did let it cool for around 1.5 hours, but that might not be enough. It was also pretty flavorless, but I blame the quick 12 hour rise for that. I made a second batch last night that I'll be making this evening. I think I'll also try using a temp probe on bread for the first time tonight after I take the lid off (aiming for 210F from this thread). I read a few times about people giving more time for a second rise after shaping. Sometimes as much as 2.5 hours. Would that improve the spring and overall height of the bread by a considerable amount? Also, what's the proper step for shaping - should I be waiting 15 minutes after I dump the dough on the floured countertop before I start shaping? Kudos to the recipe and this thread for perking up my breadmaking interest again.
  4. I just made my first Larb at 1:30AM after checking the recipe link from this thread. I lack any leafy greens, made my own toasted rice, and toasted the non-chicken ingrediants in a pan instead of using them fresh, but I'm about to dig into it nonetheless. I hope it turns out to be tasty!
  5. oops! what? we should have tipped?? ← Not in my world, but I'm sure some people feel awful if they don't.
  6. Eat Mores are now a Hershey Canada product so it's no wonder I haven't heard of them before. It's odd that the web site says they are the only Hershey Canada candy bar not coated in chocolate. Doesn't sound like what you ate... And from this page (see the third post) it sounds like they were a "garbage" candy...made from factory leftovers. Again...doesn't sound like your description. The mystery deepens... ← I can verify the "garbage" aspect. I worked at Hershey briefly and heard stories of the EatMore bar, made from mixed up bits of other candy that didn't form correctly. There was a guy who would ladel cherry syrup into each batch, tasting it until it was "right."
  7. I've been to the WN in Westfield and you guys summed it up nicely. It's a weird vibe for a chain - it blends the "stand in line and order" aspect of fast food with the "you get the first drink, we get refills" system of a restaurant. Plus the added confusion of the expected tipping procedure. My meal was okay. It seemed to me like they just had a ton of woks, a bucket of noodles, and squeeze bottles of sauce. Mix, heat, serve. I probably won't be back, with all the better options in Westfield.
  8. My apologies for not skimming through all five pages in this thread, but does anyone have a good online source for broad noodles, such as ones used in Thai dishes like Pad Si Ew, Kee Mao, etc? I've yet to find them anywhere, including a few Asian supermarkets.
  9. Can anyone recommend some good blogs that cover new consumer-product food items? It's tough to find any out there that aren't clearly advertising driven. I like hearing about stuff before I see it in the supermarket.
  10. jerobi


    I made this recipe tonight, and it indeed took an hour to cook. Ah well, a tasty dinner at 9:20pm is still a tasty dinner! I just wanted to say thanks for the recipe - it was great. I'll be adding it to my file.
  11. Just to bring this thread back to life, I have always pined for a return of Life Saver Holes. I have fond memories of them from my junior high school days. Well, it's not Life Savers brand, but they're back! I was checking out at WalMart (Yes, I despise it there too...including the 20-minute checkout lines at all hours) and came across new Jolly Rancher Rocks: http://www.hersheys.com/products/details/j...sp?id=3271-1765 You get more candy per tube than the old Life Saver Holes, and at around fifty cents a tube I grabbed six of them. They're just like the old LSH, only with the Jolly Rancher brand flavors. Yesterday I went back for another dozen or so, and I look forward to seeing cases of them available in CostCo. Oh, and the new Take 5 bars are also quite tasty. Thin crunchy pretzel + chocolate is a winner in my book.
  12. jerobi

    Lodge Logic

    I've used mine for two years or so, and they're great. I considered taking the time-tested "old fashioned" route and researched the best ways of seasoning one, but in the long run I got a Logic. Think about it: the company makes cast iron cookware. That's pretty niche, and they're known for quality. If they're going to release a pre-seasoned Logic version, you can be sure they researched the heck out of it. No complaints from me - I'm glad I went with it and saved the time and effort for a cost of only a few bucks more. One of the best parts is the cleanup. I drain the fat, then grab the handle with a silicone square and rest the tip of the skillet in the sink and spray the whole thing down with water while it's still fire-hot. The crud falls right off. Now toss it on the stove to cool and go eat your meal. When you're done, hit it with a paper towel and a light coat of oil and set it aside. Using this spray method has worked so well that I have had to clean it with kosher salt in months.
  13. Two of them - Lucky you! I got one of these as a well-meaning and was able to slowly remove it from my kitchen. First the countertop, then next to the fridge, then into another room, and finally into the attic, where it can rest until eliminated. I was even able to worm my way out of trying it on multiple occasions. A sturdy device it is not.
  14. I'll second that. There was a short-lived taco chain (Maui Taco) that opened up a place on my old college campus a few years ago. I used to get a few tacos and a giant plate of chips & salsa. Only I would pass on most of the salsa and grab a handful of fresh lime wedges from their salsa bar. Mmmm....
  15. I decided to actually grab some fresh cilantro for the first time ever in order to make a tortilla soup recipe. The soup was lousy, but the fresh cilantro was great. I can't say I've ever tasted it (on purpose) before, and that's just sad.
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