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Everything posted by MGLloyd

  1. Could it be Quorn?
  2. My ex-wife, the school nutrition services director, would want me to point out that many school districts now have restrictions or prohibitions on bringing in outside food to schools. This is primarily due to allergies. If one wished to do this, you should check with the principal of the school first. Not the teacher, as they may not be familiar with the district policies. The principals are.
  3. The bread pudding is also extremely good.
  4. I wonder if the pork was prepared in the velveting fashion: the protein is coated with a mixture of egg white and cornstarch and then quickly fried.
  5. So what do you and your customers think so far about the value of freezing green? Are there perceptible taste differences that cannot be ascribed to other variables of roasting, brewed coffee or espresso preparation?
  6. George Howell, of Terroir Coffee, is doing some interesting work in vacuum-packing and then freezing green beans. He believes that this maintains freshness of the green beans. I believe the jury may still be out as to if anyone else is using this method and believes it offers advantages in green bean storage.
  7. I have been roasting my own coffee for about ten years now. Immediately upon cooling the beans, I put the whole beans into an air-tight glass clamp-top jar and put it into the freezer. I remove the jar from the freezer, measure out the beans into the grinder and then return the jar to the freezer. The beans are ground frozen in a burr grinder and I then brew the coffee or pull the espresso. Years of empirical experience have taught me that using this storage method, my beans stay fresh for two weeks. I generally cannot tell any taste difference between day 1 and day 14, except for the normal changes that come as a roast improves to about day 3 or 4. The absolutely worst way to store coffee is to store ground coffee in a bag in the refrigerator. It rapidly picks up air, moisture and other odors and tastes from the fridge.
  8. Pie is a traditional treat during bicycling, and it provides a source of quick carbohydrates for recovery.
  9. Doing a lot of riding myself, there are several good ideas mentioned here in this thread: * handheld breakfast items * pasta for dinner * total prices equalling dollar amounts. When I am riding, I carry a $ 20 bill. I neither have any change nor do I want to receive any coin change. It does not fit well in a jersey pocket. * Pie for dessert
  10. When I last had this in Ireland a few years ago, it consisted of french fries with aioli sauce (garlic mayonnaise) and melted cheddar cheese. Bearing in mind that Supermac's is a fast food chain, I would not be surprised if the sauce was as simple as garlic powder stirred into some mayo. I doubt that they are whipping up a classic aioli in the back, dribbling in one drop of olive oil at a time.
  11. MGLloyd

    Dutch baby

    Noting that I make one dutch baby per 9 inch glass pie plate, my recipe is: 1 egg 1/2 cup AP flour 1/2 cup milk I tsp vanilla or almond extract 2 tbsp butter for the pie plate
  12. If you stay at the Stephanie Inn, the breakfast buffet is fabulous. In town, we always like the Pig and Pancake and Morris' Fireside Restaurant. There are a number of restaurants in Cannon Beach for the lunch and dinner trade, but relatively few of them are open for breakfast. I have always thought this is due to the number of hotels and B&Bs in the area. Perhaps there is just not very much breakfast trade in the area.
  13. Costco used to carry these, but I have not seen them for quite some time. On occasion, I have seen a mini bagel dog product at my local Safeway.
  14. On the Seattle media boards, there are a lot of snarky comments about Via having to taste burnt in order to best capture the Starbuck's experience.
  15. I am very fond of my Capresso MT500. It is very popular amongst coffee geeks due to reaching the proper brewing temperature, which few coffeemakers do.
  16. I have certainly seen large stainless steel conical fermenters in brewpubs and the like. It seems very efficient, but I wonder how easy they are to clean.
  17. Huh. I never knew that the variation in butter quarters size and shape (stick vs. cube) was regional.
  18. How interesting. When I was back in chemistry school over 25 years ago, the counters were all slate. I had not realized that another material was now popular.
  19. MGLloyd

    About roux

    Is it possible, then to make a large batch of roux during some free time and just keep it in the fridge? I am wondering if I should try this.
  20. A Dexter Russell Sani Safe 8 inch chef knife.
  21. Oooh, now that I know it is out, I must stop by the QFC in Mill Creek to see if they have it.
  22. Chocolate Alchemy has done some work using a Behmor to roast cocoa beans: http://chocolatealchemy.com/behmor-1600-go...-cocoa-roaster/ I would imagine that much the same principles could be used for roasting nuts.
  23. I went out to my 150 lb stash of green beans in the garage, and roasted a pound of a nice Sidamo this week in my Behmor.
  24. From the Times: Bacon, bacon everywhere The local folks who brought you J&D's BaconSalt have a new product up their sleeves: Baconnaise. Yes, it's a bacon-flavored mayonnaise and sandwich spread, something BaconSalt co-founder Dave Lefkow says is long overdue in the pantheon of bacon-related products. "I hate mayonnaise. I despise mayonnaise. But I like this," Lefkow said. "It's going to be great for sandwiches and for dips and for salads." The new product's Web site, www.baconnaise.com, will be up and running by Oct. 11, around the time the product will begin arriving in QFC stores and Pike Place Market. In the meantime, look to www.baconsalt.com for more information about a launch party planned at Seattle's Kangaroo and Kiwi pub.
  25. MGLloyd


    Heck, I buy my Costco balsamic by the liter just so I can immediately pour off a pint and reduce it to a balsamic glaze. I keep it in the fridge in a squeeze bottle and use it constantly.
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