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Everything posted by wesza

  1. Trish: I'm glad that you finally got to try the place out and it didn't disappoint. I'm pretty sure that the current owners are the second people to operate the business since it began. My son-in-law who grew up in Bensonhurst eating Pizza from Coney Island, Flatbush, Bensonhurst and all over New York City felt that since he moved to Cortland Manor in Westchester County that the only places to eat APIZZA were in Brooklyn or New Haven. He now takes his Brooklyn buddies to eat there because they are much more then just a Pizza Place. I feel that they embody what we all think about when remembering out visions of a traditional Southern Italian Restaurant that has become a rarity. It's different then the Arthur Avenue Restaurants but because it does many things well plus ad's the New England touches are what makes it special to me. Even in New Haven and Brooklyn there aren't many Restaurants that specialize in a full menu along with Pizza. Every time I visit them I do my best to try and eat several times at Roseland. Last year when I visited my daughter during the summer at her house in the Hamptons I made a round trip to Roselands for dinner. Irwin
  2. I'm guilty of finding a method of resolving this difficulty professionally that actually worked, since both operations prospered and even won some awards. In the last several restaurants that i owned and operated with associates of like mind and spirit we wrote in a prominent place on our Menus in large type. That all customers must order a entrée. Appetizers are expected to be ordered after your entrées are ordered and are served to be shared family style. When customers requested any Steak be served well one they were advised that we would prepare the steak that way if requested, but wouldn't guarantee the tenderness or flavor with no exchanges. We generally served seafood undercooked [this was before it became popular], opened the first wine bar, cordial and brandy carte, served Skate, Sting-Ray, New Zealand Green Lipped Mussels, Slime Head [Orange Roughy], Morton Bay Bugs [slipper Lobster], Authentic Scampi, Fresh Water Hawaiian Prawns, Hawaiian Red Prawns [Deep Ocean], Saint Peters Fish [Talipia], Opihi, Blue Cod, Live Sea Slugs, Hawaiian Goby, Oio [bonefish], Barracuda, Wolfish, Trigger Fish, Parrot Fish, Surgeon Fish, Conger Eel, Awa Awa [Ladyfish], Live Uni,, Various Whelks, and Opah and other under utilized varieties of seafood from periwinkles, types of squid and octopus rarely sold at any restaurants at the time. It was fun catering to diners who enjoyed trying interesting new types of foods, if we had Fresh Goat Available, Axis Deer or Venison, Wild Boar or any Game they were the types of items that after calling customers who we kept on a list who were interested in these items we would of get booked up and not be able to merchandise then except by reservation. We even had the opportunity to open for dinner at 6:30 PM and stop serving by 9:30 PM. Since we had the ordering a entrée for every customer policy there were occasionally customers who chose not to eat at our establishment, but since over 90% of our business was by reservation, the majority of walk ins were repeat or regular customers who we always accommodated. We also did one other thing that sometimes made incompatible couples into lovey dovy couples. We required that Couples sit side by side instead of across from each other on the premise that we encouraged food be shared and we would be more able to provide better service. Initially it was a gamble, but over time it worked extremley well, where we would get couples, recommended by their pastors or Reverend's to be made to sit side by side and order specific appetizers, after which we would be requested to stamp and sign the card to verify that they had complied. In excess of 100 were sent by the most popular TV evangelist from California. I'm sorry that parts of this response are off topic but I haven't though about this subject previously and hoped it would be of interst to eGulleters. Irwin
  3. After having to look at that "Skinny Japanese Guy" SCARF down all those Hot Dogs to win the Hot Dog slurping competition for several years in a row. Yes there isn't any competition, after all watching "Steven" do his thing creates inspiration. IE: After all "Holly Moore" admits that it's what inspired him to go after the Dogs with his excellent site, that soothes on a hungry night. So to the continued success of both "Grey's" and 'Papaya King" and all other "Hot Dog" establishment's we all should acknowledge that when it comes to eating "Fat Guy" is indeed a inspirational leader. Take into consideration what inspiration he's given to the southern eating places during his working trip into the old south. What if he was on holiday ? We would all welcome seeing a true eating show on television. Much more enjoyable then a Cooking Show. eGullet has something very special to capitalize upon. Seriously We have 2 couples who established eGullet the Shaw's/Shapiro and the Perlow's now if we joined them together with the Sterns we would have the ultimate reality television show. With a topic that's of interest to everyone eating. Take the next step and show this posting to the producer of the Survivors, Rocco and Trump and I'm sure that the timing is right, think of it show starts when book is published = $$$$$. Then theres a bottomless amount of characters to keep the show on the air among eGullets posters, plus it can travel around America [North, Central and South] plus around the Globe. With re-runs, syndication and greater popularity this can become it's own world of gluttony. [Only if it tastes good] Am I nut's as usual or on to something possable ? Irwin
  4. One things for sure 'Rocco" really needs to hire a more experienced aggressive BASTARD of a Litigator if he wants to prevail against "Chowodorhow's' Partnerships attorneys. He'd also better find a source of funds to back him up on this litigation, especially since the Partnership has a much better cash flow to meet the litigation expenses. Having been involved with numerous disputes, bankruptcy's of Chapter 11 and Chapter 7's on both sides the only winners are the Attorney's and the operators smart enough to pick up the spoils. I won't enumerate how many times I was able through working thru the Courts, Sheriff's Auctions, Landlords and Debtors that I was successfully able to turn someones disaster into a Cash Cow for pennies on the dollar before the party's involved even knew what transpired. The Restaurant Business is much harder to succeed in then the average person realizes. There are really few instances where a Chef, Bar Tender, Matri Di or Wait Person possesses all the required attributes to make the business a success. Simply trying to do any business in todays environment with government and other regulations demanding so much of your time, plus becoming a employer instead of a employee takes a very different mind set. Ego's are often the most defeating cause of this business since all two many operators who own and successfully operate a single operation begin to thing that they are capable of dealing with a expansion. Most of the time they are WRONG. This is probably the largest cause of failure by established operators. The other major cause of failure is complacency. People often forget that a restaurant is a service business, operated by principals on a day to day basis. They begin to spend less time taking care of business and more time indulging their whims. It's insidious but also human nature. It doesn't take long for this type of thing begins to effect the business, sometimes fatally. At "Rocco's" operation this was a given from the beginning. Sort of like something waiting until the second season to happen. Hopefully when this all over "Rocco" will start to do what he's capable of doing best running a kitchen as a working chef. I'm sure that his youth will benefit overall from this experience helping him to mature. I do wonder if he's still using the services of the attorneys who permitted him to get into any business arrangement without a 51 % interest, and letting the operation start before everything was signed, sealed and delivered. I'm bewildered how this whole farce every got off the ground without Contractors, Construction, Landlords or Indemnity Bonds as are generally required in all NYC construction/renovation projects. If I'm not mistaken the Liquor Licensing Board, Health Department and the IRS also require financial information that assures them that the operating business isn't under capitolized. That's why this whole thing seems like a fairy tale to me. Irwin
  5. wesza

    Carnegie Deli

    See the rest of the story here: Story in Newsday Having been a customer at the "Carnegie Deli" since the 1960's I feel that the Inspector's reasons for closing them are best categorized as "BS". We give Health Inspectors far to much power to search for superficial excuses to waste the publics time on nit picking. Because of regulations that actually make no sense in the operation of a business with so many years of professional responsibility and experience to be forced to pretend that the over zealous inspector whose biggest gun is a thermometer, and visual inspection with minimal practical training and experience so much power is more then they deserve. Fact: The weight of the Tuna in question, shows that this was most likely a preparation of Tuna salad made from opening 2 institution sized tin's taken from the storeroom or pantry where the product is kept at room temperature. Cans are opened, mixed to break up the solid packed canned tuna, drained then Mayo is added either from a Bucket stored in under refrigeration if already opened or taken from the storeroom at room temperature. If celery or lemon is added it also been chopped up and is at room temperature when mixed. This after being prepared is set out for service, especially in a busy place like the Carnegie at a likely temperature of around 70 + degrees, covered and put into a refrigerator where under normal operating conditions it would take 3 to 6 hours to lower to the refrigerators ambulant temperature. That's what happens at every restaurant that prepares their own Tuna Salad. It doesn't happen that way at Subway or the Majority of Fast Food Places because the purchase their Tuna with all the preservatives and flavor enhancers in a refrigerated container that only needs to be opened and scooped out for service. [YUCK] Potato Pancakes at 91 degrees, not warm enough or cold enough for the Inspector ? They have been prepared and served this way traditionally, exactly the same as pre-blanched French Fried potatoes. I'm sure that no one has ever had any health problems with either of these products, again especially since neither item is ever served until it's been reheated in Hot Oil kept at 375 degrees before serving. Barrel Cured Pickles shouldn't be covered, again covering the pickles increases fermentation so who gets the 1/2 Sour Pickles ? Bread in Commercial Bakeries is not covered if you want to retain the Crusty Exterior, like the Rye Bread, Club Bread and Bagels served at most Deli's. All Baker's allow the Bread to set and cool before they package the whole loafs, especially Artesian Bakers. Seems to me that all they did wrong was tried to please their customers with the type of food expected, prepared as it should be done. Traditionally. The general Standards that are expected for Health Inspectors in my mind is best applied with another type of so called food professional that is more interested in working by the book, providing some of the WORST MEALS I'VE EVER EATEN it results in Hospital Food and Airline Food so loved by us all the duo of Health Inspector/Dietitian. I always make sure to bring my own food or provide it for friends or family on Planes and in Hospitals but never at places like the "Carnegie". In Seattle a Restaurant attempted to serve Hamburger's prepared exactly as the Customers ordered:: Rare, Med Rare Etc, the used "Kosher Beef" that cannot be suspect for e-coli contamination due to the method of Slaughter, Ritual inspection, Koshering and Butchering. The "Health Inspector's would not allow this method of service since all BEEf served for Hamburgers must be prepared well done to protect the customers from e-coli. No Exceptions. Irwin
  6. MGLoyd: I'll second the "EZELL"S" but only from the Original Shop located in the Central District. Ezells is also very popular with all the Sports Teams that visit Seattle, NBA, Baseball, Football as a Clubhouse or take to the Hotel Favorite after the game. My Biggest "YUCK" "BLAH" and even worst with "KFC", is that they admit to Marinating their Poultry. [This means adding Salt, TSP, additives and whatever else they can get away with]. It doesn't have any actual Chicken Taste or Flavor, no matter how much you try to find the bird. Tastes from Breading, Salt and Enhancers. What surprises me is that their Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Bisquits, Coles Law and Potato Salad are sides more acceptable then the Chicken in Seattle Still find that the best tasting Chicken served fried is what's available in some of the Soul Food, Southern places in the South, especially where they have available Local Poultry. Poultry really tasted better before the Producers teamed with our "USDA" receiving a thumbs up from them to enhance the Poultry for a Phony reason that only meant more Fluid Absorption, better Profits, no need to tell the Consumers and it worked so well that it's now permitted for Pork, Beef and all other Poultry. That's why the Free Range . and some Organic, No Additive Birds taste like Chicken. Buy them, then Fry them at Home! Irwin
  7. Project: The regular method of preparing this dish at most restaurants is quite different. Generally the type of Beans utilized are "Runner Beans" for a standard serving about 8/10 ounces is satisfactory. Beans are often broken or cut into approximately 6 inch pieces. The amount of Chicken used for this portion of Beans should be about 6/7 ounces sliced diagonally. This Chicken Doesn't require brining, but may be coated with egg white. Ingredients follow: Runner Beans Chicken Egg White only enough to coat the Chicken 8 ounces rich Chicken Broth [reserve 2 ounces and mix with corn starch] Dark Soy 1 Tablespoon Light Soy 1/2 Tablespoon 1/2 Tablespoon Sugar Corn Starch 1 Tablespoon Sliced Hot Chili, about 8/10 very thin slivers. Shredded Ginger 1 Tablespoon Chopped Garlic 1 1/2 Tablespoon Fardue Wine or Dry Sherry 2 ounces Peanut Oil to cover bottom of whatever size Wok being used under highest heat. Vegetable or Canola Oil to Deep Fry the Runner Beans at about 350-375 degree's Some Oyster Sauce may be added for personal preference Cooking Method: Preheat Vegetable or Canola Oil in suitable Wok or Pot so as to be able to submerge the Runner Beans into the Hot Oil long enough to Blanch and become sizzling bright green. Preheat your Cooking Wok, add Peanut Oil till hot Put into oil Stirring constantly the Ginger and Garlic Place Chicken Pieces into the Oil and Stir until opaque, then drain, remove and set aside. Place Beans into oil and stir quickly until covered with Hot Oil Add the Soy Sauces and Chili Slices, keep stirring. Add Wine, still stirring Add Sugar, stir Then add the 6 ounces of Chicken Broth When everything comes to a Boil then add the Chicken Broth with Corn Starch Mixture being sure that it's stirred together first. Add Oyster Sauce option if preferred. Allow the mixture to Thicken and serve immediately. Results: Green Beans with Chicken Try it you'll like it, or order from your favorite Restaurant. Pork, Lamb, Shrimp, Fish, Beef, or Pickled Vegetables may be substituted or combined together with the Chicken as you prefer. Irwin
  8. kieran: Have you considered pre-ordering a "Chinese Banquet Dinner" at anyone of many different Chinese Restaurants you could order and enjoy a authentic Banquet. There are Cantonese, Shanghai, Hakka, Szechwan, Mandarin, Taiwan, Malay, Vietnam or even Korean Restaurants available, including Hot Pot's or Tableside Barbecue. If any of these interest you, there are previous threads to research or I'm sure other posters will recommend their favorites. 10/12 Diners are the perfect size for any of these types of meals and most places have various menus pre-printed for your perusal or will cook anything you want. I find that when these types of meals are ordered the timing and fun spent together at the meal makes every occasion special. Irwin
  9. wesza

    Chuck eye steak

    "Chuck Eye Steak" often called "Calahchel" for Jewish Cuisine is utilized at many Chinese Restaurants as the Beef of Choice for most quick sauté recipes after slicing and marinating. It's a very tasty low fat "Pot Roast" when Braised and Simmered, or used as a Boiled Beef in various recipes. In Southern/Southwestern Cooking it makes a excellent "Country Fried Steak", mostly used for CFS Sandwiches since it cubes or pounds out Round, in the correct Sandwich size, plus curls appropriately as true CFS should The one thing, contrary to other posters opinion is it not really suitable for using as "Hamburger" since it's to lean. But I'm sure that our posters aren't aware that in Europe, especially France and Germany due to it's rich beef taste and character it the cut of choice served at some of the most expensive Restaurants as "Steak Tarter"> [RAW]. Irwin
  10. This is the point I was making in my previous post. You should see that your ovens are correctly calibrated. BUT the simple fact is it doesn't ultimate make that big of a difference because no matter what, if it's a convection oven you will need to learn how to adjust to it. A perfectly calibrated convection oven bakes much differently then a conventional oven due to the increased air flow. The air flow isn't a factor you can punch into a calulator and find a magic answer that will apply to every convection and every item you bake. How much your air cirulates, hot spots in the oven, outside edges, whether the oven is stacked or not, what it's next to in the kitchen, it's humitity, all play into how your baked good turns out. It could also be calibrated perfectly and the oven fan may not be working properly (maybe too frequently, maybe less) and that would effect your baking too. The settings you choose on the exterior will be a factor. Do you use a high fan or low, do you use the cool down button at all? If you could go about calucating as suggested you'd have to conduct endless experiements because you also have to factor in the temp.s of the other items (were they frozen and letting off cool air) in the oven, how many times you'll open your doors, how dense the other products are in the oven taking up air space, how big every items is blocking air flow, etc... But I don't understand how the weight makes a difference, unless your refering to density and how an item blocks the air flow? It can't be done perfectly. Ultimately it comes down to being a good baker. Knowing your ovens you begin to gain a 6th sense, you just "know" when items are done compared to the countless other items you've baked in that oven and your basing that judgement considering size, density and all your past experience, etc.... I bake using an oven on a different floor from where I prep and I've yet to burn anything (knock on wood), even with out scent you do gain this extra sense/knowledge........those who don't have it.....usually aren't bakers for long or live off of timers. I've never thought about the paper trick you mentioned Wesza but I'm darn curious about this and will have to give it a try next time I bake a cheesecake. Thanks for the tip, can I ask where you learned that? Sinclair: Putting the Parchment Paper over the Cheesecake Pans was something I learned from Bruno Cumin, the Head Pastry Chef at the in house Bakery that serviced the "Four Seasons" and "Brasserie" Restaurants in NYC's Seagram Building. Baking "Lindy's Cheesecakes" with both Convection and Deck Oven was something I acquired In Hong Kong where we had installed the first convection overs imported into Asia at my "Lindy's Restaurants" since our volume was much greater then anticipated, especially since doing all in house baking from scratch daily, starting with excess of 600 Croissants made with Normandy Butter Daily plus averaging 50/60 Cheesecakes, Bagels, Dinner Rolls, Rye Bread, Chalah, Ruggelah, Deep Dish Latticed Pies, Sacher Tortes, Nesserole and Chiffon Pies we had a space, production problem. Our original location was in a 2500 square foot space, with rents much higher then NYC or the Ginza in Japan at that time. We did retail and restaurant business averaging 300/500 lunch's daily with our 85 seats and about 300/400 diners with the same Menu served all day, every day. We did have less problems since being experienced with Convection Ovens I pre-ordered them with 2 Fan Speeds, plus fan shut off and the best thermostat available in the market. Often these options are available today without considerable expense to customize your Convection Ovens and can be considered. There is no question that a experienced Baker is capable of managing to produce satisfactory products under adverse conditions. I once had a Baker who produced excellent baked goods with a Chitwood Smoke Oven, no proofer or retarder, but he said no problem and delivered the goods. Irwin
  11. I always prior to using any Convection Oven place several Thermometers in the Oven where I can read them easily. Set the oven to the temperature you desire. Then after watching the temperature readings adjust the temperature until you are satisfied. Important ! even after your pretty sure of your temperature, there is one more step, that I consider the most important. Place into the oven the number of Racks or Pans that you'll generally be Baking for each recipe. If possible put weights onto the Pans that are about the approximate temperature of the ingredients that you'll be baking. In most Ovens you'll need to further adjust your settings, due to the air circulation as well as temperature balance. Another thing that works well, especially with High Density Cheesecakes baked under Convection Heat is to make Cut Outs from Parchment Paper, Spray one Side very lightly with Butter and cover each Cake pan with the Parchment paper Butter Side down to keep the air flow from interfering with your filling until it sets. After your filling sets it easy to remove the Parchment Paper and allow the surface of your Cheesecakes to finish properly. This way works for "Lindys" Cheesecakes every time. Good Luck ! Irwin
  12. SeaGal [JAN]: You correct it was served at the "Original Joe's" and all the other Restaurant's loosely affiliated in the San Francisco area. That and the "Sweetbreads" were served pretty much the same way at every location, The only time I tried it in Seattle was at the SeaTac location of the "13 Coins" and it was inedible, not even vaguely similar to the one served in San Francisco. The only dish that I've been served at the "13 Coins" that I was dissatisfied with after eating there many times. I still enjoy it at home and when I visit the Bay area, never tried it at Boondock's. Irwin
  13. My Partner in one of my Hong Kong Restaurants was 'Sandy Walker" the Great Grandson of Johnny Walker and Grandson of Sir Alexander Walker who founded "Distillers Company Limited". I enjoyed "Blood & Sand" prepared at their home in London made by his Father so much that he gave me several bottles of the German Cherry Liquor that the Family Traditionally used together with 6 bottles of his fathers favorite Scotch Whiskey's that are still cellared at my son's house. The German Black Cherry Liquor is called: "Weis Kirsch Schnapp's" it's 20% Alcohol by Volume and is definitely a Cordial not a Kirsch. The Scotch Labels follow: An Croc Talisker, Triple Filtered, Proprietors Reserve, Isle of Skye Strathisa, 1953 Lagavulin Aberfeldy, Proprietors Reserve Cardhu, Proprietors is 60.2 % Alcohol Since I rarely drink any Scotch Whiskey my son saves them for special occasions. I'm not sure if any of these are still being Marketed since, "DCL" was sold to United Distillers a Guinness Company. This German Liquor was brought into the Family by Sandy's farther, "Jocelyn Walker" who owned a Porcelain Manufacturing Company in Germany called "Kermag" from before the Second World War that was returned back to him when the War ended, where he was introduced the the Black Cherry Cordial. I hadn't thought about it for years until it was mentioned in the Thread. I'm surprised my son still has some of the Whiskey remaining. i'll be sure to prepare a "Blood and Sand" when I visit. Irwin
  14. wesza

    Gefilte Fish

    TRADITION, TRADITION< TRADITION !!! The best fish used in preparing Gefelte Fish are: Carp: There are over 8 popular Species available. But the one most popular in the USA is the Common European Carp. Pike: Walleyed Pike or Sauger are both acceptable, they add the sweetness and character to the finished product. White Fish: American Whitefish or Chubs are very similar to European Species. Sucker or other varieties of the same family in Europe or America. Talipia also known as Saint Peters Fish. Mandarin Fish from China or Crappies from America. These are the traditional Fresh Water Fishes used in Gefelte Fish. The only other fish that was considered appropriate in Europe were some types of Mullets. It's surprising how may varieties of fish are attributable to the Danube, Ural and Volga Rivers that have become traditional for our interpretation of Gefelte Fish. In the Catskill Hotels most Gefelte Fish was made with Walleye Pike and Carp, with the Walleye Pike Bones being preferred for the Broth. The Fishes were filleted and mixed according to every families taste preferences. The Matzoh Meal, Eggs, Onions, Garlic, Celery, Carrots, Pepper, Salt and Sugar in some recipes are pretty standard but variations are acceptable. I have during the last 25 years enjoyed Gefelte Fish prepared with different Salt Water Fishes but the only one's that I don't seem to be able to enjoy are those made with Salmon. I've even tried and liked Gefelte Fish made from Canned Tuna Made by my Mother [What else could I say] that really wasn't bad. The only thing I've never seen served was Gefelte Fish with Paprika ? Irwin
  15. After setting up , opening and operating many, "Angus Steak House's" in England during the 1960's with even a branch in Hong Kong I am always amazed how often it becomes reborn as a superior beef product. We selected the name "Angus" since it was a good quality readily available beef species popular in Scotland where England's best beef was purported to come from. They were generally slightly smaller then most European species raised and feed lot finished, with better loin cuts suitable for Steak portioning, and cost less then other finished beef due the size of finished quarters with steady supply. When I was consulting with Hawaii Beef Company on Oahu we shipped the first live American young steers directly to Kobe to be raided as Wangu Beef from the Robinson's Ranch where they breed smaller Angus Cattle that often graded USDA Prime that became very popular in Japan. It almost imposable to be able to recognize differences in the supply of boxed beef sold commercially. There are several gigantic processors who are trying to merchandise, Angus effectively as a Branded Product but based upon their previous reputations I question their mythology or rationalization about anything but profits. If you want true character, flavor and finesse in your Beef the buy whenever available: Dry Hung Aged Beef, cut from Primal Beef Sections from a reputable Butcher. Even the Ground Beef processed from a Primal Round, Hindquarter or Forequarter tastes better then any Plastic Sealed or Boxed Beef Cuts or Trimmings. Irwin
  16. I feel that "Clinton" should be included into our President's list. Any President who takes his stomach and other appetites into consideration, especially a newby New Yorker smart enough to locate his office in Harlem, close to the foods dear to his heart deserves the allocate. We also must take into consideration his study of "Herb's" during his tenure at Oxford, plus many trips to France. With stops in Amsterdam ? I would like to give fellow eGulleters a one up about the evolution of a French Chef into the White House. Yes it's true "Pepin", was offered the position and turned it down, since Howard Johnson's was paying much more and was sure to last more then a few years. The selection of Chef's had been passed on to Joe Baum, Albert Stockli and Roger France from Restaurant Associates and the "Four Seasons" Restaurant specifically by the White House via Mrs Kennedy. I'm glad things occurred as they did, since "Peppin's" Cookbooks are the best illustrated cooking guides till today available. Some of the best Food TV Shows as well. The areas around the "Johnson Ranch" in Texas offer some of Americas finest Bavarian Style Smoked Meats and Sausages. This whole part of Texas is certainly one of the most pretty lush areas in the Southwest. What really surprised me was the fact that it was at that time the only place I had ever come across 24 hour refrigerated vending machines selling "Worms" for fishing bait. We also must consider the association of the ACI being located in Hyde Park where the Roosevelt's had their estate. I'm not sure about what their eating habit's were but I've heard that his Uncle Teddy's were quite sophisticated so I'll add "Teddy Roosevelt" to my list. Irwin
  17. Mark: I get to go first, especially since I've got the White Hair naturally without the Wig. I never could figure out Tom Jefferson's age since every picture that I'm familiar with shows him looking older then expected. Served "Humphrey", at the Four Seasons Restaurant in NYC at what was considered the first $1.000.00 Dollar luncheon a Bowl of Tomato Soup and a Turkey Sandwich with Lettuce and Mayo at the request of the Seceret Service. As far as i'm concerned since I tasted it, that was the best Tomato Soup I ever tasted. Ditto for the Loaf of White Bread we Baked and the Turkey sent from a farm in New Jersey. JFK was a very sophisticated eater and was willing to taste and experiment with different dishes. It was a very moving experience to serve Jacqueline at her first public appearence the exact menu that they enjoyed previously at his birthday. Everyone who had the privelege to work that night at the "Four Seasons" was effected, even more so since she was taken in through the kitchen to avoid the media, and thanked us personally. Irwin
  18. My vote would go to Americas original eGulleter. Thomas Jefferson Irwin
  19. One thing you can be absolutely assured about is that "Mark Burnett" doesn't ever ask questions about any show he is involved in without contriving all the answers. Both "Rocco' and his Partner are doing very well on this "PRODUCTION" where the actual total expenses and costs for the 12 shows being produced are less then a single episode of "Friends" and much more profitable, plus this will continue to earn for the principals better since residuals are paid to the producers, since there are no actors involved officially. [Ha Ha ] Who wouldn't want to invest in the total package, there has never been a more blatant tie in with advertisers and promotions previously executed on television thru insinuating that it's a reality show. Translates to lower costs, expenses and larger profit's. Heck there's not even any prizes or pay outs. What a deal. It sure wouldn't be as profitable on Cable where they don't have the advantages of having advertisers pay rates at inflated prices during a low viewing period. What's even more annoying and ridiculous is that just because it's about a Restaurant, with Food and Kitchen action of sorts we will probably watch it every week and have fun commenting on all the Goofs going on for each show. The bewildering part to me is whats with Rocco, he gets away with more then any son with a Italian Mother ever has, I'm surprised that the "Soprano's", haven't intervened to fix that situation. After all "Goombah's", have rules that must be recognized traditionally about respect, remember the "Godfather" or "Goodfellows" even though they probably weren't as profitable. Irwin
  20. Both Duck Kidney and Duck Giblets may be Cured and Dried to use for various types of Soups primarily "Hakka" or "Cantonese" but i've never seen any Duck Kidney available at Asian Markets in the Seattle Area, but we have had the "Giblet's" for years. I've enjoyed them as a base for Congee or Chuck but it's most popular prepared in various soups made with Bunched Dried Vegetables, my favorite is Chinese Dry Watercress, Dry Mushrooms, Fresh Carrots, Dry Duck Giblets, Ginger and Garlic, slow cooked at a simmer in a Chicken Broth with a cover with some chinese parsley and spring onions sliced thin added just before serving. Irwin
  21. VeryApe77: Areyou positive that what you want is Liver? I'm pretty sure it's dried Duck Giblet. Irwin
  22. Sun-Ki: The Flamingo Chuckwagon was located on Kapolani Boulevard across from the Blaisdall Center. Served "Prime Rib" Buffet at reasonable price. The original "Flamingo Restaurant" was located on Ala Moana Blvd at the location where a Restaurant Center was built after they lost their lease. There was also a Waikiki Location for Years where the Waikiki Center[?] was built. They also built a place in Pearl City as did the Columbia Inn. Don't know if any still operating. Irwin
  23. I'm surprised that no ones mentioned one of New York, especially Brooklyn's most unique Restaurant personalties. Cooky Rachelson, founder and operator of "Cooky's Restaurants" in Brooklyn, Caterers "Buffet Cooky" and the truly special "Cooky's Steak Pubs". Bet lots of you remember the "Steak Castle" and all the other places all over NYC and the Suburbs. in Valley Stream Shopping Center and all over NYC and the Suburbs. Irwin
  24. wesza

    promet fish

    Pomfret is the name most often used for several of the Asian/Indian Species of fish from the Jack Cravelle Family. In Hawaii they are called Papio or Ulua and in the Gulf States are called Pompano or Permit. All are from the same family and quite tasty. In Seattle at the Ranch 99 Markets thay sell Black, Silver and Gold Pomfret. They'll even Fry them for you at no additional charge. Generally doesn't last thru the drive home. Irwin
  25. Somehow the places that I personally miss the most are: Flamingo Restaurant on Ala Moana as that was where my family went to eat most often for the friendly fast service and the consistent quality with reasonable prices, especially with the set dinner menus. Pearl City Tavern. There wasn't anyplace even close for that special occasion meal. With the Monkey Bar and upstairs Garden it was always very special. The fact that it was a substantial sized independent Restaurant located in Pearl City that served Live Maine Lobsters [i generally ordered 3 or 4 pounders] comparable to the best Lobster places on the mainland at reasonable prices was really awesome. The decoration and amenities always felt right. Mahi-Mahi Sandwiches and good breakfasts were always available at the various "Stewart's Pharmacy Restaurants" for locals and tourists. Too many places have closed that seemed to be just there that were special that I'm not sure of their names and maybe never even knew what they were called. It seems like there were many open window or storefronts that every one sort of took for granted especially in the Kaimuki and Kilihi areas or Bretania and King Streets that only prepared a few special items that were really good. Irwin
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