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The junk drawer


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Varmint, LOL! We have a lot of drawers in our kitchen also, and three of the drawers would probably look like junk drawers to anyone not familiar with the method of my madness. For example, under one of the drawers we have a pull out shelf that I use for baking, mixing, mashing potatoes, etc. (I'm short and the counters are a tad bit too high). Therefore, potato masher goes in this drawer and NOT the drawer under the cooktop where all the other cooking utensils go. How hard is that to remember????

The other day I was looking in the junk drawer for something or other -- matches? white cotton thread? -- and found my long lost Swiss army knife. :smile:

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tommy, come back, please. I was laughing out loud about the plethora of drawers in Varmint's kitchen and still the need for a junk drawer. I'm not into outhouse humor.

mr. tommy, you're still my favorite poster :wub: .

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Careful, Bushey, as you don't want to stroke Tommy's ego too much.  He'll forget to take his medication.

i require *much* less medication than an awful lot of other folks here on egullet. this i know for sure.

tommy, it's quality rather than quantity that counts. Surely, surely.

"I've caught you Richardson, stuffing spit-backs in your vile maw. 'Let tomorrow's omelets go empty,' is that your fucking attitude?" -E. B. Farnum

"Behold, I teach you the ubermunch. The ubermunch is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: the ubermunch shall be the meaning of the earth!" -Fritzy N.

"It's okay to like celery more than yogurt, but it's not okay to think that batter is yogurt."

Serving fine and fresh gratuitous comments since Oct 5 2001, 09:53 PM

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i require *much* less medication than an awful lot of other folks here on egullet.  this i know for sure.
Listen, Tommy's fairly stable by eGullet standards. Terrifying, isn't it? :shock:

Tommy is surely as stable as he needs to be. It's just that his throwing down the gauntlet there, sounded a little, dunno, competitive, and everyone seems to like polls and such so well.

Topically, I prefer utility drawer to junk drawer. Gives one something to live up to.


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