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The Cultivated Life

Jason Perlow

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I was recently sent a copy of The Cultivated Life: Thomas Jefferson and Wine a new multimedia DVD recently put out by PBS. Its a combination of web content and a PBS documentary film, utilizing a new multimedia fusion technology called NetBlender, which combines web content and DVD video into one seamless presentation and interface and does not require installation on your computer -- you just play the DVD and everything "just works".

Its a great movie and if you're interested in the subject of how viticulture formed in the 18th century in the United States, its very educational. The integrated Netblender software on the DVD also works really well (on PC).

Currently, you can only buy the film from the PBS website -- the movie aired in November and December briefly in a few different PBS markets, and its not scheduled to re-air anytime soon.

The Cultivated Life DVD with Netblender Technology

Jason Perlow, Co-Founder eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters

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