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Philly's Most Expensive Cheesesteak


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Glad there was a happy ending, but upsetting that it took three levels of management to achieve it. I'm hoping the Philadelphia Four Seasons realizes it has a customer service problem above and beyond head-strong security. I too have long been a fan of Four Seasons Hotels and the Philadelphia Four Seasons. But I'd say my faith is only semi-restored.

Holly Moore

"I eat, therefore I am."



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Glad to hear you prevailed Daniel. I think the outcome is fair. Persistance and respect pays off.

I would have expected no less from the Four Seasons. They've not only retained you as a customer, but more than likely, many others reading here.

Now.....about those fries... :smile:

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Have you ever gotten the fries in any of there Hotels? I am curious if they are all like this..

I am sure that I have along the way, but the experience is not jumping to the forefront at this very moment, which means that they were not great, but not that bad either. I usually order a cheeseburger or club sandwich after being on a long (or delayed flight), which is probably why I don't recall the quality of the fries. I will pay more attention next time :raz:

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The fries certainly were out of the freezer.. They were under cooked and disappointing..  The key to photographing drunk is to take many pictures.. One is bound to be decent  :biggrin:.. They were a couple of other events that were really disappointing about the Four Seasons.. One being a security gaurd came into the room at 5 am unannounced to turn down the volume of the television.. The guy just barged into the room with out a knock or call or identifying himself...I was sleeping and my girl was half dressed..  It turns out after speaking to the head of security the following morning, a guest made a complaint.. The guest had his radio on in the room and thought it was someone next doors television.. Unbelievable.. I spoke with the manager and they were less then helpful.. I am waiting for the head managers call this afternoon..

That is completely inexcusable. Wow. Glad to hear they won't be charging you.

I stayed at the Philly Four Seasons for my 18th birthday (which is longer ago than I care to admit) - my mom came down from Connecticut, picked me up at college on the Main Line, and took me to the city for the weekend. Since I was technically 17 (and therefore still a "kid") when I arrived, they brought popcorn and balloons to our room. It was EXCELLENT.

Edited by Megan Blocker (log)

"We had dry martinis; great wing-shaped glasses of perfumed fire, tangy as the early morning air." - Elaine Dundy, The Dud Avocado

Queenie Takes Manhattan

eG Foodblogs: 2006 - 2007

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Have you ever gotten the fries in any of there Hotels? I am curious if they are all like this..

Just an update:

The GM called me and said "Mr. _____  this is the GM Harry _____.. The Four Season's doesnt argue with its guests, I dont argue with the guests, I am sorry this happened there will be no charge"  The guy was the first professional I encountered in the management.  The staff, besides the security guard was wonderful and my faith has been restored in a terrific Brand..


I can believe that this happened to you at the Four Seasons, at least the french fry part of your saga. The security intrusion is totally unacceptable and, I'm not a lawyer, but probably actionable. At the very least, your room should have been comped by the general manager.

I used to love the Fountain and the hotel itself, but alas no more. Last time we went, there were three of us. Two in our party ordered the veal chop which was laced with a ring of fat when it came to the table. I was unaware of the incident until days later as my guests were too polite to send their food back. In any restaurant other than the Four Seasons, this would have been an oversight. I expect a level of quality control from the kitchen there that should have seen this before the waitstaff delivered our food.

I sent a letter to chef Haman about the incident and told him we were fairly frequent diners there and were pretty shocked at the veal chops. I got no response back for a month and decided to email the GM. He emailed back immediately and suggested chef Haman must not have gotten the letter as he was quite good about these things. Next morning chef phones and insists we have dinner on him. I said I didn't send the letter for a free dinner but rather to let him know of our experience. He was insistant and we did in fact go back.

The food, while quite good, is less than stellar as I believe Lacroix consistantly delivered. Oh well, I've wanted to tell this story to someone!!

btw, fries are great and fresh cut in their Executive Headquarter town of Toronto! I used to spend many nights there and can say room service was perfect at any hour.

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