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Peter Luger Steakhouse (2001-2003)


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Our waiter, an elderly Czech called Ivan, with a glint in his eye and a kind heart, told us what was good, and we were seduced.

Ivan is the best! He waited on my party when I went there in January 2002, and remembered us when we went back two months later. I'm guessing there were a few thousand tables served in between?

He also said one of the more memorable lines I've ever heard from a waiter. When serving our dessert and coffee, he asked if we wanted cream for the coffee or wanted to use schlag. I asked for cream, and he paused dramatically, and said in a mock-sinister-Nazi tone, "schlag isst better!"

Edited by Z28Racer (log)
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i ate there last year with a group of friends, steak rare, it was a fun experience, but I had better steak at the strip house. I had a wonderful time at PL, but the steak just wasnt that memorable. I like the little pink rare plastic cow.......

"Is there anything here that wasn't brutally slaughtered" Lisa Simpson at a BBQ

"I think that the veal might have died from lonliness"


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  • 2 weeks later...

Funny you should ask that. Had dinner at Lugers tonight. Phenomenal as usual.

I dont think the quality will suffer. "Steak for 2" is a whole porterhouse, whereas "Steak for 1" is a small porterhouse I beleive. As you scale above 2, then they just double the amount of porterhouses, I think.

the only cut Lugers has is the porterhouse. that's it.

Jason Perlow, Co-Founder eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters

Foodies who Review South Florida (Facebook) | offthebroiler.com - Food Blog (archived) | View my food photos on Instagram

Twittter: @jperlow | Mastodon @jperlow@journa.host

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There's some debate about this among the Luger's die-hards. I've found all Luger's steak to be good, but sometimes when you order steak for three you get two small ones and those tend not to be as good as the bigger ones -- the thicker, meatier cuts just cook up better under the broiler.

Steven A. Shaw aka "Fat Guy"
Co-founder, Society for Culinary Arts & Letters, sshaw@egstaff.org
Proud signatory to the eG Ethics code
Director, New Media Studies, International Culinary Center (take my food-blogging course)

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Well, I finally made it to the PL in Brooklyn for the very first time (been to the one in Great Neck at least twice). Actually, I think it may have been the first time I had the steak too. (We usually go with enough people that I don't cramp anyone's steak-jones by ordering the lamb chops). The steak was very good. It came out pretty much as ordered -- the filet part of the porterhouse was a little more medium than medium-rare, but the other portion was nice & mostly red. What I particularly appreciated was the crust they managed to get on it while keeping the inside cooked just so. I know it's part of their tradition, but I think the ultra-heated plate, while keeping the steak warm, works against the doneness level -- I think the steak keeps cooking on that hot plate.

The creamed spinach was as good as ever, but I doubt I'll be ordering the German potatoes again. I remember last time (2-3 years ago?) they were burnt, and they were even more so last night. I mean they should be well browned and crusty, but the tops of these were carbonized. Yuck. We were the first people seated for dinner yesterday, so there just didn't seem to be any reason for over-cooked potatoes. I would have sent them back, but Jason said they are supposed to be that way. :wacko: I picked all the burnt stuff off and they were OK, but next time (next year or so) it'll be the fries or baked potato.

Anyway, the decor is more rustic than at the Great Neck location (I think they use table clothes on Long Island?). If you are worried about having enough cash on hand there is a ATM across the street, and restaurant parking too. Oh, and the waiters were very friendly and younger than we remembered. According to our waiter, there are a few of the old-timers left, but a lot of them have retired or died in the past few years. :sad:

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Well, I finally made it to the PL in Brooklyn for the very first time (been to the one in Great Neck at least twice). Actually, I think it may have been the first time I had the steak too. (We usually go with enough people that I don't cramp anyone's steak-jones by ordering the lamb chops). The steak was very good. It came out pretty much as ordered -- the filet part of the porterhouse was a little more medium than medium-rare, but the other portion was nice & mostly red. What I particularly appreciated was the crust they managed to get on it while keeping the inside cooked just so. I know it's part of their tradition, but I think the ultra-heated plate, while keeping the steak warm, works against the doneness level -- I think the steak keeps cooking on that hot plate.

The creamed spinach was as good as ever, but I doubt I'll be ordering the German potatoes again. I remember last time (2-3 years ago?) they were burnt, and they were even more so last night. I mean they should be well browned and crusty, but the tops of these were carbonized. Yuck. We were the first people seated for dinner yesterday, so there just didn't seem to be any reason for over-cooked potatoes. I would have sent them back, but Jason said they are supposed to be that way. :wacko: I picked all the burnt stuff off and they were OK, but next time (next year or so) it'll be the fries or baked potato.

Anyway, the decor is more rustic than at the Great Neck location (I think they use table clothes on Long Island?). If you are worried about having enough cash on hand there is a ATM across the street, and restaurant parking too. Oh, and the waiters were very friendly and younger than we remembered. According to our waiter, there are a few of the old-timers left, but a lot of them have retired or died in the past few years. :sad:

No Bacon, No Tomatoe and Onion Salad for app''s ?

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Yes bacon, no tomato-onion salad. I was more in the mood for a green salad last night, and it was good. The bacon is amazing, especially diced up and added to the salad. Interesting note, the bacon is available as an "appetizer" and (diced) as a salad addition (same price $1.95 each). We ordered the appetizer portion, but I am curious if the salad portion is the same size, and just they dice it up instead of me?

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What kind of "arrogance" or gruffness do you all speak of when discussing the foreboding Luger's waitstaff? When a New Jersey friend and I (a Chicagoan) ate at Luger's we found the bartenders & waitstaff to be most gracious--even if the waiter did choose to amuse himself at my expense.

We declined to look at menus, followed the "Steak for Two, creamed spinach, hash browns" script. Herr Waiter nodded approvingly and bowed out. Five minutes later, he came back and intoned to me gravely, "I'm sorry, Sir, but we're out of steak tonight. We only have fish."

I had traveled from Chicago (partially) for this meal! My jaw unhinged. I looked ashen-faced at the waiter, at my friend, then back at the waiter--who blurted out "Hahahahaa!!!" as did my less-gullible friend. :laugh:

Chum & I agreed that if the waiter teases me, it means he likes me!

There are two sides to every story and one side to a Möbius band.


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I went for the burger over the weekend - my first time at PL in Brooklyn too. It was way over-salted, to the point where I really couldn't taste the meat. This might be in part to a relatively high level of salt-sensitivity in my palette, but I thought it was still excessive for a burger. Bacon & fries were excellent.

"Long live democracy, free speech and the '69 Mets; all improbable, glorious miracles that I have always believed in."

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I went to PL last spring with 3 friends, we ordered 2 steaks bc my friend and I liked it rare and the others liked it medium. The steak arrived and I was really unimpressed. I ve had better steak at Strip house and at angelos and maxies, ,,,, and they werent hard to get to either,,,,,,

"Is there anything here that wasn't brutally slaughtered" Lisa Simpson at a BBQ

"I think that the veal might have died from lonliness"


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I ve had better steak at Strip house and at angelos and maxies

No, you haven't.

Steven A. Shaw aka "Fat Guy"
Co-founder, Society for Culinary Arts & Letters, sshaw@egstaff.org
Proud signatory to the eG Ethics code
Director, New Media Studies, International Culinary Center (take my food-blogging course)

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I ve had better steak at Strip house and at angelos and maxies

No, you haven't.

So there! :biggrin:


Practice. Do it over. Get it right.

Mostly, I want people to be as happy eating my food as I am cooking it.

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um yeah, fat guy, my steak at strip house was ten times more satisfying than mine at PL, dont tell me how to taste

"Is there anything here that wasn't brutally slaughtered" Lisa Simpson at a BBQ

"I think that the veal might have died from lonliness"


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um yeah, fat guy, my steak at strip house was ten times more satisfying than mine at PL, dont tell me how to taste

You go jeune, tell us more about your meal and make your case babe! Maybe your steak was better but we need to hear about why, what and how!

I believe you though, sometimes, given the right circumstances, environment, people and time, you can have the BEST dinner (or steak) of your life even though it might not be ranked on ZAGATS...

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um yeah, fat guy, my steak at strip house was ten times more satisfying than mine at PL, dont tell me how to taste

I think he is simply referring to the quality of the Prime. PL is well known among the meat industry in NY as taking the lions share of the best cuts of porterhouse. The owners literally hand pick them.

Jason Perlow, Co-Founder eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters

Foodies who Review South Florida (Facebook) | offthebroiler.com - Food Blog (archived) | View my food photos on Instagram

Twittter: @jperlow | Mastodon @jperlow@journa.host

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.. my steak at strip house was ten times more satisfying than mine at PL..

Interesting. I'm not that keen (ha) on SH overall (hate the decor, and had a pretty disappointing meal with Simon lately), but I do like their strip steak.

I must go to PL. So many years in NY, there really isn't an excuse for not having been.

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I think he is simply referring to the quality of the Prime. PL is well known among the meat industry in NY as taking the lions share of the best cuts of porterhouse. The owners literally hand pick them.

Gotcha. To pull a Cabrales on ya :smile: she said

I ve had better steak at Strip house and at angelos and maxies

she wasnt stating a condition of fact about the quality of the steaks objectively but for her the steaks at the other places were better...

or something...

I dont much care, I live a block from Gibsons... :smile:

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I ve had better steak at Strip house and at angelos and maxies

No, you haven't.

How can one categorically say that this wasn't the case (that is, that at least on one occasion a better steak was had at place other than PL)? Added to which, jeunefilleparis is a new member around here as far as I can see and unless she/he is a troll (and I have no evidence that this is so), why is making an absolute statement like this (no, you haven't) in line with the spirit of the board’s aims?

(That is not to say that it might be the case that, in general, PL serves superior steaks.)

Edited by yvonne johnson (log)
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Actually I thought that was one of the more humorous and to the point posts on eGullet today. It's refreshing to see an opinion so effectively communicated in three words as opposed to 30 paragraphs.

Plus Fat Guy's from New York City. That's the way New Yorkers talk, at least in the movies.

Holly Moore

"I eat, therefore I am."



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Actually I thought that was one of the more humerous and to the point posts on eGullet today.  It's refreshing to see an opinion so effectively communicated in three words as opposed to 30 paragraphs.

Plus Fat Guy's from New York City.  That's the way New Yorkers talk, at least in the movies.


Now that you mention it, I guess it is funny to see F-G communicate in so few words. :laugh:

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um yeah, fat guy, my steak at strip house was ten times more satisfying than mine at PL, dont tell me how to taste

That just means you don't know a great steak from a not so great steak.

What, pray tell, was "ten times more satisfying" about steak at Strip House, and what was "better" about steak at Angelo & Maxie's?

Were they the same cuts? Was the quality of the meat better, in your opinion? Were they cooked differently?

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