26 minutes ago, dcarch said:" What many of you are missing is cleaning the handle. Our hands are a primary source of bad bacteria. Food handlers wear gloves to protect food from contact with skin.. -----"
Billions and billions in many cultures eat with their hands.
You are supposed to eat sushi using your hand.
How do you break bread and eat bread?
Who are these billions? Don't tell me India. Most Indian people who do use their hands (and that certainly isn't everyone) use bread (in various forms) to lift food to their mouths. They aren't sticking their fingers in the curry! China, the most populous nation on earth mostly uses chopsticks and people are highly averse to touching their food.
"supposed to eat sushi using your hand"? Says who? Every time I've been in a Japanese sushi place (in Japan), everyone was using chopsticks.
I'd say more Americans and other westerners eat with their hands. Hamburgers and other sandwiches, pizzas etc.
This whole hygiene business is,though, a first world concern. I have no running hot water in my kitchen and neither does anyone I know. I'm lucky that I do in my bathroom - that is unusual. Millions have no running water at all. Chances of them buying alcohol wipes or anything similar are nil.
They also suffer far fewer allergies. Germs can be useful.
Of course some bacteria and other pathogens can be dangerous, but they are rare. The only time I have had food poisoning in China was from eating Hagen Daaz ice cream in a western restaurant.