If you are sensitive to spicy heat levels, even considered 'mild', I would have a back-up plan. Something vegetable like roasted red bell peppers and/or apple sauce. (blendered together). Even a sweet red pepper based pureed vegetable soup.
I say that because my preferred gochugaru, Korean red pepper flake, is considered mild. 10,000 positive amazon reviews--1% say it is not spicy at all so I waisted my money. 20%, just a guess, say be careful as it is soo spicy. "you can always add more". The majority say it is perfect. Not to spicy or too mild. Not a palate killer. We are in that camp.
That said, I. just made a batch of chili crisp last night. Perfect for us. I tasted a full tBs of the crispy bits and very mild heat. A Kimchi batch I made last weekend was also mild but I dumped another half cup and had to add more cabbage and transfer to a bigger bowl. Still too spicy using the same gochugaru so I need to pick up another cabbage.
I mention vegetables like red bell peppers because I was looking at 'mild' kimchi recipes before the holidays for my family. Also called kid friendly. The benefits of fermentation without the spicy heat. I also looked at commercially made mild kimchi and saw sweet red pepper flake and apple juice. I'm guessing the apple juice will ferment to an AC vinegar.
A tomato based sauce like marinara might be too assertive but you could still enjoy the meal.
*gochugang is made from gochugaru. The powdered into a paste. I'm using the chili 'flake'.