I know what a panade is , and what its purpose is
when using ground meat(s).
it prevents at least some of the meat from tightening up and getting
when I make a meat sauce ( conventionally , stove top )
i used a panade when the ground meat was at a ' grey ' point
not fully browned. I used heavy cream , which I do not keep on hand.
for a while Ive used full fat cream cheese ( which i freeze in ' lumps' to extend ' shelf life )
I mash the FFCC with milk if I have it , or cold water to get to the fat content point
of heavy cream. these small , defrosted lumps are fine to add to a pasta
sauce that uses wine , so creamy-ness . and that won't curdle
back on point :
when i make my Turkey + RedSauce Ragu ( which I freeze in blocks )
using an iPot , Ive done the same initially w the turkey , for extra tenderness.
Ill be doing that today , w higher fat ground turkey
which has taken me a long time to realize , probably is made from dark turkeymeat
or not.
the money line : w the much higher temps in an iPot
Full Pressure , say 1 hour , narural release
are the proteins so denatured that mush higher temp , that if they initially contracted
( panade or no panade ) at a lower temp , they would sort that out and become tender
at the much higher temP
so a panade would only be useful with this technique
for flavor and body , not tenderness.
I don't plan on doing the experiment w and w/o panade
just yet
but sounds like an interesting experiment for the future
your thoughts and experiences ?