I never peel potatoes any more
clean them yes, but the skin , russets or red bliss add
I feel add a lot of flavor .
for MP @ the iPot
I do roughly chop them in big chunks
after cleaning
then into the steamer basket
I can tell you this keeps a lot of flavor in the potato
and out of the water .
way before the iPot
I make MPs frequently
I peeled back then. then cut the potatoes into smaller and smaller
chunks , to get them boiled sooner.
I noticed after a while , the MP's
On the plate , were lacking
I realized I was making , in my haste , potato water.
then kept the skins on , and
Sooooo Much better , on the plate.
and the skins stay on for the MP's
and add a lot of flavor
the iPot , w basket , makes MP very easily.