So the braise or roast part didn't go over too big?
@Duvel I actually saw when searching, that you were one of the few here who has dealt with this cut, and posted about it previously.
While your prep and method sounds lovely, it's just more than I want to undertake for home cooking; and deep frying in an NYC apartment with little to no ventilation sucks. Actually, my sous vide rig has not come out for pandemic cooking yet; it's been all oven, stove top, IP, CSO, et al. It makes the house smell good, and that's comforting these days.
Anyway, it's been braised, I'm reducing the braising liquid now, and I'll heat up a couple of slices in that for service, alongside a potato/fennel gratin that's in the oven.
And this way, I get to use my cool Falk rondeau.