From time to time, we pass through Tucson, Arizona and go to the Arizona-Sonoran Desert Museum. From time to time, they offer cooking or harvest classes featuring native Sonoran Desert ingredients. The closest I've managed to come to attending such a class was last fall's Desert Harvest Festival, which I wrote about here. One of the best parts was a presentation titled A Pot, A Pillowcase, and A Propane Torch, in which Sarah Lee-Allen showed how to make prickly pear syrup, mesquite flour and cholla buds into edible goodness without getting stuck.
Since then I've had my electronic ears tuned to other class offerings. I recently received this notification about a class coming up on April 6, 2019.
QuoteIn the past you expressed interest in our harvest/cooking classes at the Desert Museum. The first of the year is coming up April 6, usually 8-12 noon, where we will show you and you will harvest, despine and process fresh cholla flower buds for easy to make (Healthy!) recipes. We don't actually do much cooking in our classes these days, but we do share a lunch (prepared by our Museum Kitchen) of chollas and some of our other favorite native foods.The classes are taught by Robin (Staff) and several of us docents. We all know a lot about native foods, some fact and some fiction. You figure it out. Handouts include tips, techniques and recipes.If you can join us, sign up on the Museum's website.
I think it will be an interesting class; unfortunately, we are mobile snowbirds and will have moved on by then. I'm posting about it here in case someone else IS interested and able to attend!
Disclaimer: I have been in communication with Sarah, and I have a general membership with the ASDM. I have no financial involvement with the organization, other than paying dues!