I did recently asparagus soup for the children of a pre-school. I followed the recipe but after completion the raw flavor of asparagus soup is persisting. This may be my concoction also. But the same soup which I tasted hot in a fine dining restaurant didn't have this raw flavor.
After the completion of soup There is a transport of almost 1.5 hour and children take after another 2 hours. The teachers say they reheated and served to the children but their complaint is children didn't like it. So they told me remove from the menu . I am disappointed.
Should I ask the teachers why the children didn't like?
Is the reason for their dislike is because of the raw flavor of asparagus in the soup which I suspected initially when I made?
Here is the recipe I followed.
I have excluded onion, garlic and chicken broth from the recipe as we have a prohibition to use them in our cooking. Rest all the recipe remains the same.