Hello and thanks for the membership.
I'm a danish apprentice chef (age 29), having short of 2 years left on my education. Working in a "steakhouse" and in the sparetime doing a lot of playing around with food and reading(About food, obviously).
My favourites to play around with, is starters and desserts. Sweet tooth, I'd say. (My latest was a cinnamon ice cream lollipop with double fried pancakes, hazelnut puré, lemon curd and edible flowers. The next up for experimenting will be a hollow honey gel ball filled with camomile mousse)
I recently finished "Food Consumption in Global Perspective" by Jakob A. Klein and now starting to dig through Modernist Cuisine, so my interests are wide.
I'm married to a english girl (half italian), currently living in Sao Paulo for her pHD(Human rights & their previous dictatorship). Both fascinated about food, food history/culture which gives a rich possibility to play around with different cuisines from different nationalities.
I'm looking forward to reading, and hopefully contribute, a lot of interesting posts and ideas here.
Best regards
Henrik Grimaldi Christensen