Indoor garden update.... Some plants are doing great, others not so much.
The rau ram6 is unstoppable. It's going to take over the apartment soon!
Both basils are doing really well and the mint that I cloned from the supermarket is rooted nicely - although the basils are getting shaded a bit by the rau ram! Every time I move them, the rau ram just encroaches that much more....
I'm having problems with the curry plant. It's definitely showing iron deficiency - which it is prone to. I think my nutrient pH was a little too high for a few weeks which limits iron uptake. I've since adjusted it and it's getting a bit better but I think I'll prune some of the stems that have lost leaves and see if that spurs some new growth. I also don't know if I'm watering it too much or not enough. It is prone to root rot and typically likes to dry out a bit between waterings, but in theory, coco coir holds such a large amount of air that root rot shouldn't be an issue. Indeed, I unpotted it a week ago and couldn't find any sign of rot - the roots looked great.
I'm not so happy with lemongrass either. A while ago I had excess nutrient build up in the coir because when watering, I didn't use enough to flush the excess. I've since corrected that problem and it's no longer dying but it's not growing either. I also don't know how moist I should keep the coir for this. Maybe it likes to be more moist and I need more frequent watering?
Kaffir lime is doing well. The new growth is greening up nicely. I'm going to make a Panang curry soon as it needs a pruning - hopefully that will stimulate a new flush and it will fill out more.
Sawtooth is doing really well. It's growing well and the leaves have great pungent and texture.