@haresfur, Anova hasn't asked me for more money and I'm on my third APO. I did pay them to replace the cooking probe which I broke.
I use the app on my phone to cook "Toast" in the Anova only; for everything else I use the front panel of the oven. I also use the app to run the Descale procedure a second time (with water only, to rinse it).
On occasion I have written to support@anovaculinary.com about issues with Oven.
I visit https://oven.anovaculinary.com/?query=reheat leftovers&page=1 to look up recipes.
That's it.
@FlashJack and @haresfur, can it be something you're doing that triggers Anova wanting you to pay?
My blexxed opinion only: If Anova wanted me to pay for a subscription for access to the "Toast" recipe, I would spend $100 on a manual toaster.