My first whack at creating a cinnamon raisin sourdough. This is 80/20 bread flour and spelt flour at 80% hydration. I made it with Vietnamese cinnamon and golden raisins soaked in vanilla extract. The smell of this loaf baking was truly other-worldly. 😍 Will post the crumb later today.
Interesting that, in spite of the score, the loaf still burst on the end. Does anyone have any thoughts on that for me?
EDIT: Forgot the process details. BF was 16.5 hrs on the counter at an average temp of 66F (75% increase). After final shaping, I let it counter proof in the banneton for 1.5 hrs at 68F, then popped it in the fridge for a CR of 14.5 hrs. Cold baked directly from the fridge with 4 small ice cubes placed in the DO (450F covered for 50 min, uncovered for 5 min). Crumb shots added. Crust is firm but not overpowering. Crumb is very soft, moist and tender. Flavor is surprisingly tangy. Undoubtedly the long BF, CR and added spelt played a part. Really love this one!