2 hours ago, pastryani said:
@Elaina - thanks much for the suggestion. I actually have this book and funnily enough I had actually bookmarked the orange PDF recipe with a sticky note.
I'll try this out, but maybe I'll reduce the amount of sugar a bit (not sure why it calls for more sugar... jam is usually already super-sweet). In your experience how does this turn out? Did you make any changes to the recipe?
I thought it turned out fine although some types took longer to set than the recipe suggested. I did not change the recipe. I have absolutely no other experience with PDF - it is not something I have ever seen in a store in rural upstate NY. So I really do not have any comparison data. I liked it - it was not over the top sweet in my opinion but I did use my own jams/jellies which are no-pectin, lower sugar than commercial jams. I have included it in my holiday candy gifts several times and gotten very positive feed back. I am strictly an amateur candy maker so my experience and knowledge are limited.