If there is a Middle eastern store in your area, check there. The local one here carries a couple of different types of lemons, one has the thicker "coarser" skin with deep pores and is preferred by the locals for candying the peel.
I phoned today and was told they are "Cyprus lemons" and John sent me a photo. They are very large and the rind is 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick.
And the skin looks "warty".
They also carry "sweet lemons" which are globe shaped and have a thinner, slicker skin with tiny "pores" and which are similar to the Mexican sweet limes (yellow) but not exactly the same.
I have candied just about very type of citrus that can be found in California or Mexico.
An ex neighbor, with whom I am still friends and see often, has a brother in Ojai who raises "fancy and exotic" citrus and sells direct to hotels and restaurants.
My neighbor has brought me various fruits over the years, enormous oranges the size of grapefruits, huge lemons, buddah hand, pomelos and limes as well as bitter oranges for marmalade.
Most citrus is very easy to candy. Limes are tricky because some turn an ugly gray instead of remaining green and you never know which ones are going to do this until the cooking in syrup is underway.
And the drying after candying is also tricky. Take it too far and you get a tough, leathery result.
You need a coarser than regular granulated sugar for the final coating.
I like the Mexican "azucar" raw sugar. Or you can spend more money on the "sparkling" sugar designed for coating.
I found this photo on a site about Cyprus/drinks/lemons.