Anyone who shops at farmer's markets regularly is accustomed to produce that doesn't always look perfect. 'Perfect' is in the eyes of the beholder anyway.
I am in Canada and don't quite get what all the hype is about - but yes this new 'thing' is being widely advertised here. I don't want overly bruised fruits and limp vegetables usually (though I have bought those which were marked down when I had an immediate use for them in some dish where they would be fully cooked with other ingredients anyway) but I don't much care most of the time if my produce is pretty or ugly - as long as it tastes good. I also don't want diseased or potentially disease spreading produce - even if it looks perfect and supposedly has been carefully washed 20 times before being bagged. But, if the carrot has 3 roots, I might buy it - all other things being equal - just because it is unique.
Reading what you wrote though about how 'ugly' fruit is being priced higher than 'beautiful' (one presumes - though I am not exactly sure what that means) fruit, I am not surprised but I am sorry to hear it. There are also other good ways for stores/distributors to use 'ugly' produce - by sending them to food banks - and many do or used to (before regulations in some places stopped them from that practice).