as Ive mentioned , Ive been using these for about 1 1/2 years :
Ill rate them B- or so : inexpensive , clean up very well in cold water , generic liquid detergent , and bleach, color safe and about 95 % of the kitchen stains are gone.
if there is an oily patch , I use Oxy-Clean gel and that comes right out. I thought Id get some more , as I wash them all at once. they are not as absorbent as Id like , but price
etc they were : B -
I found these in trolling the Amazon Bar Mop area :
these are larger , and made of much heavier fabric. they are also close to one-swipe absorbent. they are color fast.
so far then , Ill give them an A -. Red would have been nice. but the blue is fine.
they also have a fabric band along one corner that you can use to hang them up :
I wish Id found them years ago. as far as I can tell , they are lint free ( so far anyway ) .
a winner.