esp. when they are as meaty as these ( country - style ) as $ 1.19 lbs
the ribs done in an non-steam oven or BBQ Im sure would be excellent, but Im convinced the steam - bake kept them juicer. at least for
some one like me, i.e. the steam - bake is very forgiving re dryness. that's for sure !
how i lust after PedoG's ElectroLux. steam overn 2.5 cubic feet ! I could have done a bazillion packs ( @ 1.19 )
at one session !
BTW here is the total combines jus from the CSB ( more concentrated of course ) + the IP ( it started w 1 cup of water under the ribs )
this is the real deal pork stock. I didn't use too much rub so not salty at all.
will defat and save for some IP soup on the porky side and save come IP'd pork bits for that soup !
mostly some fresh vegetables , maybe some Udon noodles etc
its my understanding in Japan they use quite a bit of pork stock. its very tasty. if they dont
well too bad for them.