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Everything posted by jsolomon

  1. jsolomon

    Homemade Granola

    Umm, Helenjp, did you forget to put in the lemon amounts? As for your peanut butter question, you may want to reduce the oil amount slightly if you start adding peanut butter. For the size of batch above, I would suggest 3/4 to 1 cup peanut butter and reduce the oil to ~1/3 or 1/4 cup for starters.
  2. Alas, my old employer, Spilker Ales, no longer makes their XPO stout. I am currently rending my clothes and gnashing my teeth and procuring sack cloth to wear for a requisite amount of time.
  3. After moving some more crap from my old digs to my new digs last night, I relaxed with a Bud Light that was washing down some Spaghettie alla carbonara. Afterward, I met some friends at a local pizza pub and chatted over some Hornsby's Hard Cider.
  4. Bud Light... I'm going to hang my head in shame...
  5. jsolomon

    How to cook a pig?!

    Don't forget about Bruce Aidell's sausage book...
  6. I'm curious about yours. Do you have 240V or 120V models?
  7. "Child-Free" ← I thought it was D.I.N.K. Double Income, No Kids.
  8. The other good people to check out are the delivery people. Stop by the UPS or flag down a UPS man. Hospital staff are also pretty up on where to eat.
  9. Yes, but that's usually because of the hardcover binding they acquire at the end of the process... Levity aside, I gotta hand it to the person with the rocks to hold down an actual job and do all of the work to put together a real cookbook where they test the recipes and everything. There's a lot of motivation and sweat equity that goes into that. Best of luck!
  10. Both are going to be manufactured to high standards in the US because of the FDA guidelines, but you will actually tend to have better luck with the mineral oil because they are refined to US Pharmacopeia standards, which are quite high indeed. There is a lot of checking, double-checking, and rechecking of chemistry and paperwork in things manufactured to USP/ICH guidelines.
  11. It should slightly, but not nearly to the extent that water does. The oil also keeps water from penetrating the wood and causing it to swell.
  12. I will put myself squarely in the mineral oil camp. The amount anyone will pick up from the wood off of the butcher block is many thousands of times smaller than would cause any laxative effects, plus, mineral oil is an inert oil. It will not go rancid over time. As winesonoma posted, put it on til it won't take it anymore, and then reapply at least semi-annually. Monthly would be better. For reapplication, a simple dump and wipe should be sufficient to re-condition the wood.
  13. At the risk of being labeled a total and complete jack-ass, I have to ask the *ahem* cheeky question. Are these front cheeks or rear cheeks?
  14. My apologies if I offended with something other than fact. From the standpoint I have of being quite good friends with all size and luck of cattle producers, I believe there will always be some of both for a number of reasons. Some for "ethical" reasons, some for genetic history reasons, and some for financial reasons. I don't see cloning being something cheap and easily available even in the far short term (say 30 years for an arbitrary time). I don't understand what you're saying about these cattle being engineered so their genes don't enter the gene pool. Genetic engineering (via shotgun methods) is pretty cheap, so any unscrupulous person could insert them no matter what.
  15. Currently, I am not an organized cook... but I also have 8 square feet of counter space and an apartment-sized stove. Give me a real kitchen and a real counter and I'll act like a real responsible adult.
  16. jsolomon

    Accessories question

    Post-rinsing, swirl some rubbing alcohol around the inside and dump the rubbing alcohol. The alcohol will dissolve the water and due to its lower viscosity, you can dump more of the alcohol-water solution out. Then, the remaining alcohol-water droplets will also dry faster due to their lower vapor pressure (i.e. boiling point)
  17. Selective breeding is a euphemism for inbreeding in as many cases as not. Recall the breeding habits of human royalty have given us hemophilia. Mutations will also still occur. Some will never be expressed, and some will lead to horrid consequences... for the individual animal. But the occasional one in the cloning stock, or outside of the cloning stock that increases the desirability of the "mutated" animal will quickly be grabbed onto as well. It is not a simple, easy system people use to choose animals and is fraught with more aesthetics than scientific principle (which in itself is an aesthetic, so we reduce the problem to an esoteric reason either way)
  18. must... deny... urge... to... post... BOONES FARM!!!!!!!
  19. jsolomon

    Spring Radishes

    Slice and use in fish tacos
  20. She gets up at 4:30 to exercise and doesn't eat until noon? Let this woman bask in her popular-culture-induced food pathologies without her financial safety net and she'd starve real soon. The Washington Post should be censured for allowing this tripe on their pages.
  21. Either you are, almost to a person, more patient than I, or my 20 years of drinking coffee has not yet elevated my mouth to asbestos-level heat tolerance. I can't eat the back because it's thinness and everything else make it TOO HOT TO SCARF. By the time I've got to the back, I'm stuffed and unwilling to dig through the back for the meaty crisps. But, living in a household of 2, I can handle saving the backs for my stockpot.
  22. I hate to burst your bubble, but recent research has shown that culprit to being the effects of alcohol on the Central Nervous System being Quite Complicated Indeed. Consumption of alcohol, while technically a CNS depressant has characteristics that make restful sleep and proper REM cycles more unlikely on a night where one has consumed alcohol, than on a night where one has abstained. Clickety to Dr. Bob's Medrants
  23. Right argument, but slightly short on the discussion. The mother is less likely to be injured by giving weight to a smaller birth-weight calf. Put me in the "I'd eat it" camp. I don't think there's much chance of it getting into the food supply in the next 15 years, though.
  24. You haven't tried anything like sweetened condensed milk in it, too, have you?
  25. I must be a philistine... I've never come across a cooked strawberry recipe that I thought did justice to the fruit... I'll have to look through these recipes and throw a bag or two of frozen fraises at them to see if I'm just weird.
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