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Everything posted by mckayinutah

  1. Rosie, Being a foodservice professional in the Salt Lake Valley, I can comment on some places in Salt Lake City. Log Haven just won best restaurant in Salt Lake for the 2nd year in a row, although I have heard that one of the editors of the Salt Lake magazine is an investor. Other than that I have eaten there on 2 occassions, once about 3 years ago and last Thanksgiving. Food was alright, nothing spectacular, although the desserts didn't fit the bill ( they are made by a sous chef - don't do enough business for a pastry chef - I know, being one and having inquired in th epast. Bambara is also good ( I worked there briefly about 2 years ago, with the old exec. chef) but they have a new one, formely exec. sous chef at Emeril's in New Orleans, so it may be worth a try. Another one to consider is Metropolitan, although they are on their 4th chef in 3 years. My wife and I ate there a few years back. Food was good, I was impressed with the desserts as they don't have a pastry chef either, although there was maybe a total of 15-20 people total eating at the time we were there ( which was 6:00 on a Saturday ) - only open for dinner though. A little cheaper on the wallet are some of the Gastronomy restaurant group restaurants. Ate at Market Street Grill, in a converted fire station, ( very nice and the busiest of all their restaurants) this past winter with the wife. Very large portions ( not good for a pastry chef trying to sell desserts ) but good food, desserts needed some help though. Just to add. La Caille is VERY expensive, and by many people, not worth it. I haven't been there, so this is only a suggestion. Very nice grounds though. Hope this helps, Jason
  2. Yeah Bri, I would too love to hear more about the Creative Compositions book. It is on my list of books to consider getting, but I am always weary of books that I can't see for myself in a local bookstore. You are the first person to speak of it, so your opinion on this book ( heck, your opinion on ANYTHING pastry! ) will always be considered valuable to me. The insight given on other books that I have considered purchasing but am unable to look at myself in my hands, ( By Bau, Balaguer, etc.. ) is always appreciated - especially with the price that they go for. Thanks again, Jason
  3. Wendy, My honest opinion is that it is the pot or pan that you have been or are using. I have a recipe for a lemon curd that is cooked over direct heat, and if I don't use a particular pan, I get the metallic taste that you speak of. Unfortunately I am not well versed on the subject of lemon, as this curd is the only thing I can think of that I make in a pot with lemon in it. Hopefully someone with more knowledge will chime in, as I too am curious as to why this occurs, but I would put my money on the type of pot/pan used. Take care, Jason
  4. Wendy, I didn't even think to look at Letty Flatt's book I went ahead with the recipe that I usually used. It isn't the greatest ( I wish it was a little moister) Guess I'll just have to drench it with simple syrup Thanks for all the help given by all. Jason
  5. Pastrymama, If you could post that recipe or PM it to me, I would be utterly grateful. Thank you, Jason
  6. Hello all, Hopefully someone can help me with this. Living in Utah and being at High Altitude, I have come to need a recipe for high altitude white or yellow cakes ( my devil's food cake recipe works well with no needed adjustments) . I have searched and searched and have come across several tips on adjusting recipes for high altitude as well as a few recipes that are designed just for this purpose. I have tried altering 5 different white cake recipes to high altitude, ( primarily reducing leavening agents) as well as have tried the 2 recipes designed just for high altitude that I have found, but they are either too dry and crumbly or look too much like swiss cheese. My question is, the larger the batter, does it require more "drastic" changes? almost all the recipes that I have fooled around with make 1 or 2 , 9 or 10" cakes, but I need to make 20. Should I be making smaller batches or what? If anyone could help or may be willing to part with a high volume high altitude white or yellow cake recipe, or has any suggestions as to how to adjust for this large a volume of batter, I am all ears ( I mean eyes, since I can only read what you type ) Thanks in advance, Jason
  7. It happens to all of us, and this in turn makes us all better pastry chefs. To quote Jacques Torres: " When you have made as many mistakes as I have, you will know as much as I do " Very true. Jason
  8. Stopped in to my local Borders bookstore yesterday and saw the new issue of Chocolatier that Wendy had originally mentioned in this thread. I, like Mr. Schneider and probably a few others, was surprised NOT to see Jacque Torres listed as one of the top 20 Chocolatiers. I may not be a huge fan of his work, but I have enjoyed an episode or two of his show on the Food Network, and from what I have seen and read, he knows his stuff. Some of the others listed I had never even heard of ( although I unfortunately don't keep track of Chocolatiers like I do Pastry Chefs) Something that also caught my eye, and even though I am a big fan of his plated stuff, was listing Pat Coston as one of the top 20 Chocolatiers. I know he has done chocolates at his past places of employment, but his shop is relatively new and I wouldn't think he has been "out" there long enough to get the reputation needed for a top 20 in the country. It's like naming a restaurant that has only been open a few months one of the best in the country, no matter who the chef is or what he/she done in the past . (Just because Thomas Keller opens a new place doesn't mean it will be great -it probably will be , but it needs to establish itself 1st to be considered that) A track record needs to be established, I feel, first before such recognition can be given. ( Maybe Pat already has that , I don't know for sure ) Then again, only my opinion. Jason
  9. Duckduck, you beat me. 1985! Wow! My oldest is from 1992. There have been so many changes in the appearance of Chocolatier since 92', I can't even image what an 85' issue looks like! On a more serious note, I am glad that these two magazines are going to continue to be available to us. I have all the PA&D issues and probably about 20-25 Chocolatier issues, and believe me, they get so much use out of them that I sometimes think there isn't enough scotch tape in the world to hold them together anymore. Keep up the good work Mr. Schneider. One of your fans, Jason McCarthy
  10. Michael, Wendy's post makes it sound as if you are not going to go forward with Chocolatier, but what about Pastry Art and Design? I hope I am reading it correctly because the lose of Pastry Art and Design, along with Chocolatier, will be a deafening blow to many of us. Like pastrymama had said, I too looked forward to each and every issue of PA&D, and lit up like a kid in a candy store when I saw a new issue on the shelves at my local bookstore.( So much so, that I actually record when and where I first see a new issue, so that I could know about when to start looking for the next installment )Chocolatier also played a major role for me, especially when I was just starting out in this industry, as its simplicity seemed to be of great help to me back then. I still browse through it when I see a new issue, but only purchased it when I saw something of interest in it for me. ( as many will probably say, I found Chocolatier to be more geared towards the home baker, but was a great magazine to me as a professional on many occassions). I hope you will keep all of your fans out here in egulletville up to date on your next endeavor(s), as you have greatly enriched my life, as well as I would believe many others, with your love and devotion to this crazy, but always fulfilling, field we call baking and pastry arts. Take Care, Jason McCarthy
  11. Wendy, When I was working in Grand Rapids, Michigan, I got all my chocolate from a company over in the Detroit area called GREAT LAKES GOURMET. I was using only Callebaut pistoles, but I believe they carried other brands as well. Unfortunately I don't have their address or phone number somewhere convenient, but I do think I have it somewhere at home among all my papers. I know Michael Laiskonis has mentioned them before, so you might try sending him a PM and see if he knows more info. If he doesn't respond in a timely manner ( I know he is a very busy person ), let me know and I will dig up their number ( although I don't know how current it is -it has been a few years since I have been in Michigan ) Hope this helps, Jason
  12. Bloviatrix, What size KA do you have? I have a 5 quart at work and I actually have 2 paddles - 1 is what you described, white that has enamel scraped off, showing the metal bottom, and another one that is actually all metal. I use the all metal 90% of the time because I find it to be safer, but I have used the scraped one when I can't locate my " good" paddle. I have had no ill effects from using one or the other. I ask what size KA you have because I have a tilt 4 1/2 quart one at home that came with the white paddle. I haven't used it enough to scrape anything off, but if you have a 5 quart KA, you should be able to find the all metal paddle. Come to think of it, I'm wondering if the paddle I have at home could be used on my 5 quart machine that I have at work. Interesting. That would be great because I don't know if they make an all metal paddle for a 4 1/2 quart KA. Something that might be good to look into to. Will let you know if I find anything out. HTH, Jason
  13. Thank you . I will try a trial one this week by chilling them in the freezer ( since I have many to do it will go quicker than chilling in the fridge ) and let you all know of my results. Sinclair, it will be passed on silver trays. Thanks again, Jason P.S. I agree that blue colored cheesecake is gross, but whatever. Reminds me of when I had a wholesale client in Michigan who wanted GREEN soft rolls for his restaurant for St. Patrick's Day
  14. I came in this morning ( Tuesday ) to get another voicemail from my Banquet events manager. The woman who is organizing this political event really wants red, white, and blue layered cheesecake for this party. Sounds simple enough, but I have no idea as to how to get these 3 layers in a sheetpan without smudging them all and ending up with purple cheesecake. Has anybody had any luck doing this or should I tell them it is out of the question ? ( this woman really wants the "layered" patriotic look, but I don't know if that is doable.) Thanks, Jason
  15. Ted, When I first saw this thread, my eyes sort of lit up because I thought I knew exactly what you were looking for. Looking at pg. 231 in Grand Finales , which you and Bri had mentioned, I am reading what is written, but it mentions an ice cream bombe of Lincoln's. Is this what you are looking for?. If so, I found that recipe in an issue of PA&D( I have them all ). I ask because you mentioned the cake had a peppermint coulis and this has a liquid chocolate center, not peppermint, although the bombe is peppermint flavored. HTH, if not, sorry to get your hopes up. Take care, Jason
  16. The info keeps coming! The banquet is buffet, but we are thinking of passing the desserts, since the building that this will be held in can only do 600 plated/ 1,000 reception. I have decided to suggest the apple pie idea, and go with my most popular banquet dessert item, white chocolate-raspberry swirl cheesecake topped with chanitlly cream and blueberry compote. I already have both of this included in my Petit Four sampler ( the cheesecake without the Blueberries, though ) that I offer for wedding receptions, so I know that it can be done and how to do it, plus they have been very well received in the past ( The white chocolate-raspberry cheesecake outsells all other banquet desserts by 3-to-1. ) But if anyone has any other ideas, I am all ears. Thanks, Jason
  17. That sounds good, but I am weary of putting blueberries , strawberries, and whipped cream on 2000 mini size cheesecakes without the help of anyone. If it comes down to that, I may have to bring my sleeping bag to work that day Jason
  18. Just got more info on the party from my Sales Manager It is for someone running for office here in Utah, with the party occuring on MAY 7th, although she is coming in on Monday ( March 1 ) for a men.! Anyhoo, It is actually 2 parties, both in the evening, each could be as much as 600 - 1000 people, so basically, 1200-2000 people total. Thanks, Jason P.S. This women does in fact want RED, WHITE, and BLUE stuff.
  19. Just thought of something in regards to my food colored cheesecake comment - raspberries and blueberries swirled into a vanilla cheesecake - can't go wrong with cheesecake, right? I was thinking of pouring the batter into the pans, then dropping in the raspberries and blueberries so as not to " color" the cheesecake batter intself and to hopefully retain some distinguishable qualities of the berries. Jason
  20. Thanks for all the quick replies. Apple pie has already been thought of and is on the list of possible desserts. I also like the jelly roll idea. From what I understand, the woman in charge of this event is looking for more of a " patriotic" theme - red, white, and blue, but I think she'll go for the apple pie idea, even if it is brown- but then again, I don't know. The sales manager suggested, and I almost fell off my seat, adding food colors to some of the desserts I already have on my banquet menu Real good! Nothing says upscale like red amd blue colored cheesecakes that aren't berry flavored. Thanks again, and keep up the ideas Jason
  21. I came in this morning to a voice-mail from my Banquet Sales Manager telling me that the property I work for is going to be having a Political event and that she wants some ideas for " All-American' or patriotic desserts to serve. They party has some money to spend, so the desserts have to be a little more upscale than normal. My problem is , the only All-American desserts I can find on-line, or anywhere for that matter, are pies made with strawberries, blueberries, whippped cream, and flavored jell-o desserts, which aren't upscale to say the least. Also, the person arranging the party with this sales manager is coming in Monday, so I need ideas YESTERDAY, since I am not back to work until Tuesday. To make matters worse, the Sales manager isn't in yet, so I have no idea how many people this banquet is for or when it is. Please help with ideas if you have any. Thanks to all, Jason
  22. Ted, I worked at a resort where the pastry chef made what he called royaltine candies that he used for mignardies. The " royaltine" part is a commercial product, that I was told was crushed up cigarette cookies. I believe it is very similar to ,or may be in fact the same thing, as feullitine ( I have actually never really seen feullitine in person, only in catalogs and in recipes in magazines, but it seems to look very similar to me.) I don't know though if they are interchangeable in recipes. Hopefully somebody more familiar with it can chime in. The royaltine candy, just to finish my thoughts, was this " royaltine ' ( very crunchy ) mixed with tempered orange-milk chocolate, chopped candied orange and hazelnut paste, scooped very small and let set. Extremely good HTH Jason
  23. mckayinutah

    Per Se

    Last I had heard he was teaching at The Culinary Institute of America's Greystone campus. HTH Jason
  24. In culinary school, way back when in a galaxy far, far away, we actually baked it on a spit as well as tried it in sheetpans, but of course with different appearances. Jason
  25. Unfortunately, I try to get it in the oven between 30 -45 minutes at the latest after I begin piping. Haven't had much success with getting full volume out of them after letting sit more than 45 minutes, but others may chime in with better results or tricks. HTH Jason
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