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Everything posted by MaryIsobel

  1. I have two devilled egg plates - one is a hideous hand painted one ( gift) and one is plastic (that I bought at a dollar store to display dyed easter eggs when the kids were wee.) So I usually use kale (or iceberg torn into large chunks - if I'm camping) to keep the eggs upright. This has reminded me that my aunt used to do devilled eggs by cutting the eggs aross the equator rather than pole to pole. A tiny sliver off the pointy end and the eggs stood up nicely by themselves. Don't know why I didn't remember this until this minute! I have never owned ice tea spoons, nor has anyone I know but I can certainly see their usefulness.
  2. I also use the Kuhn Rikon jar opener. Works well for me when my t&t method of turning the jar upside down and giving it a thump on the counter fails.
  3. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2022

    Thanks Blue Dolphin! I tried to make baked ones once and it was an abyssmal failure, but toasting the breadcrumbs first is a brilliant idea which I shall try. We are looking at temps of 34-36C for the next week so my mindset is on salads and cold meals but once it cools down a bit, I see risotto and aranchini in our future.
  4. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2022

    Aranchini are something I love to eat but have never made. Do you deep fry or shallow fry? Deep frying is not something I ever do. I love the result but not the process. My husband loves to make fish and chips but I insist that he does it outside because I swear the smell of deep frying lingers in our house for days.
  5. We camp several times every summer with groups of friends and inevitably someone suggests an appy buffet "dinner." My go-to contribution is devilled eggs. A dozen eggs makes enough for a crowd and the fairly basic ingredients are those which I usually have while camping. If I happen to have smoked salmon or jalapenos, I'll make some gussied up ones. There are never any left.
  6. MaryIsobel

    Feta Dilemma

    The infamous tictok pasta with feta and tomatoes is pretty darn popular at my house...
  7. I have a wooden thingmabob that I beleive I got from Pampered Chef 25 years ago. It is for doing exactly as Kay decribed, ine end is for mini pans, one end for regular. I use it a lot more than I ever thought I would.
  8. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2022

    My daughters and I often collaberated on sushi, starting when they were about your son's age. Their teacher told me one day, that when talking about what the students had done on the weekend, my daughter said that we made sushi rolls. Apparently another student scoffed "you don't make sushi, you buy it." My daughters still make it and I'm sure that the other student still buys it!
  9. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2022

    That panzenella looks fabulous. Never made it but will definitely give it a go once I am able to start harvesting tomatoes (likely September at the rate we're going.)
  10. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2022

    I recently discovered those chip "strips." Great for dipping, I've bought them a few times but the last bag I bought was practically inedible due to the amount of salt on them. That batch must have had triple the amount of salt as the previous ones I've bought. Hoping that was just a glitch.
  11. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2022

    Love osso bucco but veal shanks are getting as rare as hen's teeth around here. Must be ordered a week or so in advance if they are even available. I don't see beef shanks much either and I don't care for lamb so it has been a good long while since I've made it. Yours looks fabulous. I'll be travelling to the Island in August, where do you source yours?
  12. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2022

    I'm going to have to give this a go. I already know that I will love it!
  13. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2022

    One of my husband's go to lunches as well except that he uses Cholula instead of Siracha.
  14. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2022

    Comfort food at it's best! I would have happily joined you for that meal.
  15. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2022

    That is one of the most gorgeous plates I have ever seen! You really are an artist when it comes to plating.
  16. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2022

    I have serious schnitzel envy. I would have chosen the same one you did. Oh - and your son, is absolutely adorable, not just because he's handsome, but has such a refined palate for someone so young. Hmmm, I wonder why...
  17. Thanks so much for sharing. One of my daughters is an orange/chocolate fanatic, so I will be making this soon.
  18. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2022

    That's good information, thanks Heidih. There is a large Asian and South East Asian population in our township and outlying areas, and we are in a frming belt but it also a long standing meat and potatoes kind of place. A T&T supermarket opened here recently which I hope to visit, but even after two weeks of being open, there are line-ups to get in and guys directing parking. I'm waiting until things calm down.
  19. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2022

    That looks so good! I'm sure I'd love broccolini, but I may as well ask for hen's teeth in my township!
  20. MaryIsobel

    French Onion Soup

    Again, I agree. I have tried different, easier methods but find low and slow stove top gives me the results I want.
  21. MaryIsobel

    French Onion Soup

    I concurr with Anna. Julia's recipe is my go-to.
  22. MaryIsobel

    Breakfast 2022

    Last night I brought home almost half of my filet mignon Oscar from the Keg and have been debating how to enjoy it today. (I also brought home the excess Bernaise.) Toasts similar to yours might just be the ticket - thanks!
  23. Well the gluten free tortillas were just fine. If I hadn't know they were GF, I would have tought they were flour tortillas.
  24. Venturing into gluten free cooking this weekend for friends who will be staying with us. She doesn't eat guten by choice, not an allergy. She has told me that "should gluten pass my lips, it's not the end of the world." That being said I don't mind catering to her. I'm wondering about any tips for using gluten free tortillas to make enchiladas. (She is also a pescatarian.) I made GF enchilaa sauce and will do sweet potato, black bean, onions, peppers and mushrooms and cheese. Just a little nervous about how the GF tortillas will hold up as enchiladas. We are good friends so if it is a disaster, we will just laugh and eat the sides. The ingredients in the tortillas are cassava flour, oat hull fibre, oil, lethicin, xanthan gum, guar gum, baking powder... I know corn tortillas may have been a better choice, but in these parts, we only get small ones, about 4" diameter and they seem to have an infinite shelf life. The second night we'll have grilled fish and salad, so no concerns there.
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