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Everything posted by MaryIsobel

  1. MaryIsobel

    Breakfast 2024

    That looks really great for what I assume is a grocery store croissant. We had Father's Day brunch here with the girls and their SO's and while I had planned to make cinnamon buns, I ran out of steam so went to our local grocery store that has an in house bakery, for croissants and cinnamon rolls. I suspect that both were made from the same batch of dough...
  2. Mine is a lifesaver (wrist saver) at salsa canning time. Peppers and onions, pounds and pounds of them get done quite quickly. I also use it at Christmas to chop celery and onions for the massive amount of stuffing that I make. It's used again a few times in the summer when I'm doing a big batch of pasta salad with a ton of veggies. Gets pulled out in the fall for big batches of soup and chili. I find it easier to use on the kitchen table, rather than at counter height. That way, I can put more of my body weight into it and done this way, it easily dices potatoes and squash and the harder veg. I bought a little silicone grid thing that fits over the grid on the lid and makes cleaning a breeze.
  3. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2024

    Lots of great meals! I love onion rings when they are done well - those looke good. Keep feeling better - I always love your posts.🥰
  4. I watched AR make that recipe a few days ago and put it on my "to try" list. I will add your recommendations.
  5. The bread looks fantastic. I'm in the same boat as you in re lifting heaving cast iron pots, especially those full of some delicious braise or chili or... I love my enamaled cast iron but unless there is a husband or a kid to help me lift it out of the oven, sadly I have avoided using them lately. My husband jokes that I need an engine hoist for the kitchen.
  6. I often use wonton wrappers in mini muffin cups as a base for appies. Very little carbs for those who count and you can fill them with anything!
  7. MaryIsobel

    Breakfast 2024

    Your ribs and salad look great. I can't fathom rice and potatoes, although the lemon potatoes at a local place make my heart sing and my husband will happily eat both
  8. If you have fresh squeezed grapefruit juice - a paloma is wonderful.
  9. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2024

    Radish French Butter Radish sprouts - has to be one of the most delicious yet underated pairings!
  10. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2024

    Oh, okay - I have had tomalley butter.
  11. MaryIsobel

    Breakfast 2024

    Me too - and fortuantely for me, I am the only one in the house who likes it!
  12. Looks liek you had a fabulous trip! Snorkelling is my happy place - I envision it when I am at the dentist!
  13. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2024

    Wonderful array of tasty food. Could you explain "And they left the mustard in – so many places don’t, and it drives me crazy" to someone (me) who has never had a softshell crab?
  14. I make meatloaf once in a while solely to have meatloaf sandwiches. Don't care for it as an entree but cold meatloaf sliced thin on good bread with mustard mayo and bread and butter pickles takes me right back to being 5 years old and the rare occasion of having a baby-sitter. Meatloaf sandwiches or TV dinners were babysitter dinners.
  15. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2024

    It was the sauce that accompanied the octopus at the particular restaurant - sort of a cross between teriyaki and hot sauce. We have had pulpo a couple of times in Mexico that was beyond being able to chew! Octopus is not something that I can easily source around here, otherwise I would be happy to experiment with it.
  16. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2024

    That would be great. My husband did make it once but apparently it "wasn't the same."
  17. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2024

    My Ontario born and raised husband also longs for the peameal bacon of his youth. We've been able to find it a couple of times over the years but not often.
  18. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2024

    My husband lives for the grilled octopus at one particular restaurant in Playa del Carmen. It is his gold standard for octopus and no other place has come close so far.
  19. Thanks Elsie. We are pretty proud of them. One is an ER charge RN and the other is a musical theatre/drama/english highschool teacher. They beat the odds by being twin IVF babies on the first round. Back in the late 90's the odds of a successful IVF pregnancy was only 20 per cent and the odds of having succesful multiples was only 10 percent. Once they were old enough, we told them that they had already beat the odds by being here, so the world was their oyster and never to look at statistics!
  20. Our two daughters didn't realize that most families don't peruse grocery store like museums when traveling until they started traveling on their own. they send me photos from grocery stores all over the world. I am much more interested in those photos than the ones of architecture or museums. Of course I appreciate architecture and museums but our girls know their momma!
  21. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2024

    Skipped breakfast this morning to get to the garden center in good time. Starving when I got home so a couple of Christmas tourtierre tarts from the freezer with some peach ginger chutney cuz we are out of HP sauce!
  22. I have never seen such an amazing collections of jams! I love anything passion fruit but the fresh fruits and even the frozen puree are rare to non-existant where we live, which makes it all the more desireable.
  23. I have a McGavin's bagel that I am currently monitoring. It is at least 2 months old. Wrapped in the original bag, sitting at room temperature. I have a weird and probably unhealthy obsession with it.
  24. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2024

    Me too since it is a salad that Ann actually likes. I love salad but for some reason, I hate making it.
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