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Everything posted by MaryIsobel

  1. This lady's daughter took her out for lunch today. She is a teacher, so is on spring break this week. We went for Thai food, as I love it but it is not something that my husband cares for. It was a great meal, mine was "Cashew Chicken with Spicy Sauce." Came with soup, salad, a spring roll with dipping sauce and a choice of 11 entrees for 14.00, very reasonable. My daughter had pad thai and a Corona and I had a Lonetree Ginger Apple Cider, which I had never tried but will definitely seek out.
  2. That looks fabulous! I hope it helped you recover from you premade meals.
  3. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    Red Beans and Rice from the freezer. My husband has ended up back in the hospital and will be having another surgery tomorrow. I'll be freezer foraging in the mean time.
  4. My soon to be son-in-law often eats an enormous bowl of broccoli and cauliflower with butter and shredded cheese for lunch.
  5. A good tuna sandwich is a wonderful thing!
  6. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    That's very kind of you, but apparently one of the groceries here sells them in bulk.
  7. You are absolutely right. I'll walk on by.
  8. @JoNorvelleWalkerYa, you're right. Lipstick on a pig? Just such affordable beef. We have eaten our fill of chicken, pork and pasta lately.
  9. Thanks Anna. I did search before posting, don't know why I didn't see this.
  10. Eye of round is on sale this week for 3.49/lb. I have never had much luck with it. I have done the Instapot recipe from Amy & Jacky, and it was fine for beef dip. Just wondering if there is a tried and true way to cook it. Sous vide? Hot and fast? Or just walk on by?
  11. Pardon my ignorence, is tagetes lemmonii marigold? My only experience with marigolds is that they are a great plant to discourage bugs and they withstand our crazy pacific northwest weather. Ttuth be told, I hate the smell of them and the are ubiquitous as borders in this clime.
  12. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    That cabbage sounds great. I will hve to look for juniper berries - probably shouldn't just pluck them from the landscaping shrubs - or should I?
  13. A trip to TJ's is a rare treat for us as it involves crossing the Canada/US border and then about a 35 minute drive. One of my daughters gave me some TJ's spice blends in my Christmas stocking. I am crazy about the Ajika Georgian seasoning blend. There is a "curryish" hint, a bit of heat and a bit of tang (from the marigolds I presume?) It's a great seasomimg to liven up eggs or salad or a quesadilla...
  14. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    Husband was sprung from the hospital today. Our kids are on their way over with sushi from out favourite spot and a dolce de leche cheesecake made by my daughter as per my request. We are celebrating my birthday and my daughter's boyfriend's birthday and of course my husband being out of hospital in fine shape!
  15. I haven't tried Bisto, although my Mom always had it - I guess that's why she made such good gravy!
  16. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    My husband has been in hospital since Tuesday for a planned surgery. Complications have him still held captive there with nothing to eat due to possible impending second surgery. I visit, I commiserate and then come home and cook myself whatever suits my fancy. Tonight was a tuna poke plate.
  17. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2023

    Love the combination of feta and beets - they were made for each other!
  18. I couldn't get past the Garlic Dough Balls. To me, dough is something that has not been cooked. Surely that is not the case?!
  19. I'm a scofflaw I guess. Our Insignia air fryer was recalled about a year ago and when I read about the hoops I would have to jump through to return it, I decided to keep it. I am always in the kitchen when the air fryer is on, and I use it on our island which is far from anything that might be flammable, so I decided I would take my chances. One year later it is still working fine and no fires. Not saying everyone should take this route, just that I did and I'm here to tell the tale.
  20. MaryIsobel

    Breakfast 2023

    Where I live, the best bagels that I've found so far are at Costco. And by best, I only mean that they have a little more going on than the "white bread shaped into bagels" that are the norm around here.
  21. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    We had nopales on our last visit to Mexico. They were served as a side dish. I think they may have been brined but not pickled - we really enjoyed them. Some of the Mexican grocery stores have a person in the produce department who was shaving? de-prickling? de-scaling? nopales. They wore gloves and goggles.
  22. MaryIsobel

    Breakfast 2023

    Having lived in the Pacific Northwest most of my life and never having visited New York and just passed through Montreal, I'm certain that I have never had a real bagel. Going to have to remedy that one of these days.
  23. As much as we love mushroom barley soup, I have yet to take a pcture of it where it doesn't look like sewer sludge...
  24. MaryIsobel

    Breakfast 2023

    Pure joy - That young man will either be a restaruant critic or a chef! Thank you for sharing his reaction.
  25. MaryIsobel

    Breakfast 2023

    Sorry if your grandmother is rolling, but that looks like a perfect breakfast to me. I'm sure that my Irish/Scots grandparents would be rolling when I add pesto to my breakfast eggs or don't include 'neeps in my stew.
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