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Everything posted by MaryIsobel

  1. On a simiilar note, it was life-changing for me when I read about making hollandaise a couple of hours ahead and keeping it in a pre-warmed vacuum flask. Holds beautifully in a decent vacuum flask. Why had I never thought of that?!
  2. Very similar to what I do - i use a pyrex bowl, and it seems to work very well. I think the key is low and slow with some type of insulation (ie. water bath)
  3. The salmon fishery has been in trouble for a few years now on the west coast. The reason that my husband always got more salmon and ling cod than halibut is that you have to go much further out to get halibut. Like 10 miles offshore from where they camped. The weather on the west coast of Vancouver Island is unpredictable at times so if it was the least little bit iffy, they didn't venture out. Perfect Storm and all that...
  4. I have gone off salmon as well. Sounds whiney but when my husband and buddies used to spend a week on the west coast of Vancouver Island, our freezer was always full of salmon and it got to be "I guess we should have salmon this week." It has never been my favourite fish, I much prefer ling cod or halibut or sablefish and that coupled with the fact that I felt forced to cook it has turned me off completely. I have seen salmon fish and chips on menus, and thought "no thanks, I'll have the cod." I do like a salmon sandwich, made much the same way as a tuna sandwich and I have one recipe where the salmon is marinated in soy sauce, rye whiskey, pepper, oil and garlic and then grilled which I do quite like and another for salmon cakes made with cubes of fresh salmon. Those two recipes are the only way I will eat salmon anymore. Oh - and smoked salmon or lox is fine too.
  5. MaryIsobel

    Easter 2023

    I do understand Jessica's enthusiasm. I used to tend to go overboard on offerings but after so many years, I know what will be consumed and we will be eting for an eternity after the fact. There are no little kids yet to indulge in a myriad of sweets and most of us are fairly diet concious now so that has heped me immensely in paring down the menu.
  6. MaryIsobel

    Easter 2023

    Saturday brunch was the day and time that worked for both daughters and their SOs. We will have ham which both daughters and my husband love. I look more forward to making soup from the bone. We have to have the hasbrown casserole (aka funeral potatoes -- lovely name.) I rue the day that I first made it as a young cook because now it is insisted upon and there are so many more interesting potato dishes. Ah well. Will have a veggie/cheese/egg casserole for the low carbers, Green Green spring vegetables (Ina Garten) and the cream cheese danish I posted about earlier. Pavlova for dessert. Avacado Shrimp Salsa with chips and cucumber slices to nibble on beforehand. Mimosa bar and craft beer.
  7. I made cream cheese Danish today, recipe courtesy of Ann_T. I have made this a couple of times a few years ago and decided it would be a nice addition to our Easter brunch. I put a thin layer of seedless raspberry jam under the cream cheese on two of them. One exploded but that is likely due to not pinching it together well enough or over filling. My husband and nephew and I will devour it for dessert tonight none the less. Have stowed the other three in the freezer until this weekend. I will glaze them and add the sliced almonds once they are thawed.
  8. MaryIsobel


    I make rissotto several times a year and while I love aranchini, I hate and don't do deep frying. Don't know why I never looked into baking them but I certainly will now.
  9. I'm inexperienced with the use of rosewater. I was traumatized at a bridal shower where the baker must have figured "more is better" with rosewater. Yup, skin toner and a rose-scented soap that my Nana used came immediately to mind.
  10. Maybe this is a good use for all the old ashtrays!
  11. I jusr use a half sheet of paper towel folded in half. I have induction - not suggesting the paper towel for electric or gas!
  12. MaryIsobel

    Salad 2016 –

    Your radishes looke paper thin. Did you use a mandoline or do you just have incredibly sharp knives and amazing knife skills?
  13. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    I haven't been cooking much since my mate has been in hospital, salads and foraging in the freezer have been just fine. Tonight I had a hankering for risotto. This was an instapot version that I was quite happy with. Riffed on one by Amy and Jacky website - they do a lot of research and this was quite decent. I originally balked at their suggestion on soy sauce but decided at the last minute to try it. No taste of soy sauce, just umami.
  14. I have been buying this lately rather than the 1 litre boxes of broth. Of course homemade is always better but one doesn't always have that on hand. This takes up much less space, somtimes, if I don't need four cups - I throw the concentrate in the freezer.
  15. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    You are so open minded about trying things - the teryaki thighs looks great to me - my husband would go with the mushroom soup version
  16. Like FauxPas, I have always kept "new potatoes" in the fridge. Russets live in a basket in the pantry, I've never had a problem but then I am not buying 50 pound sacks - usually four at a time.
  17. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    Still dining solo - husband will be in hospital at least over the weekend. I realized that I have been woefully low on veg since I've been eating on my own so decided to emulate a favourite salad from our local pub. Golden beets, spinach, toasted pecans, blue cheese and cherry tomatoes. Their dressing is a maple dijon vinagrette which I made up as I went along. When I was in the market buying spinach, their soup of the day was "Wicked Thai Coconut Curry Chicken Soup." I bought a cup because it smelled so good. It has a fair amount of spice and heat and went well with the salad.
  18. MaryIsobel

    Breakfast 2023

    Great info, thanks. Now if only I can find some decent plum tomatoes...
  19. MaryIsobel

    Breakfast 2023

    How much olive oil do you use? I agree that 1.5 cups sounds like a lot.
  20. MaryIsobel

    Salad 2016 –

    Thank you. I always think of beets as sweet, but I know a lot of people don't.
  21. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    Whenever I make soup, my husband says, who else is coming for dinner? Can't help it but soup in the freezer is not a bad thing at all.
  22. No, at least he says he doesn't but if I put cilantro in something, he doesn't seem to notice. If it is sprinkled on top, he doesn't like it. I think it is something about ginger or lime leaves or the combination that he doesn't care for.
  23. MaryIsobel

    Salad 2016 –

    That looks delicious to me but for the goat cheese, but I could always sub that for a cheese that is more agreeable to me. Can you explain "sweet roasted" beets?
  24. I think I may have mentioned it before but my husband says that Thai food has a "solvent taste." I have no idea what he means and tried for years to figure it out but then just gave up. I'll eat Thai on my own any chance I get.
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