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Everything posted by Tropicalsenior

  1. Tropicalsenior

    Dinner 2025

    Great menu. I wish I could find something like that in Costa Rica. Mexico has amazing food. People don't think of anything but the typical Mexican food but there is a lot of International food. My favorite place to stay in Mexico City is the Zona Roja. There are restaurants there from all over the world and they do it well.
  2. Tropicalsenior

    Dinner 2025

    That intrigued me too so I Googled it and found this recipe.
  3. Tropicalsenior

    Dinner 2025

    Such great food and what a wonderful thing to do. I qualify as a senior citizen. Are there any vacant houses in your neighborhood?
  4. Tropicalsenior

    Dinner 2025

    Just another tourtiere. My grandson said that he would like to have one so one has to please the guest, up to a point. Someone, I don't remember who it was, told me to brush the crust with milk. Whoever it was, thank you, thank you, thank you. That is now my way to go because it turned out much better than my last one.
  5. I've seen something similar reviewed on English TV and it was a dismal failure. But I think the one that they had was more in the class of a Gadget rather than a serious Appliance.
  6. Thank you. That does explain who named them and who invented them but it still doesn't say why he named them that.
  7. As a further word of warning, they love any flour products, pastas, and anything stored in cardboard boxes. Breakfast cereal and oatmeal are particular favorites. Oh, and any kind of dried bean or legume. Come to think of it, about the only thing they haven't tried to get into was vinegar.
  8. Living in the tropics, I've had every infestation known to man and this is one of the worst. Immediately throw out that jar and check everything stored around it. Those little critters are hard to get rid of and they can burrow into seemingly sealed jars and chew right through plastic bags. That web that you see is kind of like a nesting environment and that means that they are reproducing, rapidly. One sure way of killing them is to put them in the freezer for about a week. Then store the container in the refrigerator. There was a time here that they got an infestation in the distribution company's storage warehouses. Any dry goods that I bought had to be put in the freezer before it could be stored or used.
  9. Okay, I have to ask. If they are not made of wine and they have no wine flavor why are they called wine gums?
  10. I just made my first batch and it is so easy. You are going to love this thing. The ice cream is so smooth and probably the best ice cream that I have had in years. I made passion fruit ice cream which is one of my favorites. I made the Custard in the microwave the night before as I have always done when I use the other type of ice cream makers. My custard was a bit thicker than it should have been but it still turned out perfectly. I do think though that if it had been a bit thinner it would have aerated more and I would have gotten more yield. As it was I got about a quart and a half. I'm going to start posting about this on a topic that I found here about the KitchenAid ice cream accessory. Seems that it was started in 2004. I had no idea that they had an ice cream maker. I don't understand why it isn't more popular because I think everybody that owns a KitchenAid should have one. You and I might be the the only ones posting on it but maybe we can become enablers. https://youtube.com/shorts/O_Ga2S8ZB5o?si=8EW-2mXwRVg7d-nl
  11. Tropicalsenior

    Dinner 2025

    I was looking through Google trying to find the solution and found that salting the eggplant keeps it from absorbing oil and turning to mush when it's fried. I was also musing out loud and it turns out my grandson, that is visiting me, is somewhat of an expert on eggplant. He says salting it it does little to eliminate the bitterness because the bitterness is in the peel. According to him, the solution is to either peel the eggplant completely or to cut off some of the peel in strips as you would cut the peel strips on a cucumber.
  12. I'm going to start out with just some simple recipes. I used to have some Donvier freezers and I had a Hamilton Beach electric freezer for a while. So I made quite a bit of ice cream in them and they are the same principle as this one. I have some passion fruit nectar in the refrigerator so that will be my ice cream for tomorrow. I read a lot of the reviews on the KitchenAid website and most of them were very positive. The most negative review was about the piece that slides on to the head of the mixer. They warned that because it is made of plastic it is a little more fragile and, according to them, they don't have replacement parts for that yet.
  13. Just tried everything and it fits. Ice cream reports coming up.
  14. Ever since you mentioned this I have been absolutely dying for one but living in Costa Rica I figured that it was a total impossibility. However, my grandson is here visiting and we checked the internet. It is available in Costa Rica. Today he went into San Jose and he bought me one. I am in 7th Heaven. At least I am right now. I'm still going to have to verify that will work on my machine. It says it will but I don't trust it. I have to see for myself. Yesterday in preparation we defrosted one freezer and rearranged two others so that I now have a dedicated spot just for it, ready to freeze the bowl and make ice cream tomorrow. Now I have to locate all those great EG threads on making ice cream.
  15. I've been wadeing through this thread that is the ultimate source for bean information. @rancho_gordo Paula Wolfert, and Russ Parsons all contributed a lot of advice. I've only gotten to page 5 of 14 and I have learned a lot. They covered just about everything that we have talked about. From salting the beans, adding tomatoes and the advantage of using a bean pot. @Shel_B I think if you read far enough in this thread you will find your answer to getting a thicker, richer pot liquor.
  16. Tropicalsenior

    Dinner 2025

    I'm not Theresa but thank you for this recipe. It looks great. Much simpler than this one which I imagine could be made in the instant pot.
  17. You know that we are going to expect pictures and an in-depth review.
  18. Interesting. According to just about everything I have read lately, especially on EG, not cooking beans with salt is a myth that has been totally discredited.
  19. That might be an interesting project. I've made wine flavored sherbet and I've made strawberry flavored gummy bears. Now if I can just figure out a way to combine the two. I've got it made.
  20. Your darn lucky that they cooked it all. They recommend adding anything acidic after the beans have softened. That's one reason that you can cook beans forever after you've added tomatoes. They just do not fall apart after that point because of the acid.
  21. They sound to me like wine flavored gummy bears.
  22. Yeah, but what flavor of plate?
  23. According to the Oxford English Dictionary it is: Noun: A small finger shaped sponge cake with a synthetic cream filling. According to me: Something that can be enjoyed by someone up to the age of eight. The filling kind of resembles vanilla flavored Elmer's Glue and the cake is indescribable and almost inedible.
  24. Seems to me I read somewhere that the shelf life of a Twinkie is 104 years.
  25. Tropicalsenior

    Dinner 2025

    Oh well, how boring. I guess I'm just going to have to keep checking back to see what Poor Little Critter will bite the dust next week.
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