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Eric Srikandan

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Everything posted by Eric Srikandan

  1. I think there are things I might not prefer (brains is one), but if push came to shove, I would eat anything rather than starve.
  2. Those are what I have although I haven't tasted them as such. I'll take a photo when I use them next.
  3. The black cardamom thing is curious - I was just looking at Kenji's Khao Soi recipe which asks for black cardamom (Thai) and then states that there are two types - one with a white outer and black seeds and one as per in this thread. https://www.templeofthai.com/food/spices/cardamom-3101000344.php
  4. Beautiful looking loaf @JoNorvelleWalker - I find the same issue with mixing speeds using my Kenwood mixer - but in the end a bit of trial and improvement seems to get there. I tend to mix on speed min or 1 initially before autolysis, then take it to 3 or 4 for the final mix and mix for maybe 5 mins until it looks like a good stretchy mass.
  5. I have everything that anyone could buy me with a reasonable price! Otherwise it would be a Thermomix, Vacuum Chamber machine and a Polyscience Control Freak. Perhaps they will be presents from myself one day.
  6. Hung Lay is another paste I have seen (I think I have a packet at home). The first time I tried Khao Soi was a cooking class in Bangkok, and then only in one other restaurant in Bangkok too. My own efforts at home using both the ready mix and Kenji's recipe which I did think was very close to both the Thailand versions I tried.
  7. Khao Soi is one of the finest things I have ever eaten. It does not, however, use red or yellow curry paste (the paste is yellow however). Kenji has a recipe for the paste on Serious Eats, and there is a branded Khao Soi seasoning made by Lobo but that's a dry powder mix.
  8. I shouldn't have seen this.....£1200 in the UK. And I want one. Even though I definitely don't need it!
  9. Good days baking. French lean baked in a Pullman and shokupan made as a tear and share. Shokupan was amazing eaten hot from the oven!
  10. I made it. Dough was difficult to handle so I used 500g tins. Didn't have pearl sugar so dried some simple syrup in the oven and crushed as a substitute.
  11. Anyone going to try the Portuguese Sweet Bread? http://modernistcuisine.com/recipes/portuguese-sweet-bread/
  12. Shokupan. Little bit of work to make the gelatinised rice beforehand as I had to grind the rice first but great rise, nice light texture. Made fab french toast for breakfast. Pretty nice toasted with butter or in a sandwich with cheese and ham. Will make some burger buns next.time.
  13. Had a go at the Ciabatta. Didn't have malt syrup so used honey instead. The dough was so wet it had to be poured into the tin (no way it would have worked on a sheet). Overnight proove in the garage and baked this morning. Not as airy as Ciabatta I've bought but tasted amazing toasted with butter and fois gras for lunch.
  14. 2nd attempt at Babka but with Nutella this time. Much better!
  15. Oregano, cheddar and paprika bread. 20 mins steam at 220, 15 mins no steam at 200. Looks spot on.
  16. Inspired from last weekends Babka, I've made a cinnamon filling and going to make something akin to cinnamon rolls.
  17. Foil on top sounds like an idea, although I weary of too much faffing. Maybe at the venting stage. Maybe drop the temps and bake a bit longer too. Still, trial and improvement is the way.
  18. Looking a little bit better, although I suspect the breads are a bit tall for the oven and getting too close to the top heating element. Temps are out a bit too - measured 245c with a temp set at 220c.
  19. Clearly underbaked but the outside is quite good. The machine works just need to do with tune process with it. As an aside, using this thing, I've microwaved left over curry and baked up some frozen flat bread for dinner
  20. Not great
  21. Ok...I need to calibrate the oven. 220c, 20 mins steam and 5 mins (wanted 10 mins but the top was looking a bit too dark). Another attempt tomorrow... Oh and internal temp was 40ish measured with thermapen.
  22. Right, first test will be MB lean french bread. Poolish is started so we'll see how we go tomorrow. Will probably bake a single 1kg loaf in my perforated tin and see what happens.
  23. I've only run the clean program so far before I test drive it over the weekend. From what I understand, each function can run in sequence rather than in parallel. It certainly appears to be all 4 functions; it is definitely a microwave (no turntable), oven, grill and steamer. Manual describes using the grill and microwave in stages, or including the steam function but not the oven.
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