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Margaret Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Joe's special again. I love this plate. It depends on very brief stir fry of the greens, meat and finally egg. Am thinking of tinkering with both protein and vegetable. Like shrimp and zucchini or asparagus.
  2. Garlic has a checkered reputation depending on your taste and personal history. I've been cooking with garlic for some 50 years, segueing though powder and various presses and hand chopping. But most recently, mostly due to laziness, I have been shaving cloves as thinly as possible and adding them as large flakes to whatever I'm cooking. The result is a sweet and clean garlic flavor that has escaped me with finer crushes. A revelation and new love affair with garlic. HOWEVER, I am a fanatic in selecting garlic. Fresh, young and plump yield an almost, if possible, subtle flavor. When I find it, I stock up and use with gay abandon. When only aged heads are available, I'm careful. What's your preferences, prep, usage?
  3. I seem to remember a Cook's Illustrated technique in which you rolled out the dough and covered it with fruit, then rolled it up. Idea was that fruit was more evenly distributed than mix-in. Perhaps after it's rolled up it would be moderately easy to form into a coil then ball for second rise. Just my take...
  4. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    In the past year or so we've noticed that farmers have turned away from the wincingly sweet corn of the decade or so. Recent corn does again taste like corn.
  5. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Squid spaghetti (garlic, parsley, EVOO, splash of white wine, butter finish).
  6. That is very close. It is a 19thC French fireplace basting tool. one of its several names, a coqueron. One put chopped fat in the cup and held it in the fire until the fat melted and then wafted it over a roasting chunk of meat, melted fat dripping out the bottom hole. In the Landes department, they used ham fat for a particular flavor. In the country, we often cook in the fireplace in winter. I sought and bought this to use. But husband became so enamored of it that he refuses to use it as it was intended. So now, it's a kitchen artifact.
  7. One of my favorite finds. Husband swears he found it. Memory is a fickle companion. Actually, I was looking for one. He hadn't clue what it was, neither did the seller, hence my ability to scoop it up at a comfortable price.
  8. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    With a salute and apologies to Judy Rogers' prawns in romesco with spinach I added a thin bed of orzo
  9. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Wishing you a wonderful new year! I would say that it's sad for you to cook your own birthday dinner, but i know that you revel in creating delicious and beautiful plates, and today are enjoying exactly what you craved. Stunning meal!
  10. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    As promised, mini-meatballs 😃 as Swedish meatballs, cross-culturally paired with PA pot pie noodles And a plate of squash blossoms, green salsa, Mexican sour cream
  11. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Prawn egg foo yung. Noodles subbed for rice. Mandatory greens.
  12. You might check out OAKTOWN SPICE, named by Food and Wine as one of the best spice shops in the world. https://oaktownspiceshop.com/ Nice touch, herbs and spices are available in half-cup zip-loc bags at considerable discount from bottled stuffs.
  13. Indeed. I somewhat resemble my grandmother, but my grand-daughter is her spitting image. Genes will out even four generations down line.
  14. Our board bloodhound! Well done.
  15. Question: I realize that it depends on the variety of tomato because of differences in acid content. but can you tell us why you are choosing pressure as a method for canning tomatoes. i have for years used water bath with good results. Sauces and simple whole or quartered tomatoes, brought to a boil then jarred and bathed.
  16. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Faux minced squab. The chicken that husband pushed forward last night. Mushrooms, water chestnuts, garlic, ginger, red onion, soy and friends. A spoonful of jasmine rice on lettuce, topped with woked minced chicken, cilantro
  17. Although Zuni, both restaurant and cookbook, is my gold standard, I somehow missed this thread. I hereby apply to be adopted by @blue-dolphin. Besides feed me, she can teach me photography. Thanks for these many stunning plates.
  18. Been there and done THAT TOO! I seem to be a poster child for "do what I say, not what i do!" I have started turning on a timer ANYTIME I leave a room with a pan on a burner.
  19. Been there and done that with glass lids and pans but never a barstool! I use glass lids almost exclusively and they seem to have a propensity to suck onto frying pans. Here is an 8" grill pan I use for scallops, often pulling it from heat and adding a glass lid to keep the scallops warm. When I "glued" a lid to it, husband released the suction by cutting a slit in the pan. (He expected me to toss the pan but it still works just fine, thank you very much.)
  20. Husband picked up this chopping devise at a flea market. Neither the seller nor he had a clue what it was but husband was sure it was worth more than $10. Its use is very specific.
  21. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Suggested crab cakes or creamed chicken over baked potato or "Asian" chicken and broccoli. Husband countered with deep fried prawns and fries. Well, okay. He was right. Jumbo prawns, juicy interior followed shattering coating. Simple catsup/horseradish/lemon/Worcestershire dip. Memorable fries. Maybe chicken tomorrow... A little green on the side
  22. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Congratulations and Felicitations! Just looking at your plates, I'd put money on several decades more.
  23. I want this at any time of day. Also on my wall. Another print and frame.
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