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Margaret Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Oeufs en meurette, a ragu of bacon, mushrooms, carrot, onion, garlic, veal broth, lots of red wine. Think beef stew with poached eggs instead of beef. Place a slice of country bread in bottom of plate. Sooooo good.
  2. My "stay out of the kitchen unril you're awake" moment was pouring orange juice in my coffee instead of milk. Gross.
  3. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Wu's Special... ground pork, bok choy, egg, oyster sauce, srirachi drizzle
  4. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    More print and frame art.
  5. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    @Kim Shook Is there a process for getting on your houseguest list? I promise we will sit back and let you do everything your way. It all looks fabulous to us. I'll wash up if you're comfortable with that. Or not...
  6. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Green Goddess roasted chicken thigh
  7. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    My Greek teacher who was a child in Crete under Nazi occupation told of living off "horta" (green weeds) and snails. Yes, one eats what's there.
  8. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Then I echo your hope.
  9. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Fry up some garlic in OO. Remove and maybe use elsewhere. Toss wet kale leaves into the hot oil. Stir fry until wilted or seared or scorched, whatever floats your boat. Salt and pepper. And maybe change your mind.
  10. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Other than sneaking shards into soup, fried is the way to go.
  11. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Mmmm, have you ever had this outlier kale prepared well? Even husband who balks at anything green scarfs this.
  12. Yesterday's loaf. I make this for dinner parties and for son when I know he'll be coming by but seldom just for us. So when I found husband circling the kitchen table, chanting "Cool, cool, cool..," I relented and we cut it warm enough to melt butter. So wrong, but so delicious
  13. We always provide bread at dinners. It is kind of embarrassing how guests vie for slices to literally wipe their plates. ETA this is today's bake that husband and I cut while still warm since there are no guests tonight and as I told husband, "It's YOUR bread. Cut it while it before it's cool if you want!"
  14. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    If you get a chance, try Navarro Gewurtztraminer. It will change your mind and make you a convert.
  15. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    "Cornish" pasties. Lard/butter pastry filled with steak, potato, carrot, rutabega, onion. Veal broth gravy. Channeling Woolworth's lunch counter, Butte, Montana, 1950s. Husband says, "Close." Sweet pink grapefruit.
  16. As I suggested upthread, I think we are really overthinking this. Chicken and pork schnitzel have been mindless Tuesday night, after a couple of glasses of wine, mains. Just flour/egg/panko thin cutlets, fry stovetop in quarter inch canola oil. Flip, cook second side and serve. Pay more attention to thicker slices of pork, but process is the same. Husband likes less meat, more breading, so not a problem here.
  17. Late to this but zucchini or zucchini/ potato cakes are a favorite. Free form, yes, to maximize crispy, ragged edges. How to sell zucchini to zuke haters!
  18. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    liuz, you need to channel all of your chess thinking skills now. Think way ahead of the moment to avoid critical mess. I recall coming home after hand surgery and deciding to make bread. Both the loaf and my bandaged paw were pretty ugly.
  19. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Zucchini soup (sopa xochite) = zucchini, onion, corn kernels, green chilis, chicken broth, milk, jack cheese, parsley. Corn bread
  20. This is boggling to me. This dish is what we called "mashed, smashed chicken" while our son was young. Requested at least once a week. I don't ever remember then or now having breading fall off. And my procedure was exactly yours. A puzzlement, indeed. We never intentionally let it rest before serving, and slicing takes place on individuals' plates.
  21. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Never thought of using canned tuna. Brilliant! May copy, especially when in need of a larder dinner! Thanks. By special request, SF Mission District shrimp cocktail. Very simple and on point. Shrimp, shrimp water, catsup, Valentina (or similar hot sauce), red onion, cucumber, avocado, cilantro, lime juice to taste. House chips. Buen provecho! Husband saved all juice/sauce which I see morphing into Bloody Mary tomorrow. !
  22. In most ethnic cooking, regardless of recipe or vessel, I channel the imaginary grandma of that culture and try to emulate what she might have done. Probably use her mother's pot. Else, follow weinoo's sage advice. Just use it over and over, cleaning with clear water and leaving oily film.
  23. I only noticed this thread this morning. There is little to add to these heartfelt remembrances. David had a quiet eloquence that spoke with gentle authority and assurance. His generosity with his knowledge was limitless, as was his curiosity about others' experience.
  24. I don't remember ever making it so can't comment on the recipe, but I do remember some rather palatable salmon mousse from that era I also remember those fish molds but not ever their product unmolded intact in front of guests, so have no idea if they had green or brown eyes, or eyes at all.
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