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Margaret Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Eclectic pasta dish: bucatini, pancetta, pecorino, egg, garlic, asparagus.
  2. I had a neighbor like that once.
  3. It's an improvement over my Viking infra-red in-range broiler?
  4. for Jo, although I am sure she has abundant ideas for orgeat, I am reminded of a celebrated cocktail at famed Johnny Kan's Chinese restaurant in San Francisco. The Almond Eye, sweet and frothy, was often our dessert after a traditional meal there. A closely guarded 'secret' recipe, it was essentially a brandy Alexander made with almond liqueur. So for a reasonable facsimile...1.5 oz cognac, 1 oz orgeat, 1 oz cream Well shaken/blitzed, served in a coupe.
  5. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Brilliant! Would never have come up with this combination. Many thanks!
  6. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    A plate for me, please! Comfort food here, too. Pasta dressed with ham, tomato, cream, white wine sauce Embarrassingly approachable. Kinda Burgundy meets Middle America.
  7. Margaret Pilgrim


    We eat Fuyus rock hard, Hachiyas when they are almost liquid.
  8. I use Wolfert’s super easy recipe that takes only 2 lemons for a tight half pint. Surely you can spare 2?
  9. I have previously, and probably more than once, touted this fresh herbal green sauce. It is truly incredible. I have used parsley, chive, tarragon, savory and thyme, in varying proportions, all fabulous. Try on meats (hot or cold), fish, eggs, potatoes, cardboard, paper towels, all delicious!
  10. We live one house away from a block that is usually closed to cars on Halloween, so it is a city-wide destination for Trick or Treat. This year, covid cancelled the closure but there were hundreds of kids anyway, probably more neighborhood than usual. As usual, we turned off front lights and hunkered down in the back of the house and used back stairs. We noticed that most neighbors did the same this year. Boo humbug.
  11. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Eat you heart out, Outback!
  12. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Peppers More lion's mane mushrooms, bucatini, pecorino
  13. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    @weinoodid you ever have the ribolleta at SF's Delfina? It was super condensed, then fried as a patty. Intensely delicious but sounds like labor intensive for home cook. Yours, BTW, is gorgeous.
  14. Variety is the spice of life. Sure, we occasionally miraculously create an amazing pizza or quiche or souffle that defies description and certainly memory of how it was achieved. Were we able to consistently recreate these, I dare say they would become a bore. Or your spouse differs from mine.
  15. I vote to curtail alfalfa to feed domestic beef, but moreover the major proportion of our crop that is pelletized and shipped to Japan for Waygu beef. Water intensive crop, processing investment, shipping cost both ways....
  16. If this thread teaches us nothing else it's that pizza is a catholic concept. And certainly the diversity of our palates, from kale to green peppers.
  17. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Another blessed rainy day. A simple but warming supper of grilled padrone peppers and onion soup.
  18. I have to wonder how much time elapses between arrival and a thorough reading.
  19. Possibly in an effort to approximate the flavor elements of foie gras torchon which is "cured" with brandy or cognac.
  20. Joking aside, we bake in a wood oven in which floor heat registers 900F. I have two suggestions: dust your peel with rice flour, aka bakers' teflon. And use a hook device for immediately turning and repositioning your pizza on your aluminum sheet. Husband made such a tool by screwing a sharp cup-hook into a broom handle. Simple and brilliantly useful.
  21. I tend toward this only out of convenience in prep progress.
  22. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    SF classic, prawn Louis With house chips
  23. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    THIS is the sign of a cook. And, of course, the source of that aggravating request, "Can you make us that sauce you made two nights ago?"
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