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Margaret Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2022

    These are not difficult to make at home, but I've never needed more than a tablespoon or so of oil and never created big flames. Patience until the crepe batter sets is essential, but after that is accomplished, it goes together in under a minute. A good dish!
  2. If you have 5 minutes on the day of your event, you can bake the crust and make the filling (using Pierre Herme's recipe) the day before, then fill your shell on the day you need it, and away you go. Hermé's filling is IMHO orders of magnitude better than other citron fillings or curds. FWIW, it was one of two and the preferred recipe suggested by the second poster in this thread.
  3. The closest I've come to a RH was being sucked into one of their gigantic warehouse sales when we were traveling. We arrived a half hour before it opened and found maybe 300 people already in line. Husband dumped me at the end of the line and went to find parking. I got in before he returned and quickly found that they were selling nothing in our category of interest. Crawling out over the tops of incoming shoppers, I found husband just before he was about to enter. We figured we dodged a bullet.
  4. I see these seasonally at a nearby Chinese market. No one has been able to tell in (in English) what they are or what to do with them. Thanks for any clarification.
  5. And the backs of the seats had a clip to hold your hat, or else there was the same hooky-thing just in front of your knees on the counter base.
  6. Indeed! The only difference I subscribe to is surface texture. Admitting here that I readily reach for Maldon flake.
  7. Is this version of salted green onions of any use?
  8. Stab several times with a paring knife, then massage with butter. DH doesn't eat the skins, but I DO!
  9. @liamsaunt, I was in awe of you before, but now you are my goddess!
  10. In our and I'm sure other areas, the problem is not incentivizing but making simple fresh produce available at the often meager food shops in the neighborhood. Produce is expensive to source and sell. Often a "produce" section, if there is one at all, will have only a few old bananas and apples, potatoes and onions.
  11. I've had it often. But it's far from my favorite "gravy".
  12. Our son has repeatedly begged me to try to duplicate the meat and mushroom "gravy" he used to buy at now closed Lucca Deli in SF.. I've made a couple of tries, all good but not deli clones. This is not the same as what "nonna" made, but a readily identifiable and distinct thing on its own right. Any thoughts?
  13. Agree with and own books from Kennedy, Bayless, Lambert-Ortiz. But when I'm looking for a fast and simple recipe, I grab either Ortho or, gasp, Betty Crocker enhanced paperbacks. Basic and on target flavors without stress or time consuming shopping or prep.
  14. After watching my then-80-something MIL cut a steak off a whole ham, I have one of these in town and in the country. Dedicated meat saws. One has an elegant wooden handle, the other strictly functional.
  15. In my uneducated opinion, duration is as important as temp. Subjection to temperature extremes for short periods of time shouldn’t create problems, but long spells will probably lead to deterioration.
  16. Editing is a dying profession.
  17. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2022

    Albondigas soup. By candlelight since power was off. Fingers crossed for its return.
  18. Interesting to consider the thinking of the person who chose this gift. I've always thought that a gift should be something that the recipient would consider a splurge, regardless of how much was spent. Something the recipient would never buy for themselves. A tiny box of exquisite chocolates; a bottle of undiscovered wine or a piece of extraordinary cheese. In this instance, not mixing bowls or a case of limes.
  19. I might be that Darienne's batch is atypical since its stated salt content is within medium range for salted butters.
  20. In the infrequent times I find myself at a McDo or clone, I order a veggie burger. This long before the hyped and funded Beyonds came to be. It's simply that I prefer to source my protein decently. And since I only eat rare beef, the difference between any veggie burger and a fast food burger is negligible.
  21. Bluto. And Swee'Pea! And Wimpy goes back to Thimble Theater.
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